
1 aircraft Vs 10.000 BETA

There was a lot of chatter on the communication, people left and right asking what was going on while the Valkries Squad surrounded the falling Susano II to build a defense line in case BETA decided to attack the weakened Susano II.

But the communication was absolutely in chaos, where the only thing I heard was the squadron below me asking HQ what was going on.

In no time, the situation took a darker turn. A singular transmission stood out from the rest, bearing ominous news.

<<Whisky unit casualties have now reach to 35%, and echo unit stands at 45%!>>

This is not good.. Last time the casualties were only around 10% when I assisted the Ally on the beachhead around the Whisky unit.

But because I left the shoreline alone, the casualties are steadily increasing. And the fact that the enemy number is increasing every second that it pressures all defense fronts.

If this keeps up my optional mission will fail.

<<Attention all units, be advised: a Brigade and Battalion-sized BETA force is converging on A-02!>> There was a bit of fear inside the voice like even the HQ is in disbelief at what they are hearing. <<Prepare for immediate combat!>>

The moment she said it, I could feel the tension rise by a little. Even the communication was silent when they heard this. Cih... This situation had indeed plummeted from bad to worse. If what the comms said is true then I am facing over 10.000 BETA and 5.000 more heading from the other area.

That is equal to 13.000 tanks even more! To give perspective, the number of Main Tank United States is around 5,500. Now imagine if there is a triple of that amount with every BETA eyeing us like a pack of predators eyeing their next meal.

Not to mention their anti-air laser Class and Fort Class pose a serious threat to the ground force and the Battleship.

Almost like Project Wingman but much worse in terms of numbers alone.

Or me doing 5 missions at the same time in Ace Combat. Where in any Ace Combat there would be at least 240 Units that can be destroyed.

Even for me, this situation is too much! Even if I try to reduce the number by dropping Ungided Bomb and Missle on the densest BETA, but even I would run out of ammo first before all of them get eliminated.

And I don't see a supply line to refit my ammo, or the ability to utilize ground supply crates without arms or legs that the TSF possess.

There are two choices, either assist the Echo and Whisky with air support or defend the endless horde of BETA.

I take a deep breath knowing the choice is already obvious. The battle won't last long if I decide to leave A-02 alone, so I decided to head to the battle on my own and buy Valkries as much time as possible, not before asking HQ for Permission First.

<<This is Butcher 1, asking permission to try to reduce the amount of BETA while the rest fixes the A-02!!>>

There was a bit of silence on the comms until Lieutemetn Isumi appeared on the video and answered me <<Permission granted, Give them Hell Butcher 1>>

Oh hell yeah, With a smirk on my face, I activated the thrust to full power and immediately felt my entire body rush ahead as the speed increased slowly.

100...200...500... Until it reaches 2000 KM/Hour at Max speed.

After a few minutes, I saw in the distance a Horde of BETA with Destroyer Class leading the charge first.

Destroyer Class are like Battering rams, the front is ineffective against 30mm as it can regenerate even bounce of the bullet.

But still... There was so much money flying straight to me!

With a quick Starfing run, I went above the Destroyer and began dropping numerous Ungided Bomb on the Destroyer class. And confirmed Destroying 30 Destroyer Class on the first runs as Exsplosien happens on the ground.

But this is not enough "Again!"

As I need to do another strafing run. I post-stall maneuver by turning my aircraft back to the Destroyer class and repeating the process of dropping the Bomb many times while firing the machine gun and missiles when I have the chance.

The process lasted around two minutes, and when the number of destroyers was reduced to two left I finished it with Missle when I noticed I was being locked on with the [Warning] Sign blared at me.

I looked at where I was being locked on from and saw the late calvary arrive including Grapperl Class, Laser Class, and Fort Class. With Tank Class as their main force.

Seems like the BETA Main force has arrived, and their target must be Susano II. I need to stop them a all costs.

But [Warning] Screen began to appear, so naturally, my instinct was dodging as usual. I dodged one or two of the beams from the laser class as I fired my missle on my way to the Horde of BETA.

At first, it was easy one or two, but before I knew it, there were 50 blue Lasers spewing out of the skies at the same time, which surprised me that it was impossible to dodge.

"GAHH!" A cry of agony escaped me as lasers converged from all directions, searing my aircraft.

It was extremely painful to feel the heat of the Laser scorching my plane, and my wound began to increase slowly as some of the Laser managed to punch through the durability of the aircraft and hit me. But that begs the question why would there suddenly increase in laser Class on me? Dodging one or two is fine but if it is 50 At the same time it is already impossible.

I gritted my teeth in anger to ignore the pain and locked on the enemy Laser Class and fired numerous missiles at them, one by one Laser Class was reduced but the [Damage] on my plane increased as many of them hit my aircraft.

It increases from... 25%...45%...55% until it stops when I can safely dodge again with the reduction of laser Class from me eliminate them with Missle and Unguided Bomb that is stored on my aircraft.

I relaxed a little after most of the Laser Class was killed with the rest a bit far away I was planning to kill the rest of the BETA until I received another call from HQ.

A girl with pink hair appears on the screen, it's Lt. Haruka <<Butcher 1! You just received several attacks from Laser Class, what's your status?>>

This again? <<This is Butcher 1, No damage received and can still continue the fight>>

<<DON'T LIE!>> I got spooked out when I heard it <<Several TSF on the ground can see you taking a hit of Laser Class! not to mention several clouds of smoke appearing on your plane!>>

Smoke? I turn my face to the back of the plane and indeed there are several clouds of smoke spewing out from the plane. Now Hello there.

But when I look back and look closer at my controller I begin to notice a bunch of electrical spew out from my controller, While it seems bad I can still maneuver fine without worry.

But my little friend seemed not like it <<Butcher 1 What's your status!>> I could feel the frustration inside the voice, not to mention it was a girl who was asking this.

Oh boy she seems very upset, I know it looks bad from her point of view. But it's kind of hard to tell her that I am still at full performance even after my aircraft was full of smoke. I should say half lied to at least make it believable.

<<Report... Half of my system is fried and ammo is around 29% left>>

In other words, there are only 290 Missle and 90 Unguided Bombs.

There were gasping voices can be heard and was silent for a few seconds until I received the rest response<<How long can your aircraft last?>>

I raised my hand to my chin, pondering for a moment, I checked my ammo, trying to make an estimate of its remaining duration if I were to use it all. <<...Perhaps around 2-3 hours at most.>>

Another hushed pause passed before she continued <<Butcher 1, your objective is to retreat and regroup with Valkries Squad, currently, A-02 Repair is not possible so Valkries Squad will evacuate what they can evacuate at the designation point for landing!>>

The moment she said it, I Saw the Designation point that was provided on the map with a clear route where there is less BETA on their path, and at the end of the path were the Osuma Class ships nearby that seemed to be used for my landing.

Retreat? Retreat? Well... The enemy number is still over 13.000, and I am not even mentioning the number of BETA who are currently targeting my main Objective, who are still not finished picking up 00 Units from Susano II.

With this number alone it is obvious that I am not combat effective anymore, and should just complete the objective by guarding the 00 unit.


Don't underestimate Ace Combat Veteran!! This is only the beginning!

<<Negative HQ, Butcher 1 is still at Full combat performance and will stall the enemy force as long as possible!>>

These BETA... they underestimate us for far too long. Let me show them the true power Of Ace Combat Veteran.


Lieutenant Haruka, a member of the United Nations, A former ex-Surface Pilot, and now one of the operators for the Special Taskforce of A-01.

She was given the command of Butcher 1, the Legendary aircraft from the Battle of Kyoto. Never expected to see thing day to come for her.

She heard only rumors of it from her Dad when he was a Surface Pilot. One Aircraft that flipped the battle around and saved the lives of Millions of people and thousands of soldiers from being killed, not to mention bringing victory.

Naturally, such expectations weighed heavily on her. The responsibility was daunting, but she thought it was going to be easy as she had experience in being the Operator of one the best Units in the entire eastern front.

That's what she thought... But it was worse than she thought when She was utterly helpless to stop him from a suicide run. Helplessly watching on her map, she witnessed Butcher 1 accelerate toward the BETA.

"Butcher 1! Stop it!" Lieutenant Haruka said, bringing both of her hands to her head from frustration as Butcher 1 continued the assault. She turned to the XO, her desperation evident "XO... Butcher 1-"

"It's alright," the XO interjected a look of understanding in her eyes. She had anticipated this. "We can exploit this situation as a distraction while we evacuate 00 Unit."

Admiral Ozawa regarded the unit with concern, then turned to Dr. Kouzaki. "Is this acceptable? Sacrificing the aircraft means losing the chance to acquire potential technology that could aid humanity in future conflicts."

Dr Kouzaki sighed a little then spoke "...There is nothing we can do, we already lost contact with the Orbital Divers. And now Our greatest chance to defeat the HIVE was A-02 who had already fallen to the ground." Dr Kouzaki said calmly, unfazed by what she just said.

Admiral Ozawa nodded in comprehension "Yes.. you are right XO" His gaze returned to the map, his eyes narrowing as he observed the unfolding events "Although, it's remarkable that the aircraft is still operational after enduring those laser strikes."

Both leaders concentrated on the map, fixated on the aircraft's status. Their expressions revealed a mix of awe and disbelief as they took in its impressive kill count.

"Hmm... Such an extraordinary number of BETA eliminations," Admiral Ozawa marveled at the display.

Anything that was in the path of Butcher 1 was suddenly confirmed Killed. Wave after wave of enemies—Tank Class, Grappler Class, Laser Class—were systematically eliminated at a rapid pace. And to think he stops them dead track even for a few minutes was something unexpected.

It... did leave everyone speechless at first. After all, seeing rumors and seeing them in action was a completely different thing. And the fact that Demon Lord itself manages to kill 90% of the Laser Class and Heavy Class around Whisky Unit lowers the expected casualties on the first assault around the beachhead from 30% to 8%!! And KIll all of the Laser Class and Heavy Laser Clas around A-01!!

Never in the history of war against BETA has a single TSF or aircraft managed to do that, Previous records topped out around 80%-90% at best in any given operation against the HIVE. But for all of it to be killed...

<<YOU SHALL NOT PASS!>> Butcher 1 Said as he continued the assault.

"The enemy begins to slow down!" "Enemy casualties rising!" "All surrounding Laser Class begin to divert to Butcher 1!"

"Use the chance to evacuate the 00 Unit!" Dr. Kouzaki commanded, shifting her focus to Admiral Ozawa "Admiral can you please tell the fleet to focus fire around Butcher 1?"

And when they thought that we lost, the battlefield was flipped again in their favor.

'Truly who are you?' Lt Haruka looking back at her map



Congrats!! We have reached 250 favorites in just 2 months! The last time I did this it took me a year of hard work and a learning process just to reach 500. But to think we have reached this far... I am so happy. And I still have not reached the peak of writing!

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With that said see you all next chapter byeee