
addicted to love

In August, freshmen entered the campus, a dance video quickly caught fire throughout the campus forum of Beijing University - the girl's hair is like a waterfall, a white dress standing on the ground, water sleeves dancing, shuffling, dancing light like a butterfly whirling, beautiful not like a real person. Not surprisingly, the title of school flower fell on the head of the Fu kite. But soon someone broke down to post: the school flower is an ice mountain beauty, in the end who can enter her eyes? ! Everyone invariably use the word "building to draw" to build buildings. - Lou Yu, the famous man of Beijing University, he was born dazzling, handsome enough, and the prince of the top family, no matter where is the existence of all eyes. But its character is cold and dispassionate, clear of heart, and because of this, some people argue under the post: How can ice and snow rub sparks? Later, no one knows that the love of two people is destined to go to the end. However, no one expected, love less than a year, Fu Kite broke up. After many years of reunion looked at the woman calmly walked by him, like strangers, Lou Yu tried to suppress violent emotions. Until that -- "You've got the wrong person." .. The voice is piercing straight through the heart. The calm moment that the man has disguised for many years falls apart. He suddenly pushes the woman against the wall and asks in a trembling voice: "Volkite." "Are you kidding me?" - Love with the wind, Kite kite, play with you, come back to me.

Daoist7XsYDz · Urban
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39 Chs

Brother, wipe it

Fu Yuan reached out his hand, gently patted his head, and his voice was gentle: "Brother is sick, not on purpose to make Ye Zong hungry, if Ye Zong successfully brought his sister to his brother's room, then the sister will give you more food, OK?"




Yeah, always a spiritual dog, after hearing this, he immediately stood up with his tongue out, waved his little PAWS, and took the kite to stop at the door of a room.




"Woof woof! Oh, always tail wagging happy.


Determine the room, Fu kite light sigh of relief, back to the living room, in the dog basin were filled with food and water, see ye total eat a meal, before carrying their own good hot water in advance, turned to Lou Yu room to go.




She knocked twice on the door, did not hear a sound inside, no longer hesitate to reach out and open the door.


The room was dark, the curtains were drawn tight, and no light came in.


There was little room for the air to circulate, and the oppressive feeling of suffocation came over the kite, and she forced her head inside.


In addition to water in her hands, there are medicine and two people's lunch, things are a little much, Fu Kite carefully through the door through the light to go to the head of the bed.


When she put it down, she turned her head to look at the person on the bed.


The teenager slept very heavily, the whole person tightly wrapped in the quilt, only exposing a head, facing her direction, half trapped in the pillow, dark hair messy down, half covering the exquisite and good-looking eyes, the mobile phone lying on the side.


It looks a little warm and harmless, giving people a very different feeling.


Blurred vision, do not convenient, Fu Kite came to the window to open the curtain, open the window ventilation.


The fresh air flooded in and the room suddenly became bright.


Fu Kite tried to call him twice, still did not wake up, but can only give him temperature first.


Pull back the covers.


Inevitably touched his body, Fu Yin shocked to shrink his hands, good hot!


"Is the building drawing?" She pushed the boy hard, trying to wake him up: "Why are you burning so badly....."


This isn't working. They need to go to a hospital.


Regardless of the difference between men and women, she lifted the quilt, quickly went to the bathroom and twisted a wet towel on his forehead, and found a small bottle of alcohol in the medicine cabinet and rubbed it all over his body.


Keep the temperature down.


Lou Yu opened his eyes in a daze, at noon, the sun outside the window was dazzling, his eyelids just opened, and subconsciously closed.


A pair of soft little hands held his arm, he froze for a moment, but the next moment the cold thrill of alcohol on his skin brought him back.


Slightly more conscious.


Lou Yu raised his eyes, and did not speak, staring at the beautiful girl in front of him.


Burning eyes fall on their own body, Fu Kite wipe the action of alcohol a meal, seems to be aware of the tilted head.


Eyes meet, Lou Yu coughed, but heard her surprise sound in the ear: "You woke up!"


"... MHM." Lou Yu low spit out two words, as if to emphasize: "just woke up."


Just wake up.


Fu Kite looked at the time and motioned him to take out the thermometer to her.


"38.5℃, high fever."


She held the thermometer, a serious face: "Or, I accompany you to the hospital?"


Lou Yu refused: "No."


Fu Yan: "... ?"


In a serious tone, she suggested: "Go to the hospital for an injection, the fever will receded quickly."


"Just take the medicine, didn't you buy the medicine?" Lou Yu leaned his head on the bed and spoke with a nasal voice, showing obvious resistance to the proposal to go to the hospital, inexplicable like a child.


Fu Kite suddenly suspicious look at him, this person should not be afraid to go to the hospital?


Or maybe you're afraid of getting a shot?


Her little mind is written on the face, Lou Yu at a glance to know what she is thinking in the heart, he smiled silently, afraid to go to the hospital?


Of course not.


Not to mention injections.


Just want to.....


Lou Yu slowly closed his eyes, his voice lowered a few points, slowly, deliberately with a sense of grievance and poor: "Really do not need to go to the hospital, ice towels and alcohol will soon let my body temperature down."


He looked at her sideways, his voice very light very light said: "I am not comfortable, go to the hospital is a white toss, do not go, OK?"


Both sentences mentioned that they did not want to go to the hospital, so Fu Yingwu.




Looks like he's really scared.


Well, physical cooling is also very useful, but it takes a little longer, and you don't want to go.


Fu Yuan compromise nodded, handed him the cup: "Drink more hot water."


"Thank you."


Lou Yu took two drinks in the past, looking up, the eyes fell on her body without shading, the girl's skin is white, beautiful, fine light and shadow jump in her delicate side face, the whole person white to light.


Thick black hair is tied into a ball head at will, the exposed neck line is smooth and delicate, scattered with a few strands of soft broken hair, so that her cold temperament and a few more lazy casual.


Between the throat of a silk hemp itch, Lou Yu eyes slightly, raised his hand, slowly caressed the heart.


Feel your heart beating faster.


Fuyuan found a small empty spray bottle on the table and poured a small half bottle of alcohol into it.


Lou Yu was asleep just now, and she had done a good psychological construction before she dared to directly lay hands on him to paint alcohol, not to mention now that he is awake, he really did not have the courage to dare to touch him again.


Good thing I had a spray bottle, or it would have been awkward.


Fu Kite face showing a light smile, just turned around, saw Lou Yu lower his head stroked his chest, can not see the look.




"Senior, does your heart hurt?" "She asked.


Bony clear slender fingers slightly a meal, Lou Yu mouth smile froze.




"... It doesn't hurt." He gritted his teeth.




Toss for a while, Fu Kite finally remembered the two people left in the corner of the lunch, open the bag, will be inside the food one by one, a small sigh of relief: "warm, good not cool."


She looked at Lou Yu, "Senior, can millet porridge?"


Lou Yu actually have no appetite, plus drink too much water, can not eat anything at all, but in order to let Fu Kite rest assured, he nodded, pretend to have a very hungry appearance, took the porridge with dishes to eat up.


Afraid of his sick gas to Fu kite, he even only moved the whole dish of fried cabbage.


After dinner, Fu Kite consciously began to clean up the table of the mess, Lou Yu frown, block her hand, sink voice: "I come."


"I'll be fine, a couple of times, how can anyone be sick and rush to work."


Fu Kite helpless laugh, eyes inadvertently fell on his fingertips stained with a few drops of oil, should be just when the hand accidentally rubbed on.


Drew a tissue to pass, the girl warm voice: "senior, wipe it."


-- "Brother, wipe it."


Soft and ethereal girl voice emerged in the ear, Lou Yu consciousness trance, the world turned and twisted, countless memories flashed through his mind.