
Abused mate (Namjoon x y/n)

Mia231 · Andere
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17 Chs


Namjoon's p.o.v.

Soon it was lunch and I discovered I had the same classes as my mate but whenever I got close to talking to her she would disappear. I also never got the chance to sit beside her but once we start talking I'm sure it'd be ok if I move. It was getting on my nerves. I just wanted to know what she looked like and what her voice sounded like? What were the colour of her eyes?

I walked into the cafeteria. I Hoped I might get to see her. I saw her outside sitting under an oak tree. She had a book in her hand and was drawing I think. Why was she alone? Where were her friends?

As I was about to go outside someone stopped me. She was the definition of a high school queen bee. Bleach blond hair. Cheerleading outfit etc. Do I need to go on. Everyone knows the type.

"Hey your new here right? Well you seem cool you could totally sit with me and my friends. " she gestured over to a table filled with athletes and cheerleaders.

" No thanks but could you tell me who that is."

Her attitude immediately changed as soon as she saw who I was pointing to.

"Oh her she's the schools freak nerd sl*t over all waste of space that shouldn't exist. I'd stay away from her if I was you. She belongs in a mental institution and I'm pretty sure she's an alcoholic always buying booze."

I had to suppress my growl and my wolf from ripping the worthless human to shreds. How dare she say such awful things about my mate.

I stormed out of the cafeteria to my mate. She was drawing I think.

She glanced up when she felt me approach. She slammed her sketch book closed and looked down. It looked like she was trying to disappear into the tree. I didn't see her face because her hair and her hood was in the way.

" Mind if I sit here" I asked but I was already going to sit down.

Her melodic voice replied "I wouldn't if I was you. Unless you want to be ostracised."

"Everyone in that school is overrated and frankly I'd welcome them ignoring me they're quite annoying anyway" I think I got her to smile.

"Trust me you don't want that just leave before they see you."

She didn't look up once.

"Look at me please" I begged

She shook her head no. I sighed and sat beside her. She inched away slightly then stopped and moved back maybe the mate bond was effecting her. I hope it was it would make things easier. But I know I'll have to take this slow.

" I don't care what they think about me" I told her. To be honest I didn't I was here for one thing and I found her.

She looked at me through her hair all I could see was beautiful blue eyes but they looked dull and sad as if they had no life in them. I would find out what took away her light and I would bring her light back I swore to my wolf. I will make her happy.

Y/n's p.o.v.

I was under my tree drawing as usual. It didn't matter if it was raining or not. I was always here. It gave me comfort I never understood why. How can a tree make you feel safe but it was like the leaves were a barrier protecting me from not just the rain but the taunts the beatings. The trunk supported me and helped me get through my problems.

I was lost in my drawing of a wolf. I never drew one before but today I just had the urge to. I heard steps coming. I slammed my sketchbook closed. The new boy was walking towards me I quickly looked back down trying to disappear. He's going to commit social suicide.

He seems honest and kind.

I looked at him to see if it was a trick. But I could only see truth in his eyes maybe other emotions that I couldn't make out. I slowly nodded and allowed him to stay. I also felt this calm around him weird.

" so what's your name I'm Namjoon"


"What a beautiful name but mind if I call you___" I blushed and said thanks and nodded my head. Nickname already. y/n don't fall for this guy.

The bell rang and we stood up he asked what I had next and it turned out we were in the same class. So we walked together and played 20 questions. I kept my answers minimal.

I don't know what it was about this guy but I trusted him. Maybe having a friend wouldn't be too bad. But what if it was a trick what if he... ok I need to stop being paranoid maybe we can be friends. Maybe I won't be alone anymore. He is kinda cute too but I have to keep it just to school. No one can find out about my dad. It would only make things worse.