
Chapter 23

Lucy POV

I wake up so well rested and content with everything. I look around to see if the guys are here but there's no sign of them. Relief fills me with a smile that suddenly creeps up as I remember last night.


I look at the others confused that they aren't sad or angry.

"It's really okay" Jaylen then speaks out to reassure me

"Okay but for it to be fair could I…" now I'm going to seem like a loose woman " kiss you guys" I say looking at Jaylen and Jonathan.

Jaylen blinks a few times before suddenly rushing to me, and crashing his lips on my lips. He practically devours my lips claiming them as his as he takes dominance of the kiss.

For a moment it's only me and him in the room. I only get back my senses when he slowly pulls away.

He whispers in my ear " thanks love, that was to die for" I blush.

Jonathan clears his voice. I look at him , not sure how I can approach him. He then suddenly starts to move in my direction, with each step my heart beats harder. When he's close, he leans down for a peck which I shyly return.

I don't know if it's the bond or my need for him, when he's about to move away I suddenly take control and kiss him deeply. Shocking him, like he didn't expect us to really kiss.

I don't know if he forgets his brother's presence. Jonathan picks me up as he kisses me and leads to the bed, with me under him.

His eyes completely black, he starts to trail downwards, almost like he's looking for some lost treasure. When he reaches his destination, he starts to tease me. I feel my body tense up in sudden attention to what Jonathan is doing.

My mind trails upwards to Jaylen playing with my breast on top of my sports bra. He looks at me seemingly asking for permission to attack them. I nod, making him rip my sports bra apart.

My attention leaves him and trails off to Jonathan who's now playing with my pussy after taking off my shorts and underwear.

"Babe you are so wet" he says looking so lustful. He leans and starts attacking my cilt with his tongue.

The sensation I feel is overwhelming. He stops for a while and exchanges with Jack. Jack slips two fingers and assaults my cilt, which renders me useless. I release and slip into darkness.


I'm brought back by a knock on the "Lucy can I come in ?" Cindy says at the back of the door.

"Come in"

She opens the door " wow, damn girl you slept in here, this room is huge!" i just smile shyly

She sits on the edge of the bed " so are you going to get up, or are we staying in bed?" she asks, with a creepy grin pulling the covers off my body.

I get up from bed " I was actually on my way to the bathroom when you knocked" I say stomping towards the bathroom. I stop in my tracks and turn to look at her " Are the guys still here ?"

"Zack and Dean are still here or were you asking about your dudes?" she asks playfully, throwing a pillow to my face, which I catch with ease.

I smile, throwing the pillow back " you know who am asking about" reaching the bathroom and starting my morning routine.

" Zack told me they went for a run, but I guess they will be back soon" She says " So…. did you get some?" I choke on the toothpaste. "What ?"

I peek through the bathroom door " what do you mean ?"

"I said did you get some?, I did for the record" she says with a smile and her eyebrows dancing up and down.

I look back at the mirror " I didn't exactly get some, but i got something"

She rushes to my side "what, from all three? How was it ?" she says with so much excitement

"It's not what you think, they just pleasured me a bit" I say heading out the bathroom to put on some clothes

"Damn i wish Zack had a twin, the more the merrier"

I shake my head "you're weird"

"I'm your weirdo"


Getting to the kitchen, Jaylen and Jonathan are top less and looking all yummy. Munching on some bacon and eggs. While Jack looks ready to go for work.

"Good morning sweetheart" they all say, which freaks me out a bit. I don't know how I'm going to get used to this.

"Good morning" i say with a smile

"Sleep well ?" Jonathan asks, making me blush like a freak.

My eyes switch back and forth from him to the floor " Yeah.. and you?"

Suddenly he's in front of me. He picks up my chin for me to look at him "I slept like a baby" He says, then gives me a peck and leaves me there in shock.

Jaylen with his sweet natures comes to me as well " you look so beautiful" he says and gives me a peck as well.

"Babe today's our night out, so be ready by 19.30 and wear something casual," Jack says, winking in my direction as he heads out to work. My legs suddenly rush to him out front "miss me already?" he asks with a smirk on his face.

I smile shyly " see you later" I say. I linger there for a while too long, then he gets why I'm outside and gives me a peck before he gets in his car and drives off.