

The ship landed on the spaceport of Clement planet. Shi Lang and the rest came out and were greeted by an old friend, Ameris. The lady was now the defense minister for the Neomonian Empire. Shi Lang smiled and walked over to her in his casual attire. 

Ameris smiled at Shi Lang and suddenly saluted him in a crisp fashion. The young man returned the salute and said, "Minister Ameris, coming to welcome us in person, I am flattered." 

Ameris shook her head and said, "It is us, the neomonians, who should be flattered. Welcome to Clement." 

Shi Lang and Amelia exchanged a few words with her and then they introduced the people with them to Ameris. The minister showed very amiable behavior when greeting everyone. Shi Lang's parents were even shocked when the minister even slightly bowed her head to greet them. She did not do it to even the two generals.