
Accension after reincarmation towards peak of godhood fanfic(reposted)

i reposted this and also im the original author of this. also i dont own any characters or anything other than the ones i invented and the things i invented, unless someone already invented it before i did that is.

Dark_Magma · Anime und Comics
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47 Chs

Chapter 2 The beginning of my legend!

TS age 12 years old

In the xiao manor(dont know whether it is a manor or not i forgot), a boy was currently reading a book to two little girls who, strangely enough for their ages, looked at the boy with only...love? and also a bit of admiration. This boy of course is yun che and he is reading about the profound veins in a medical book.

After that, they went to relax in his room on his bed(perverts!!! they are still twelve!!). While the girls are sleeping peacefully the boy looks up in the air as if he was thinking but he was not, he was simply looking at his interfaces.


name :yun che

alias :xiao che

current world : Against the Gods

power level :Sky profound realm peak

bloodlines :yun clan,uchiha,senju

powers :sharingan(three tomoe)(???), hashirama regeneration(cuz of madara's body), absolute mind protection



xia qingyue 99%

xiao lingxi 99%


list of worlds





-Tokyo Ghoul




'It seems like everything is comming along quite well, qingyue will also have to go to the Frozen Cloud Asgard at any moment now. And i dont want that to happen as qingyue will not be able to have the mental protection i have and will be affected by this shitty ripoff lf a technique.'

The time for her departure was coming and he still did not know how to make her 100% loyal.

'Maybe i should play the ,'i wholly trust you so i will tell u a secret' card so tbat hopefully it works'

"Yue'er, Xi'er i want to tell u something. Wake up quickly."

A little later they are all waked up and are waiting for mc to talk which he does

"Girls, i have not been completely honest with you but now i can be completwly honest with u as i trust u completely now, i actually can cultivate and have never had crippled profound veins." After saying so, he unleashes a bit of his cultivation bit not all just at the same level as lingxi shocking the girls yet again. At first they thought that he was gonna say sonetging terrible likr he did not love them and then they got confused and then curious to finally shocking and extremely shocked.

Lingxi was first to recover and at first she was extremely happy for him but after a bit she became mad at how he lied and began to berate him "Hmph Brother why did u lie to us all and also how did u hide ur strength like that?"

"That is a special power of my profound veins which allows me to modify how others perceive not only my cultivation but also my body and even allpws me to as u saw make me seem as if i was a cripple. As to why i did not say anything and why i basically did this, well it was because i wanted to shock every one the after our marriages i mean imagine it, those bastard who mocked me will get the surprise of their lives and i will also make them pay for every bullying they made."

Qingyue then asked a question which plagued her mind after having blushed "Then what is ur current cultivation rank right now?"

Mc after smilling smuggly :"Hehehe, tgis future husband of yours is a a genious as he has a cultivation of peak sky profound realm with all profound entrances unlocked." After which be started tp fly in the room.

After that they chatted for a while and suddenly the three of tbrm were envelopped in a thin transparent white light while the eyes of the girls changed to a sharingan with one tomoe and their profound veins not only evolved to be the same as mc but also bad their profound entrances opened. Meanwhile mc sensed a change in his heart and felt as if the wlrld became clearer while at the same time felt as if be was connected to a world in his profound veins which lingxi felt the same thing.

After that mc explained that maybe subcinciously they still did not trust him fully, which they confirmed as they knew he was hidding something from them and made tbem feel unsure if why he did not trust them, bit now that they did they all shared the same powers and that they could access the world in mc's body as they were now 'connected'. He alsp explained them the things they gained and also told them how tbey should hide their powers and make their profound entrance seem the same way. Finally he also made them promise to not inform anyone about everything.

A week later qingyur informed them through telepathy that she had been selected by a frozen dairy to become a disciple of some sect and that if she joined then she would not be able to marry. She also said that she will negociate to make them allow her to marry him and he agreed while telling her about how she should 'breakthrough' each stage making it similar to cannon.

TS to 1 year before marriage

Today is the day that yun che finally will meet mu bingyun and he was happy about finally being able to let off some steam and stop hidding his cultivation. From the day that qingyue told them about asgard she had stipped coming as she now had to 'focus on breaking through and had to 'stop' having contact with others which at first annoyed them greatly but then they became accustumed with it as they could communicate telepathically. She can also marry yun che now but cannot have sex with him, well if they really did try to stop her then she would just go after them and drstroy the sect as after having 100% loyalty to yun che she only trusts him and will only live for him. She, unfortunately or maybe fortunately, doesnt care that much now about her mother, well if she can save her mother she will but if not then that is it.

The real cultivation of qingyue and lingxi are now at the emperor profound realm while yun che's is at the eight level of the profound sovereign realm.

(told you guys he will be op so dont bitch here alright fuk off if u dont like. at least i waited a bit and did timeskips i mean i read novels where there was a dud who was a baby sayan and already had powers in the millions!!!! i mean dude the guy was less than three years and he could be considered an elite in the universe already!!!! so if u find him too op for his age then remember jasmine cuz she aint some hundreds year old woman and she already divine master so it is logically possible meaning here he is truly op but in the divine realm...CANNON FODDER!!!!!)

The three habe already awakened their mangekyo and even the girls now could be considered as undefeatable except if confronted by yun che in the blue pole star.

Anyway, yun che went to the mountain as usual to collect his medicinal ingredients when he suddenly looked up. Walking in the sky were two beautiful women, well a woman and a cute girl.(i think xiao lan was younger than yun che and if she wasnt, now she is)

Said woman suddenly stopped and look directly in his eyes wondering whether he could truly see them or was simply looking at the sky as he was a 'cripple'. The little girl also noticed the 'cripple' but just ignored him as well he was just a cripple and her master would not keep looking intensively at such a man so she curiously decided to ask "Master is something wrong, did u perhaps discover something or a treasure here."

The woman stayed silent then suddenly said "This crippled man can see us"

little girl"Impossible! he is like u said a cripple so how could he do so?"

meanwhile yun che decided to go and greet them seeing that they were not coming.Seeing the 'cripple' walking in the sky the two became wide eyed and suddenly went on guard as he clearly was coming for them.

"Greetings beautiful ladies, my name is yun che, would u grace me of your names."

woman :"My name is mu bingyun and this is my disciple mu xiaolan. Now can u plz satisfynour curiousity about why u came to us and how u can fly when being a cripple"

mc smiled slightly and replied :" I went to u simply because i wanted to see ur beautiful faces up close and also about how i can float, well that is simply because i can hide my cultivation." Saying so, mc showed his true cultivation again surprising them both.

"Interesting is it perhaps a profound treasure?"

"No it is simply an ability of my profound veins which allows me to hide my cultivation and body special abilities"

And it was true as he was able to make sure to use the sharingan no matter its forms without having to 'change' his eyes forms, in other words he can activate his sharingan whilst also making sure that his eyes do not change form and looks normal.

"Now i wonder why a poisoned lady would be here amd the poison on ur body is really potent and has been immersed deep in ur body"

Again they were surprised and yun che wandered if they were not tired of it by now but before he could continue his thoughts a young voice brought him out of his thoughts

"How do u know of master's poison?"

"Simple cutie, that is because i am a saint medecal master and i cam see through ur masters body, well not her cultivation which should be peak sovereign or even half step profound god but i can still see it clearly that she is poisonned and i can cure her."

Before the little girl could berate him andoffer him the beating of his life, her master spoke "Can u really? If u can then i would owe u one favor"

"Hmm ok then come here and give me ur hand i will cure u and i hope tbat this matter doesnt go through other's ears."

"alright i promise" Having said so, bingyun approached him while giving him her hand and after a quick use of the poison pearl, she was instantly cured which surprised her ut not for long before she uttered "Sky poisson pearl" and again her little disciple became surprised and began to mumble things which was promply ignored by the two others.

"So what is this favor that u need right now?"

"Well i want to follow u."

"Follow me?"

"Yes it will be in two steps first i want u to come and then say that u r a medical saint and that u want to pass ur skills to me and that it will take one year and then later i will contact u and meed u to go with me to a place known as 'realm of gods' to search for one of my wives mother"

"It is alright for the first one and about the second u dont need to worry as i come from there so i will take u there."

"Great then for now our one year time will be spent there and i will also need u to go and tell my family right now."

"Alright, lets go."

After that they went to ziao clan with bingyun carrying our mc in her arms and told the made up story while mc was telling his two wives about the truth of how he met them and got acquainted to them and how be will go to the realm of gods earlier.

Qingyue was happy and wanted to search for her mother right now but he told her that they needed to be stronger as they were only ants for the gods and that they would need to be more serious in cultivation but that they would become serious after their marriage as they needed to relax while they can as they could be considered as geniouses for their age for now even amongst the lower realms and that satisfied her for now.

And so our mc went to the realm of gods

"So u r saying this mortal who even if he could be considered beyond average to be at that profound level coming from a backwater planet meaning that he is definitely a genius at cultivation speed if he was in a much much more resourceful place showed he could even fool u a divine sovereign and make it appear as if he was a 'cripple' and thensaw ur condition about being poisoned and healed u with the sky poison pearl and asked to follow u with some favor from the bealing right."

Meanwhile Mu bingyun simply looked at her sister, who is the realm king of the middle ranked Snow Song realm, and nodded while saying "It is the absolute truth sister and he will be spending a year with us before going back to his planet for some years. It is as simple as that."

Meanwhile, the one they were talking about looked like he was meditating or contemplating about something...THEY COULDNT BE MORE WRONG!

*So che'er, how is the realm of gods, is it nice and how is the place u r currently at, it is called the snow song realm and is where our ancestor and fiunder mu bingyun who is still alive lives right?*

*Yea yue'er, it is a nice place tho cbilly but if my cultivation rose or i cultivated either a body technique or an ice art i would nit be bothered by it that much.*

*Then why dont u cultivate the profound art of the frozen asgard or simply ask those women the favor of letting u, little che?*

*Well i dont wanna make it seem as if i am taking advantage of them*

*HMPH, yea right as if we will believe u, u just wanna get more wives dont u, ur power to share with ur wives is basically a give away and we r sure u will keep using this as an excuse. We know u well enough to be able to predict this outcome.* they both 'said' at the same time.

Having been seen through so easily, mc just decided to admit it and say that they r really beautiful and all, so he couldnt resist.

Unfortunately, the mc had to excuse himself to his girls as the women were both approaching him with said realm king looking at him coldly as if she was interrogating one of her numerous suspects or better said captives and would kill him should he keep informations or lie.

"So then i assume that u will live with us from now on for a year before going back for some years and come back here, right?"

"That is right realm king."

"Good then this realm king will thank u for what u have done for this king's sister and repay u with some favors should u need it."

"This humble one thanks the realm king for her benevolence."

"Alright since i cannot have u going around alone, then u will be arranged as a doctor for tbhe realm temporarily and u can do whatever u want as long as it is not over ur limits."

"Thank u"

And that is how tbe mc spent his time in the snow song realm, by either furthering his medicinal knowledge by helping disciples or by eating and enjoying life. Needless to say that he became famous in the divine phoenix sect as his knowledge and expertise was considered otherworldly and he of course made them pay for it. He wondered how the said medicinal 'saint' of blue wind would react if he showed him that 'rare' plant that is used to treat the parasite or if he could use his stock of emperor awakening lotus as a bargain for the frozen fairies, after all u never had enough wives did u?

now was the time for him to go back and he was looking at his status


name :yun che

alias :xiao che

current world : Against the Gods

power level :Profound sovereign realm level 9

bloodlines :yun clan,uchiha,senju

powers :sharingan(mangyeko sharingan)(???), hashirama regeneration(cuz of madara's body), absolute mind protection, ancient language understanding, medical knowledge(forgot the name),nine profound exquisite body, heart of snow glazed glass.



xia qingyue 100%

xiao lingxi 100%

mu xiaolan 67%

mu bingyum 86%

mu xuanyin 74%

chi wuyao 69%

??? 43%


list of worlds





-Tokyo Ghoul




Thats right, the mc only advanced in one level but he didnt care as he wasnt that much interested or even invested in cultivation. He focused on his medical knowledge and having a better relationship with those three to keep a better loyalty for them, even if he went away for a while, the loyalty would not decrease by much.

There was something annoying him tho and it was this name of the unknown lady who appeared in his companion list and which kept growing each day steadily and sometimes it would take weeks. He unfortunately could not identify the girl as she never seem to introduce herself or maybe he needed to recognize her or maybe he did not know she was the one who introduced herself as there were just too many beauties after him nowadays trying to get a relationship with him. Either way he did not care as much for her as for the three others.

For qingyue and lingxi they were showing the same things they showed in cannon while their real cultivation has already arrived in the sovereign realm with quingyue being the highest at the 4th level and lingxi being at the 1st and almost about to breakthrough at the second level. If they used everything in a battle then only someone at the divine origin realm could toy with them while everything under or someone who entered the divine origin realm not by cultivation but by using treasures would bite the dust.

"Are u ready to go back now yun che?"

"yea i am, thank u for ur hospitality realm king amd we will see each other a few years later."

"Indeed we will little darling."

That was mu xuanyin's other 'personality' or rather chi wuyao who was controlling mu xuanyin to say goodbye to our mc. Mc decided not to interfere with her for now and let her think she is in control after all, he was not wven of the divine origin realm so doing something as telling her her other personality is just a piexe of the soul of a 'dark' practioner or 'demon' for short will not only bring about suspicions on him but will also sour his hard work for their loyalties which he did not want. Besides he knew that chi wuyao would not hurt xuanyin for now so it was okay to let her keep playing and besides he also knew that if ever he were to have sex with mu xuanyin, then she too would feel the same sensations as mu xuanyin and that might also increase her loyalty to 100% without having to do anything. Buying two for the price of one like they said, what a good bargain indeed.

"Well then lets go then"

After having arrived and having mu bingyun carry him like before in a way akin to a man carrying his bride, well except the additional blush this time, they came back to xiao manor and she shortly left after. Shortly after telling everyone, except qingyue who was at the asgard, yun che and lingxi excused themselves. After enrering his room, lingxi went straight to her bed as she was mentally exhausted as even if she has great cultivation it is still hard for her to lie to her father as she is just not used to either lieing or hidding her emotions from him.

Discussing aloud and simultaneously by telepathy to qingyue, they then cuddled together to relax.

One month later, we could see yun che preparing himself while putting up his marriage clothing(idk how to call that) which was mainly of red. Our mc had only one thought right now as he was engulfed by his exitement

'It will finally start and i am all prepared. This is...the beginning of my legend!'

Srry guys i noticed that i had missed chi wuyao so i added her in the last status page...maybe i should add a chapter in auxiliary about the status lol

Dark_Magmacreators' thoughts