
Thank This Girl

Irene rushed to the other side of the road, hastily but carefully making her way from moving vehicles. As she reached near the woman lying unconscious on the footpath, she knelt near her. 

"Ma'am? Ma'am?" Irene patted the woman's cheek but she did not respond. 

She opened the water bottle that she had brought with herself along with her handbag and splashed some water on the woman's face but that could not bring her back to consciousness either. 

'Shit. What do I do?' She inwardly thought, looking around at the people walking by their side. Some of them stopped for a fraction of a moment to stare at them but walked past them. None of them stopped by to help.

Hurriedly rising on her feet, she inched closer to the street, waving her hand to stop a taxi. To her luck, she was able to stop one within a minute.