

Getting home I decide to call my girls Cindy and Abi, conference style

" Hey girls, how y'all doing ?" I say

" We good boo, you ? How is the place ?" Cindy replies looking so devoted in our conversation, while Abi just waves as she types away on her pc. Girl got a deadline at work tomorrow.

" My trip was good, and I love the place, it's like very.... I don't know, homey I guess. Only thing I know is I'm just really excited" I reply seeing their faces with a hint of sadness "I miss you though" I say making a heart shaped sign with my hands

"So.... has anybody interesting talked to our girl, or should we postpone this topic for another day" Abi asks as she turns her attention from her work to the call, just to let us know she is actually present.

"Not really, met this guy on my flight here, we vibed I guess and exchanged phone numbers and nothing more. Tho...." I say remembering Nathan, as his image switches up to Jack

"Tell us more..." Cindy says while faking like she is eating popcorn, My girl's dramatic.

"Okay what happened was that I got to the apartment, which is pretty. I will send you guys some pictures. Getting on with my story so I decided to go get something to eat ,since of course I was hungry. Getting to this cute little diner, I take my order and find myself a seat. Suddenly and weirdly enough I looked at the restaurant window, and there was this guy, he looked amazing, like from head to toe. So what your dumb ass friend did without knowing mind you, she waved, I freaking waved y'all" I say as I face palm

"Say what ?" Cindy asks

"You just waved?" Abi asks confused

" Yeah and for some reason, he took it as an invitation.." I say slightly raising my voice

" Then what ?" Abi says losing all focus of her work...

"He gets in .." I laugh as I narrate

"With that dead ass serious eye contact, like I wanted to look away but it was so hard" I say, giving up on my behavior.

"He comes straight at me, and says 'Hey beautiful, I've never seen you here, I'm Jack and you are, lol at that moment my mind was lost, like seriously...." They are so attentive to the point that Abi has stopped typing.

" All your damn friend could say was 'My mamma told me not to talk to strangers" I say as they laugh

"Girl you trippin, anyways what he say ?" Abi asks

" He just asked if that was true and I kept on lying about how true it was... it ended up with him literally forcing me to take a piece of paper with his number on it. I quote his words, he was like ' if you need a guide, playmate, talk to mate, anything mate related I'm your guy' *giggles* Playmate killed it for me, I didn't come all this way to be a playmate" I say

"Com'on Lucy you know that's not what he meant, but come to think about it maybe a bit" Abi says as she laughs

"So are you gonna call him , or would you like to give me the number ?" Cindy says trying to push my buttons

" You know, I don't have time and I just met the guy, I will most likely come across as thirsty..." I say trying to be serious

"Okay, first of all girl, you thirsty, second we ain't there with you, give this guy a chance chica" Cindy replies

"You know I'm not thirsty, but because you said I should call him I will consider calling him. P.S if I die tomorrow we know who to blame" I say making her all so wide smile fade away

"I just said call him, not like completely open up to him" Cindy fires back

"I know boo im just playing"

We go on talking about nothings and memories for like 30 minutes, then cut the call when Abi got back to her senses and reminded her about all so demanding work.

I later decided to unpack my bags, luckily I didn't pack that much so this won't take much of my time.

Jaylen POV

God, I'm tired, it's been wild at work, patients running in from left right center. I get home to the guys conversing in the living room.

"Yo" I say as an awkward silence hits the room.

"What's up" I ask.

"Tell him" Jonathan says.

"Tell me what?" I say as I eye them both.

" I think I found my mate" Jack says with a slight smile.

"That's awesome dude, who is she" I say trying to fake my smile, I mean I'm happy for him, but what about me ?

"You are giving that face again, can't you be happy for me ?" Jack says as he gets up and walks away.

"I'm not making a face, Jack come back" I say trying to sound as assuring as possible.

"Jaylen you are something, cut the bull" Jonathan says as he also gets up and tries to walk away as I reach out to him.

"But who is she?I just don't get this, he doesn't even want a mate, and the Goddess gives him...." I say with a hint of venom.

"You know he's the eldest right, so it's only natural..." Jonathan says.

"Natural what, we don't have natural, WE CO LEAD THIS PACK, NATURAL ISN'T POSSIBLE FOR US!" I say slightly, raising my voice.

"Give it a rest Jaylen" Jonathan says looking equally puzzled as me while walking away.

I decide to go for a run, because of course I'm faming.... The Goddess is just wrong ! She doesn't know what's right, she just cares about him. I mean he comes first, almost always ordering us around and what am I ? the fucking last one to everything. I can't with this, I actually did everything possible to be this perfect mate for my mate. But now he finds his first ? WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK! I suddenly halt at a cliff.

" WHY NOT ME ?" I scream, feeling my frustrations wash over my body.

"WHAT WRONG DID I DO?" I keep screaming to this supposed Goddess but who am I to her, for her to respond?

"You are Jaylen, alpha and triplet brother to Jonathan and Jack" a voice replies

"Who said that ? " I ask looking around

"The moon goddess" a voice replies while I still scan the area but there is nobody

"Up here boy" the voice says

I look up to the moon and there is a wolf like form in the moon, it suddenly moves and appears on the ground as a woman

"Goddess" I say as I bow to show my respects.

"You can get up Jaylen" She says with so much grace.

"Why are you doing this to me" I say, moving some steps back.

"I have not done anything" she says

"Why did it have to be him ? I know I'm being petty but he never wanted her to show, I did." I say desperately waiting for her answer.

"Everything happens for a reason son, in it's own time, just be patient" the goddess replies

"I know but it's just not fair. I've waited for her all my life, I even turned down girls because of her" I say.

"I know son" the goddess says

"She's not so far away as you think, she actually really close"

"Where can I find her" I say raising my voice with a ray of hope forgetting that I'm speaking to the goddess

"You will find her in due time, just be patient and be happy for your brother" she replies.

"I will try" I say sincerely cause I'm really trying here.

"Now go back home and get some rest" she says with so much love.

"Ok and thank you for taking the time to see me" I say as I bow again in respect.

"I always see and hear you" she replies as she disappears into the clouds.

I run back home. Going straight to Jack's room, knocking on the door I let myself in. He's lifting some weights.

"Bro, I'm sorry for earlier, I didn't mean to be selfish." I say sincerely

"It's okay Jaylen" He says

" And sorry for budging in " I say as I walk out the room.

Going to my room I have hope, I will meet her soon as the goddess said and God I can't wait, I can't wait to be her slave, baby, master, everything she wants me to be.


We are creating memories together as you read, stay tuned, comment and vote!