
Accension after reincarmation towards peak of godhood fanfic(reposted)

i reposted this and also im the original author of this. also i dont own any characters or anything other than the ones i invented and the things i invented, unless someone already invented it before i did that is.

Dark_Magma · Anime und Comics
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47 Chs

Chapter 5 The time for the deed has finally arrive(+18)

It was finally time for them to do the deed and that would be what would seal their union as one and prove to those pitiful virgin readers who would probably even masturbate on a scene without image cuz they have remained as so for their at least 25 years since birth or the fact that they are not true hardcore virgins who could not care less about women as they look at their virginity as the most precious treasure the same way the true woman who are not bitches or sluts would keep their virginity for their lover and husband unless they were rapped or something. Hmm whatever it became serious way too fast and the moment that fans of atg always wait for arrived, the moment an mc who knows that harem members would need the D sometimes would do it with their harem members.

Anyway, after they kept staring at each other, they approached each other and kissed each other tenderly for a while before seperating and looking at each others' eyes and redid it but this time with more passion as their tongues battled for supremacy over the other. After a while, they finally seperated and qingyue went to the bed after having removed her clothes and told him in a seductive voice

"I have been wanting and waiting for this moment since years and now it is finally here so show me what you got handsome."

"Hehehe of course honey, i will give you what you deserve for your patience."

Having said this mc was about to go to her but a cold gust of energy appeared in the room and in between the two.A cold beaty appeared and she looked at yun che with a look that screamed i am about to murder you and your whole family and said coldly :"Boy before i lose myself leave and do not ever come near my disciple or else i will definitely kill you!"

{ a/n : you thought is was an 18+ scene, but it was me DREAM BREAKER. Suck on that horny bastards. i somehow feel satisfied doing this lol.}

Before qingyue could do anything, mc already told her through telepathy to not do anything and to wait for some time and talk to her meanwhile he would go out for a bit and come back to make her his. He did not say anything and put a frightened face before hastily going out and went to search for jasmine and those grass. He also told qingyue and linxi that they should not show their profound strength right now as it would bring too much troubles. Make no, mistakes as no matter how many ants come at them, even one of them could go against all the profound practitioners of blue pole star at the profound sovereign strength, no matter the rank, assembled in a whole army alone just because of their sharingan. Just using susanoo and staying in place for a whole month would allow them to tank any attack said whole army through at them.

The only reason why yun che wanted to show their increasing powers little by little was so that the whole sacred lands and other pesky greedy bastards do not make the public against them or something like that just so that they could get the method or treasure which 'allowed' the three of them to reach such a high level for their age. He also wanted people to not fear the girls and to treat them with respect as he did not want them to grow too arrogant as even if they know that in the realm of gods, they cannot be considered geniuses, here they will be considered so and that will make them more difficult to manage as they will get the mentality that as long as it is not him then others are just trash. He is not foolish enough to not think power cannot change people, especially not the mind of young girls like them and that is why he often led them in his inner world to fight seriously and show them that they have someone superior somewhere always.

Chu yuelli turned to look after her 'disciple' who looked at her coldly and she could tell that it was different from the usual indifferent self she looked at which was her disciple as right now there was some trace of anger and slight hate, even though not so much but definitely some which surprised her as her disciple never looked at her like so, but she decided to put it at the back of her mind as there was far more important things to be discused as the fact that her disciple was about to do something forbidden could not be overlooked.

"Why were you about to do this? Dont you know that it is forbidden to do such a thing? Also, how come you could show such emotions when you were supposed to have cultivated our heart arts to allow you to practice our profound arts?"

"Master this is what i wanted, want and will want from the bottom of my heart whether past, present or future as my love for him was too great since childhood and nothing will ever change that. At least not cultivating some arts for some years. I also know this is forbidden but who cares because i decide what is forbidden as i decide my fate and not the frozen cloud asgard. The reason why i could show such expression is as i already said. i love him and no techniques will change that and if i cannot have him then I WOULD RATHER DIE THAN LIVE AND MOVE ON!"

Chu yuelli did not know what to do now and could only stare blankly at the sudden transformation of her disciple and tried to make her see reason as if she tried to continue then asgard would definitely try to kill either her husband or both of them to which her disciple simply laughed.

At that time and after all this talking, she understood her disciple wouldnt budge she could only redirect her anger elsewhere as she did not want to hurt her disciple.


Thinking so, she released her killing intent but hid it from others and went out to look for mc, and qingyue noticed the killing intent being near her master and also having spent years with her made it more easily noticeable so with the speed of her cultivation restriction she hurriedly went to stop her master not to stop her from killing him but from stopping her husband from killing her master.