
Accension after reincarmation towards peak of godhood fanfic(reposted)

i reposted this and also im the original author of this. also i dont own any characters or anything other than the ones i invented and the things i invented, unless someone already invented it before i did that is.

Dark_Magma · Anime und Comics
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47 Chs

Chapter 20 Kindness is for the fools

The next few days, mc just sometimes talked to Jasmine or cooked her something to eat while mostly listening to her complaining about his laxk of seriousness about her body which was true. But he would always shit her up either by giving her food or simply saying things like.

"Are you really that eager to offer me your body? Wait after we get to know each other first would you, i wanna make sure our relationship is solid before taking the step to marriage."

Being the tsundere she was, she would blush hard and show some fake anger before going all 'Pervert! Lolicon!' accusing mode with other words and go back to the pearl while thinking whether he really wanted her.

Mc didnt need to have any mind reading abilities to know what she thought as he only needed to see a tsundere blush and 'get' angry at someone to know that they definitely liked you and liked what you did or agreed with you.

She was also annoyed to see him trying to flirt with that 'Lan Xuero' who didnt seem to mind and once muttered something about men only thinking with their little brothers. Mc sidnt care about that though. Another interesting event which was not that interesting and surprising was the news of the pest of 'Lan Xuero' becoming some gay slut for other...well hmmm homosexual men would be a better and more polite and formal word.

Some daring guys and his family asked him why the sudden change of interest and his state of depression while he only always became gloomier and said that he was done chasing after Lan Xuero and decided that since he couldnt get her, he would simply never get another woman and turn to the other side which is the not so straight road.

When he explained to jasmine what he did, she got extremely scared as he basically could easily ruin the life of someone or manipulate their memories in such a way that he could rule even divine realms or regions given enough time to get stronger. She was relieved that she was strong enough to resist his illusions, especially since her soul was so strong that his abilities would be as if some breeze just grazed her.

Mc was returning after having spared with his usual 'stronger' than him oponent. He was discussing with Lan Xuero as yuanba already went to his quarters to rest.

"Junior brother Che, do you want to go to the capital of blue wind empire with me? I have a place which is similar to here which is under the empire but gives more resources and accepts stronger students and more geniuses are gathered there."

He was quite... not surprised by this as he expected her to invite him earlier. Still he accepted and they decided to go later tomorrow morning. He also told her that he wanted to go to the thousand beast mountain range to get something there.

She wanted to ask him what it was but he only said it was personal and that she would see later.

Having been with mc for a while her loyalty moved steadily towards the positive fast and adding the fact that she fell for 'scum' che and he was more handsome than him, it was only natural that she would trust him.

In fact she was even more loyal to him than the empire being at 53% which was good as he could basically already be considered the next ruler of the blue wind empire. It also meant that if she were to choose between Yun Che, the emperor and the empire then she would choose Yun Che in the end for sure, while she would hesitate to choose the emperor if Yun Che could not be choosen while she would definitely choose the empire last. In the novel it was further proven that her father for her was more important than the empire most of the time.

If that wasnt the case then she would be more occupied about who to choose to marry from between the xiao sect or burning whatever sect. But instead she showed more interest in making her father proud or her father's health than showing interest in the empire itself and this further made Yun Che and author like her personality more.

Anyway, after this, in the morning they set off to the mountain range without telling anyone on the bird which she summoned.

Adter arriving, they walked for a while before they encountered some bandits which tried to attack them. Mc about to kill them as they pleaded for mercy stopped as the little princess decided that it was better to let them alive. Knowing that it was bullcrap that they would never repent decided to let them go as she suggested and let her see how wrong her vision of the world was.

They didnt disappoint him as when they passed by him, they suddenly went for Xuero and made her a hostage which stupefied her. The three fools started to laugh and mock them.

"Hahahah did u guys hear that, we have to repent for our wrong doings. Hahahaahaha!!!!"

"Yeah right we need to... as if!!! we now have your girl boy so if you dont want anything to happen to her right now then dont struggle and give us everything u have. After that go away in that direction and after we sure we safe, we will let her go."

"What, i wanted to have some fun with her. Common lets keep her to play a bit and then let her go maybe. Depends on our mood and all HAHAHAHAHAA!!!!"

Hearing what they said, she couldnt help but be furious right now as she gave them mercy but those scum still decided to not change and even showed how they would never do so. She started to regret now.

"Do you see now what kindness rewards you. I dont say you need to be cruel everytime but simply be cruel to your enemies as they will not give you mercy."

"Hey fool didnt you hea...r huh why cant i feel my hands and also what was that red blurr right now?"

Saying so they all looked down to see red knives near each ones, their hands on the ground while after a while the knives disappeared like a lie. They then started to scream while agitating their hands everywhere while they sprayed blood everywhere including the face of Xuero who got bloody everywhere, even her hair and dress wasnt speared.

"Dont faint! Go and give them back their karma. "

He catched her and said so. He then created a knife so that she could behead them but she trembled on the spot and looked at them dieing of bloodloss with a horrified expression. Mc knowing that it was cruel to force her to change in such a way decided to simply grit his teeth and continue to force her to act.

"Imagine it. Imagine what would have happened if i was as naive as you and decided to trust their word. I would go away and they would surely rape you...They would never let you go and who knows they might even have other friends who would want to 'play' with you."

Pausing for a bit he could see her expression was changing and decided to give her the final push to the dark sid ahem *cough* *cough* he meant the final push to elininate that overly kind side of her.

"Imagine it, these guys would seperate you from your friends and relatives. Imagine it, a future where you would be layed till death while pleading for mercy or death or screaming for those you know for help which would only excite them more and make you suffer more. Just inagine it, a future away from your father, a future away from your family and above all a future away...FROM ME!!!"

At this moment, something snapped in her and her gaze towards those three scums turned chillingly cold to a point some would believe she would almost obtain the ability to freeze with her gaze. Without a word she approached them and ignored their beggings and slit their throats while looking at their eyes.

She then wanted to run to him but saw her bloody self and hands and wanted to puke and cry when she realized she killed for the first time and felt disgusted towards herself. Wanting to run she turned but couldnt move anymore as warm hands hugged her waist from behind and that warmth also calmed her.

"Foolish girl why are you trying to run away? Dont forget this but thank them for showing you how you need to not show kindness to those who wish to bring you pain and suffering, especially for their own benefits. Thank them for showing you that you should not trust others easily the first time you met them. But above all, thank them for making you realize the cruelty of this world and know how being kind to everyone instead of only your relatives would be foolish in this dog eat dog world. Do not be disgusted with yourself as you did nothing wrong but they did so be disgusted by them. And know that no matter how many you kill, innocent or not, i will always follow you as long as you dont kill people precious to us and i will always welcome you to my side whether you need help and support or not."

The more he spoke, the more she melted in his warm hug and felt warmer in his strong arms. Her loyalty increased like crazy as if on adrenaline and went straight to 90% but mc didnt look at it and concentrated on her as he knew he had time for checking later.

Right now, he needed to make her more inclined to his side as it was the time to strike and get a loyal waifu!

Was what be did low? Yes! It was extremely low! To force her to kill and comfort her was indeed low. He had basically broken her and then repaired her while modifying her to suit his needs. A certain cyclops residing in konoha somehow felt proud as if he had another companion somewhere in the world.

Was what he did necessary? No! He could had definitely killed them himself and then maybe she would had forgiven him after some time and maybe simply continue to love him but that would increase her loyalty at a low speed.

He did not want to wait so much and seeing an opportunity he decided to use it to his advantage. He looked at her for a while and decided to finish her transformation completely. He slowly turned her head towards him and spoke.

"You were so beautiful when you looked at them coldly, when you slashed their necks and looked straight at them in the eyes with a cold look in the eye and the small smile i noticed. You looked so sexy and hot i wanted you for myself more and more. Especially when you decided to end them decisively after hearing that WE would had been seperated. At that time i knew that we were meant for each other and you felt like so too. I love you and always will honey. I liked that dark side you showed and want you to show me how crazy for me you are. I want you to show me how much you want to protect our family for us so much you could even burn the world."

The more he talked the more he smiled and that smile turned crazier by the second, it became twisted and full of obsession but somehow one could distinguish that there was also pure love in it. They both did not notice this as mc was somehow absorbed in the girl in front of him while the girl herself thought it was a handsome and warm smile as for her everything he showed was beautiful at this point as her loyalty already arrived at 90% and kept increasing.

Listening to him, she just wanted him to love her more and make him proud and live for him. Her heart sank into a deep darkness that was just been born... A dark and obsessive love. A love which is suppossedly so pure it would bring joy to angels and yet so tainted that it would make devils proud of such a girl as there was love for her soulmate but also malice and pure hatred for her enemies who want to seperate them...

In other words, a yandere, that is what she became today. This is what happens when a pure girl full of kindness falls so hard for someone, that she never wants to seperate from him and wants to make him happy.

Slowly while he was giving his 'commands' to set her on the good dark yandere path, he brought his head closer to hers and stole her lips. The kiss was only tender and pure for a while before it became full of fiery passion that would put a volcano to shame.

Meanwhile jasmine who had gotten out of the pearl knew that something was definitely changing in mc. The smile and speech he showed was more than enough. It wasnt only a declaration of love for her but it was also some sort of twistedness forming in him. He clearly showed reluctance towards showing cang yur the realoty of the world earlier but then, it somehow changed slowly through the event. She simply shaked her head and went back to the pearl to later talk to him. She didnt want him to deviate from the right path.

After a while, they ended the kiss and sat on the corpse of one of the fools without a care as if it was some chair or something to sit on. They took a while to breath but suddenly a white light covered her and her eyes changed to a one tomoe sharingan.

She didnt care and simply asked him.

"Dont you really feel uncomfortable with all this blood on me?"

"No way! I feel you are sexier that way. But still if you want we can look for a water source and clean you up."

He suddenly started to remember the yanderes he used to see in animes...ones such as albedo or yuno. He wasnt so sure about esdeath but he did like how she was ready to turture her enemies and her cruelty towards them. Mc was simply a man of culture as he knew that yanderes could be maintained as long as you knew how to do so.

He also knew the moment that cang yue's loyalty was increasing so fast that she had potentiel to be a yandere with the right settings for her transformation.

'Hmmm... Maybe later i should create a book about how to create your ideal wife by manipulation? Or maybe not as this will be a disaster for women if such a book existed.'

Thinking so, he simply took her in princess carry and floated in the air to look for a lake or river. There was no need to hide it anymore as she was loyal to him only now and her yandere side itself made it so that if her father himself opposed their relationship, then she would kill him herself. He felt happy not knowing and noticing how he somehow started to change since some time ago and he just showed it.

2612 words. aprry for the delay guys, i wanted to make cang yue in the harem as fast as possible and at the same time make sure she wasnt kind any more to her enemies. i remember that there was supposed to be a time where she became cruel to her enemies to the point she killed either her own family or maybe her advisors or something.

anyway i like yanderes and somehow saw that it fitted her, so to make her seem loyal i made her want to indulge in it more while showing only mc will accept her.

Dark_Magmacreators' thoughts