
Accension after reincarmation towards peak of godhood fanfic(reposted)

i reposted this and also im the original author of this. also i dont own any characters or anything other than the ones i invented and the things i invented, unless someone already invented it before i did that is.

Dark_Magma · Anime und Comics
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47 Chs

Chapter 11 Flashback

While walking, mc couldnt help but think about when he got his MS. He obviously got tsukuyomi but lets just say that when he got knowledge of the second eye ability, he instantly became super happy.


After two weeks after returning from the snow song realm, mc was eating breakfast right now and thought about the one thing that he had decided to put for later...His second mangyeko ability. While he easily got to know of the first one, he still didnt know the second.

'Hmmm, what am i missing i mean it is obviously some original ability that didnt appear in the series as i would had known it by now.'

Getting bored he decided to scroll down the list of worlds to travel and had to admit he wanted to go visit other worlds but couldnt right now as he wanted to wait until he mot only got his harem but also got powerful enough to be able to trample at least anyone.

'Aaaahhh i so want to go and check the abilities of other worlds...wait what is this feeling.'

Suddenly he got a rush of information that caused him to jump from his chair and laugh like a madman


Immedietely he had to reconsider and decided to choose the new world he would be travelling to as he had to test his ability.

Choosing the world he wanted to travel too first, he was immidiately asked if he wanted to freeze time in the world and choose yes. He was asked other things like if his wifes too should be affect or if the should accompany him and others but decided to freeze them along the world as he would be testing his ability.

Meanwhile in a hallway

In another world, two skeletons like being with a jacket of different colors each and pants of different designs were talking with a human when another one suddenly appeared.

""" ITS THE HUMAN!!!!"""

Thats right, this was the undertale verse and while they were conversing and about to attack each other, unknown to them someone appear behind one pillar and kept hidding while observing their battle of killing the one opposed to the three using magic like powers clearly intended for killing instead of fun.

After having copied powers from them, he decided that it was time to make his presence known to them so he stepped out of his hidden place to great them.

Things were turning out good for the trio as they were a team and thus could keep the human at bay for longer and keep killing her till they got satisfied or in other words die. That was because they knew that while they were overpowering the human, it was only a matter of time before thdy exhaust themselves as no matter what being or race we belonged too there would be a point where we cannot keep fighting and the human having the ability to reset from death was just a promise of a battoe with only their death as possible outcome.

However, as the battle reached a point where the consentration and focus was at its maximum, the voice of an unknown existance was heard and broke the hard atmosphere.

"Hey there guys, like dont you have anthing better to do than fight and kill someone endlessly. Cuz i know i would."


Nobody asnwered as they only wondered who the hell this guy was or where the hell he actually came from. No more accurately since when was he here. They couldnt help but swrat and want to believe that it was due to them actually consentrating on the battle that they failed to notice him because if not then this guy was dangerous as he litterally appeared out of nowhere and could had killed them without them knowing.

While the trio decided to wiwely observe the new guy and see whether he is foe or ally, the human decided to do the stupid thing as it charged at the enemy not taking any chance.

It was however surprised when it didnt defend itself and simply let itself be killed. However its surprise became disbelief as suddenly a red star like thing similar to thr one it uses as it resets appeared and after that it saw the human it kill come back from the dead. The hallway was filled with silence, silence that was broken by the human who said


The exact same thing was said from the trio who were warching but was said in their minds instead.

"So, you attacked me first huh, then i guess that i can use self defence to justify myself then."

Before they could ask what he meant by that, they saw him creating bones, knives and gaster blasters out of thin air and then aim it at the human. The bones flew out first and the human started to quickly dodge left and right while jumping around. When the bones were done, the stranger followed with the knives which flew around it everywhere in disorder while he added the gaster blasters in the mix. Needless to say the outcome was obvious as the human was getting hurt more and more it slowed down and in the end it got to eat a blast right in the face.

And just like that, they got a pause while watching the guy spam and use their abilities and would sometimes teleport or when hit he would simply die and reappear. Like that the hall started became a battlefield for the two for almost one year where they would kill each other while laughing like crazy. What about the trio? They just sat in a corner and enjoyed the show while playing a game of 'guess who will kill who this time around'. They were creeped out that the intruder started to laughed when between two or three months time started to also laugh crazily like the human. And like that they knew that in the end humans are all crazy as they like to die or at least the ones they know, but what nobody knee eas that at this time, something had already changed and started to develop in him. Something that he would describe as a pain in the ass later.

It was only after the fifth month that sans decided to ask a question which slipped from everyones mind.

"Buddy, i dont wanna interupt you crazy battle maniacs but dont you have a name."

After killing the human for the n'th time, he turned to them and said "Yun che, thats my name".

After they introduced themselves, he kept killing the human again while they just watched.

And now it was finally almost one year and mc had mastered their powers in a way that he wouldnt accidentelly kill his friends. He decided that it was time to stop it and go back to his world because as much as killing the human was fun, he had to go and take care of his girlfriends. He also noticed that the abilities consumed his profound energy and maybe would simply consume the energy he used and that brought a smile to his face as that would help when he goes to other worlds as he could simply use these powers.

He also noticed that even before the consumption was reduced for his profound energy on his abilities, the regenaration was enough to make it infinite if you counted his natural regeneration plus the one brought by the hashirama cells which would give him in players words...Infinite energy cheat...well when he limited itself to the abilities he copied.

"Guys i hope you didnt grow rusty because i have to go now. Its been a pleasure to stay with you and also you human."

After wishing him goodbye they watched him disappear and while feeling a bit sad, just continued on doing what they were doing.

Meanwhile, in ATG verse, mc appeared and then got questioned by his girls about whether he just had a new wife. Naturally he simply said no and explained that he got some new powers. He also explained said powers to them.

Fortunetely, his lovers were both alone or else they would had have to erase the memories of those who saw them. After a little more chatting, they went to do their own things.


'Hmmm, now that i think about it, why do people never really think of the power to reset i mean it is basically immortality or a flawed one where you have to die but still can be considered as such. I mean i already did die once and doing so several other times doesnt seem like much to me. Besides thats the best insurance and way to surprise a stronger enemy, tiring him and then when he thinks you died... DIE!!!! backstabbing. Besides i would like to see their faces when i 'resurect' .'

The problem with his eye power which he simply named copy cat as the name was troublesome, was that unfortunately he could only copy the powers or techniques of three people for one year each. That meant that if he copied the ability of someone , then he would have to wait for one year before he could copy for three and if he copied for two he would have to wait one year before being able to copy for two and one year for three and that was the same for three. They were like in games where you use a slot to process an item and then have to wait for a period of time for being able to copy another item, which in his case was abilities and techniques. So that was why he stayed there for almost a year so that he could at least copy the abilities of another creature should he find one.

But it also had its advantages like during the period of years to wait he decided to again copy another ability of the ones he copied from, then the time would not increase. Like if he copied gaster blasters from sans and waited eight months, then he decided to copy his teleporting ability, he would only have to wait for four months instead of an aditional year. That meant that if for example he did not have the sharingan and that he wanted to copy it from obito, then he would be able to later copy his MS later without consequences. Well for that he would need it to be an inherent ability which it was not andso he couldnt copy bloodline limits or bloodlines and had to hunt for waifus.

{a/n: did you guys think i would allow him to copy bloodlines... hahaha then why would he have to go hunt waifus then, and i know that most of you dont want that to happen so accept this bullshit here because more incredible bullshits will come in the story later.}

Before they arrived though, mc decided to do something first and so he talked to his supposed 'Brother'.


This doesnt count for me as word count and i simply wrote it here instead of at author's comment cuz i didnt have enough words left.

Anyway, the bad trio and the 'Human' s' powers wont be used unless against either weaklings or in a new world in the case of the bad time trio's powers which includes gaster blasters etc and super strong enemies in the case of reseting from the 'Human' or maybe when he wanna torment weaklings mentally.

So thats that enjoy!