
Absolute Sage

In a world where power is everything and the line between myth and reality blurs, "Absolute Sage" tells the gripping tale of Ichiro, a young boy thrust into a destiny he could never have imagined.

Asena4800 · Fantasie
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10 Chs

The Jade Kingdom's: Thunder Tower Master

Raijin hands Ichiro a mask, its obsidian hue gleaming ominously in the dim light of their campfire. "Wear this black mask," Raijin says, his voice low and serious. "If you ever get in trouble, you can use it to hide your identity."

Ichiro accepts the mask, a weighty token of the journey ahead. As they venture toward the mainland, it becomes clear that their path is a treacherous one, stretching for days through untamed wilderness. Along the way, they pause to hunt rank 1-2 beasts, the spoils of which serve not only as sustenance but also as a means to bolster their cultivation and strength.

During these moments of respite, Raijin imparts more knowledge about the world they now navigate. He reveals that in the celestial hierarchy, just below the exalted Sages, stand the formidable Seven Greats. Each one, a deity in their own right, holds dominion over a fundamental element of existence.

"The God of Earth, Yggdrasil," Raijin begins, "commands the very foundation upon which we tread. Then there's Agni, the God of Fire, who wields the destructive power of flames. Kuraokami, the God of Frost, reigns over the icy realms. Anemoi, the God of Wind, sweeps across the skies, shaping the very winds. I, Raijin, hold the mantle of the God of Thunder, crackling with electrifying might. Erebus, the God of Darkness, weaves the shadows that conceal secrets and subterfuge. And finally, there's Ares, Controller Of Existence, whose name alone strikes fear into the hearts of all."

Yet, Raijin's voice trails off as if burdened by an unspoken truth. He hesitates, then decides against sharing whatever knowledge he has in mind.

Ichiro absorbs this information, understanding that there is a higher purpose behind his quest for strength. To become the strongest, he must harness the power of these gods, each representing a force of nature and a facet of existence itself

Ichiro's aspirations were grand, his aim set on a lofty goal — gaining admission to the most prestigious academy in the world. But he was well aware that his formidable strength alone might not suffice in a world where lineage and connections held significant sway. It was a realm where power and privilege often walked hand in hand.

Before reaching the sought-after mainland and pursuing his dreams, Ichiro and Raijin made a brief stop at the illustrious Jade Kingdom. Here, a towering magic tower, a testament to the kingdom's fame, proudly represented the element of thunder — the very essence that coursed through Raijin himself.

However, dreams, no matter how noble, require resources to become a reality. Ichiro needed funds, and he had a unique commodity to offer — the hard-earned cores of rank 1-2 beasts. Selling these treasures, he amassed a sum of approximately 600 coins, a fortune by many standards. Yet, the state of his attire, consisting of poorly crafted leather garments, drew unwanted attention.

As Ichiro stepped into a clothing shop, the initial reaction was far from welcoming. The shopkeepers, misjudging him as a mere beggar, were on the verge of ushering him out. But when Ichiro unveiled the glittering gold coins he possessed, their astonishment was palpable. With a considerable sum at his disposal, Ichiro transformed his appearance, shedding his humble garb for a regal outfit that spoke of affluence and refinement.

Clad in a resplendent black shirt, adorned with a white-collared jacket, and sporting pants crafted from the supple leather of a snow wolf, Ichiro emerged from the store not as a pauper but as a figure of dignity and nobility

Ichiro's arrival at the magic tower couldn't have been more opportune, coinciding with the tower's talent recruitment event. Participating promised numerous benefits and valuable connections, potentially securing his entrance to the world's most prestigious academy. As he crossed the tower's threshold, he encountered an unexpected twist—it featured a battle system where cultivators engaged in combat, vying for prizes and prestige.

Approaching the registration desk, the attendant barely spared him a glance, assuming him to be just another novice. With an indifferent tone, they issued his registration. Ichiro ascended the tower's levels, where he encountered a throng of spectators encircling a fierce duel between two prominent figures.

His system allowed him to glean vital information. The first combatant, Rui, was a 17-year-old cultivator in the 6th stage of the Body Refinement Realm. His adversary, Koji, an 18-year-old, boasted the 7th stage of the same realm. Despite their stature, Ichiro perceived their abilities as less formidable than his own.

The climactic battle reached its conclusion, with Koji emerging as the victor.

Koji's arrogance rang out like a battle cry, challenging anyone in the vicinity. Ichiro, bristling at his insolence, chose that moment to step forward. Laughter and chatter erupted amongst the onlookers as they marveled at the audacity of a 13-year-old newcomer daring to confront Koji.

The skirmish commenced swiftly. Utilizing the potent Thunder-qi coursing through his veins, Ichiro darted towards Koji, who remained blissfully unaware of the impending threat. Ichiro's hand landed on Koji's chest with lightning speed, and he unleashed the Thunder-qi Palm technique.

In a spectacular display of power, Koji crumpled, rendered unconscious by the ferocity of Ichiro's strike. The hushed awe that fell over the spectators replaced the earlier mockery as they beheld the astonishing feat of the young upstart.

Unbeknownst to Ichiro, the watchful eye of the tower master had never left the arena. From high above, he had observed the unfolding battle, his presence concealed until the pivotal moment. With an almost supernatural grace, the tower master descended, a figure of intrigue and authority.

Ichiro, caught off guard by the sudden appearance, found himself face to face with the enigmatic tower master. His heart raced as the gathered onlookers respectfully acknowledged the master's arrival, a testament to his stature in the world of cultivation.

The tower master, though youthful in appearance, exuded an aura of confidence and power. His striking yellow hair, a mirror image of Ichiro's own, hinted at a connection yet to be unveiled. With a friendly and welcoming tone, he beckoned Ichiro to follow, a decision made with little hesitation.

The tower master's inquiry pierced the air, his curiosity mingling with a hint of frustration. He couldn't fathom why a young talent of Ichiro's caliber would deign to challenge cultivators of a much lower realm when direct access to his favor was an option.

Ichiro's explanation was a candid admission of ignorance. The gatekeeper's neglectful demeanor had allowed him to pass without scrutiny. A spark of annoyance flickered in the tower master's eyes as he contemplated the gatekeeper's future.

As Ichiro conversed with the tower master, Raijin's insights provided a glimpse into the master's formidable power. The Nascent Soul Realm was a testament to the tower master's strength.

The tower master's curiosity danced in his eyes as he posed the question, his gaze locked onto Ichiro.

Ichiro, with an air of determination, spoke his purpose. "I wanted to go to the Verdant Dragon Academy, and I needed somebody to vouch for me so I could enter," he explained, his words carrying the weight of his ambition.

The tower master, in a rare moment of jest, wove humor into the conversation. "Well," he mused, "I can easily vouch for you, but I won't do it for free. Maybe if you give me the signature of the Thunder God Raijin or something." His words, though light-hearted, carried an undercurrent of impossibility. After all, Raijin was a deity far beyond Ichiro's reach—or so the tower master assumed.

Yet, in a twist of fate, Raijin, in his spiritual form, extended a note bearing his divine signature to Ichiro. The transfer was swift, and Ichiro presented it to the tower master without hesitation.

The tower master's nonchalance gave way to astonishment as he inspected the signature. "Well, even if you give me a fake, I can just check its authenticity—WHAT?!" His exclamation reverberated through the air, disbelief etched across his features. The signature was genuine, a testament to the Thunder God's acknowledgment.

The tower master couldn't contain his curiosity any longer. "How do you have something like this?" he pressed Ichiro, his tone a blend of intrigue and bewilderment. Ichiro's response was guarded yet resolute. "Sorry, but I can't tell you. Can you just give me the recommendation letter now, please?"

The tower master reached for a sword, a weapon of remarkable craftsmanship and undeniable quality. As he held it out to Ichiro, he spoke with a mix of gratitude and respect. "For what you have just given me, this isn't even enough, but take my sword I used to use, and here is the letter you wanted. If you want anything else, please let me know."

Ichiro accepted the sword, his fingers tracing the intricate details etched into the blade. He marveled at the weapon's balance and the sense of power it exuded, a fitting reward for his audacious gesture.

Curiosity brimming, Ichiro couldn't help but question Raijin. "Are you really that popular?" he inquired, oblivious to the extent of his mentor's fame. Raijin replied in his characteristically humble manner, "I guess," leaving Ichiro still unaware of just how well-known and well-respected his mentor was in the larger world.

Before Ichiro departed, the tower master had one more gift to bestow. He handed Ichiro a crest, which Ichiro dutifully secured in his chest pocket. The tower master's parting words carried an unspoken promise. "Anytime you get in trouble, I will be able to know and help you," he assured.

With gratitude in his heart, Ichiro bid his farewell. "Thanks," he said simply, before turning to go. As he walked away, a thought flickered through his mind. "Well, that was easy," he mused to himself, bemused by the unexpected turn of events. "Who would have thought he would just want sensei's signature?"