
Accelerator Vampire

Disclaimer: I don't own anything from Twilight. Characters in this book belongs to their original owners. Only my own characters belong to me.

Talamoo · Bücher und Literatur
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9 Chs

4. Fight

They had been on the road for a long time, and their fuel was running low. They were heading to the gas station marked on the map to refuel the RV. Since it was still early in the morning, the roads were empty. Maxwell had handed over the driver's seat to Axel and was reading a book inside. Felix, on the other hand, was sitting next to Axel, painting.

After seeing what he saw in yesterday's painting, he was trying to make new paintings to gain clues. The ability to get clues about the future through paintings was not a vampire ability. This feature existed even without being a vampire.

When Axel told him this, there were suspicions about some species he found in ancient records. There were records depicting fortune tellers and witches. Axel thought Felix might be connected to one of these species.

After a while, they saw the gas station sign on the horizon. When they arrived at the gas station, some people were there, some having breakfast. While Maxwell bought some fuel, Axel kept an eye on the surroundings.

Some of the people having breakfast at the gas station had looked at them. Axel and his friends stood out because they were strangers here. Another reason they attracted attention was their handsome appearance, which was also influenced by being vampires.

When Axel glanced at the people at the gas station, he saw a few women looking at him. He was accustomed to such looks. One of the women who looked at him started arguing with the man next to her. Axel listened without looking. Despite not wanting to listen, he was very sensitive to sounds because he was a vampire.

"Why are you staring at that guy?" The man was telling the woman heatedly.

"What are you talking about? I was just looking around. If he was looking at me, it's not my fault," the woman lied to defend herself. Axel knew her defense was a lie. The man's anger grew even more after listening to his girlfriend's defense. "Shut up, Chloe, don't lie to me," he said. He knew his girlfriend's personality well. "We'll talk about this later."

Felix and Maxwell also walked towards Axel. They were sure that if they appeared as a group, the man would hesitate.

Maxwell could use his ability when the man approached, but he didn't want to get used to using this ability and only used it in difficult situations. He didn't want to be known as a manipulative vampire. Axel and Felix didn't care much about Maxwell's obsession. This obsession actually stemmed from his childhood trauma.

The three friends always respected each other. They never belittled each other. One of the reasons this team had such a strong friendship was this. They always supported each other.

The man stood up angrily and started walking towards Axel. While Felix and Maxwell stood quietly behind them, they knew they had to be ready. Axel tried to stay calm to prevent a possible conflict, but he had to be prepared inside.

The man started speaking angrily, "We need to talk!" he said, his voice drawing the attention of other customers.

Axel replied calmly, "If you have a problem, we can talk. But please, calm down."

The man didn't calm down at all. "Are you staring at my girlfriend?" he shouted.

Axel replied without looking directly at him, "I apologize, I think there's a misunderstanding. We were just observing the surroundings."

The man didn't accept Axel's response. "Don't lie! You and those guys were looking at us. Are you making fun of me?"

At this point, Maxwell and Felix were standing quietly behind them, but they knew they had to be ready. Axel was trying to communicate with the man as calmly as possible to prevent a possible conflict.

Axel replied again in a calm tone, "We're definitely not making fun of you. We're just having breakfast and continuing on our way. We mean you no harm."

The man was still angry and shouted angrily, "I've learned this much by now, I know scoundrels like you!"

Although Axel was usually calm, this man was pushing him. Although he tried to remain calm to prevent unnecessary fights, Axel was quite angry after the man insulted him. He had entered a situation where he could kill the man at any moment. Felix and Maxwell, noticing Axel's situation, decided to intervene, but Axel had already punched the man before they could interfere.

Axel could have killed the man with just one finger, but he contented himself with hitting him. The reason he could control his strength so well was his ability. He had directed some of his energy towards the man. The man fell to the ground, stunned by the blow. When the man tried to reach for his gun, Axel acted first and kicked. However, he used too much force in this kick, so the man's hand broke.

While the man was screaming in pain on the ground, other people were watching what was happening. Felix and Maxwell, on the other hand, were looking at the man on the ground indifferently. No one had come to help the man writhing in pain on the ground. Not even his girlfriend. Nobody liked him because he caused too many problems here. There were even some who were glad he got beaten up. Some were looking at Axel with congratulatory looks. Some women had even begun to find Axel more attractive. Women liked strong men.

The man stood up without saying anything and walked away quickly. He didn't try to get his gun back. He didn't want to embarrass himself further because he realized Axel was powerful. Axel wasn't looking at the man walking away.

He had encountered many idiots like this man before. He didn't fight with all of them, but he was used to such people. Although Axel usually solved the problem politely, he didn't hesitate to fight when necessary.

After glancing at the gun on the ground, Axel paid for the gasoline he bought. A group of girls who saw that Axel and his friends were leaving quickly got up. While Felix smiled flirtatiously, Maxwell looked warningly at Felix. Unlike the other two, Felix was a flirt even before becoming a vampire.

Before Axel became a vampire, he had a girlfriend, but she left him for a rich man. Axel had trust issues after being cheated on. Also, because of the female vampire who killed his family, his trust in women had decreased. Axel's problem in this life was always meeting the wrong people.

The girls who came were three. Actually, they had been watching Axel and his friends since they arrived here. Their goal was to find a summer love now that summer had come, and these guys seemed very attractive to them. While Axel was about to get on the RV, one of them quickly approached and tried to start a conversation.

"Hello, guys, are you free?" The blonde woman smiled at Axel.

You can read my other book 'Dark Lord in Twilight'

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