
Abyssal Secrets

In the shimmering depths of the ocean, a curious and endearing merman named Nereus lives a life of wonder and simplicity. With a bright, innocent demeanor and a heart full of wonder, Nereus is fascinated by the tales of the human world he has heard from ancient sea creatures. Despite his fascination, he knows little about the complexities of human society or their language. One fateful day, Nereus's curiosity leads him to explore a massive vessel anchored near his underwater home. Unbeknownst to him, this is no ordinary boat; it’s the flagship of the notorious and ruthless mafia lord, Victor Cassini. Victor, a figure known for his cold, calculating demeanor and iron-fisted control over his criminal empire, is on a high-stakes mission aboard his ship. While investigating the boat, Nereus accidentally becomes entangled in the ship’s nets, and his presence is soon discovered by Victor and his crew. Initially seen as a bizarre and unwelcome intruder, Nereus’s innocent charm and unique appearance pique Victor’s interest. Despite his ruthless exterior, Victor is intrigued by the merman's purity and unfamiliarity with the human world. As Nereus struggles to communicate and understand his new surroundings, Victor finds himself unexpectedly drawn to the merman’s untainted perspective and gentle nature. He starts to see a side of himself he thought was long buried under layers of coldness and control. Nereus’s presence brings a sense of wonder and vulnerability into Victor’s otherwise harsh world. Despite the danger and criminal activities surrounding them, Victor decides to keep Nereus close, providing him protection as he learns about the human world. Nereus, in turn, starts to navigate the complexities of human emotions and relationships, all while trying to find a way back to his ocean home. Their journey is fraught with tension, as Victor’s enemies and the dangerous life of crime continually threaten their fragile bond. As Nereus and Victor grow closer, they must confront the dark forces threatening their lives and unravel the mysteries of their intertwined fates.

lucia_yuna · LGBT+
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24 Chs

The Depths of the Trial

Nereus descended into the dark, crushing depths of the ocean, pulled by an invisible force. The pressure grew with every passing second, the water around him cold and unyielding. His heart pounded in his chest as he struggled to remain calm, fighting against the urge to panic.

The ocean had taken him deeper than he had ever gone before, to a place where light and hope seemed non-existent.His lungs burned, but somehow, he could still breathe. He was no longer bound by the physical limits of a human body, a reminder of the sea's hold on him.

Yet it was not a comfort; it was a constant reminder that the ocean still claimed him, whether he wished it or not.Finally, the pull on his body slowed, and Nereus floated in the stillness of the abyss.

Everything was quiet—eerily so—except for the slow, rhythmic thrum of the ocean, like a heartbeat. It was almost peaceful, yet the silence felt loaded with expectation.

The guardian's voice boomed through the water, shattering the quiet. The trial begins now, child of the sea. To prove your choice, you must confront the truth. Show me that your heart belongs to the land and to your love, Victor, and not to the ocean.

Nereus's mind raced. What did that mean? How could he prove something so intangible?

Before he could ponder further, the water around him shifted. From the darkness, shapes began to emerge—phantoms of his past.

He saw himself as a young merman, playing among the coral with other sea creatures, his laughter bubbling up into the open water. The memories came flooding back, bittersweet and vivid.

But then, the image shifted, and Nereus saw himself as he had been just days before—innocent, curious, and blissfully ignorant of the human world.

The version of him in the memory stared at him with wide, questioning eyes.

This was who you were, Nereus, the guardian's voice echoed through the water. A creature of the ocean, pure and undivided. Can you truly leave that behind?

Nereus's breath caught in his throat. He had lived his whole life in the ocean, surrounded by its beauty, its rhythm.

It had been his world, his home. But now, looking at the reflection of his former self, he felt distant from it.

That version of him felt like a different person—someone he no longer recognized.The image dissolved, replaced by another.

This time, it was Victor—standing on the shore, facing the storm with defiance in his eyes. He was calling Nereus's name, his voice drowned out by the roar of the waves.

There was a vulnerability in Victor's stance, a desperation in his gaze.The sight of Victor—alone, searching—tore at Nereus's heart.

That was what he had chosen: love. A life with Victor. It had been uncertain, fraught with danger and fear, but it had also been real in a way that nothing in the ocean had ever been.

"I choose him," Nereus whispered into the water, his voice shaking but resolute.

"I choose love."

The guardian's voice returned, sharper this time. Love is fleeting. The ocean is eternal. Do you truly believe that your bond with Victor can withstand time?

The water churned again, and more images swirled into view. This time, they were visions of a future—a possible future. Nereus saw himself aging, standing by Victor's side as the years passed. He saw Victor growing older, lines forming on his face, his hair graying. But no matter how much time passed, Nereus remained the same. Eternal. Unchanging.

A cold dread settled over Nereus as he watched the scene unfold. He saw the inevitable pain in Victor's eyes as he grew older, while Nereus remained ageless, tied to the timeless ocean. It was a reminder of the divide between them—between the human world and the world beneath the waves.

"Victor will grow old…" Nereus whispered to himself. "And I…"

The guardian's voice rumbled through the water. You will remain. Do you still choose him, knowing this?

Nereus felt his heart twist with anguish. Could he condemn Victor to a life where he would have to watch the person he loved remain unchanged, while he aged and withered away? Was that fair to Victor? Could their love survive such a chasm?

But then he remembered Victor's words. Don't you dare leave me. Promise me you'll come back.

It wasn't just about their time together—it was about the moments they had, no matter how fleeting. Nereus knew that life on land was filled with uncertainty, with the inevitability of loss.

But it was also filled with love, and hope, and the beauty of connection. And that was what mattered.

"I choose him," Nereus said again, his voice firm this time. "Even if our time is short. I choose Victor."

The darkness around him pulsed, and the images disappeared, leaving Nereus floating in the void once more. For a moment, there was only silence.And then, slowly, the water began to glow.

A soft, golden light emanated from the depths, growing brighter and warmer with each passing second. The weight in Nereus's chest lifted, replaced by a sense of peace and clarity.

The guardian's voice returned, but this time, it was softer, almost reverent. You have made your choice, child of the sea. You have proven your heart.

Nereus closed his eyes, letting the warmth of the light envelop him. He felt a connection to the ocean, but it was no longer a chain that bound him. It was simply a part of who he was, just as his love for Victor was a part of him. The two worlds didn't have to be at odds.

The balance is restored.

With those final words, the light around Nereus intensified, and the water that had been heavy and oppressive became light and buoyant. He felt himself being lifted, rising toward the surface, faster and faster, until—With a gasp, Nereus broke through the surface of the ocean, the salty air filling his lungs.

The storm had cleared, and the dawn was breaking over the horizon, painting the sky with soft hues of pink and orange.

Victor was there, standing on the shore, his eyes scanning the water. When he saw Nereus, his face lit up with relief and joy. He rushed forward, wading into the water as Nereus swam toward him.

They met in the shallows, Victor pulling Nereus into his arms, holding him as though he would never let go. Nereus clung to him, his heart racing, but this time with the joy of being where he truly belonged.

"You came back," Victor whispered, his voice thick with emotion.

"I promised I would," Nereus replied, his lips brushing against Victor's.

"I choose you, Victor. Always."

As they stood together, the ocean lapping gently at their feet, Nereus knew that the hardest part of his journey was over.

He had faced the trial, and in doing so, he had not only proven his love for Victor but had also found peace within himself.The ocean was still a part of him, but his heart belonged to Victor.

And for the first time, Nereus felt truly whole.

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