
Absolute Infinity System

Journey Along Nova as he discovers more about the Infinity System as well as many things. Watch as he ascends to Infinity.

Archlegion999 · Fantasie
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14 Chs


"yawn I think I just had a pretty good dream yesterday night, dreaming about a mana core and all... heh' just kidding let's see what this is about".

After getting up from bed Nova quickly washed up and ate some quick breakfast. " Wow when it said basic food knowledge it truly meant that I understood every ingredient I used today and could instantly recognize what I need to use to make the foods i know. This skill is very convenient ".

"okay Status"

Hp- 20 MP- 150

Level- 5 Exp-(210/600)

Strength- 15 jobs- (scholar)

Stamina- 10

Intelligence- 15

Constitution- 7

Vitality- 6

Luck- 6

Wisdom- 4.6

Charm- 5.3

" whoa where did I get all these exp from system"?

["Host most likely received it due to acquiring a mana core"]

"oh than now let's see what the legendary mana core is all about"

After Nova focused trying to feel the ambient mana in the environment he didn't succeed immediately but after 5 minutes he could feel something and after opening his eyes saying he was shocked would be an understatement. He saw the whole world in new way, there was a transparent fog covering everything not making it hard enough to not able to see anything it just you could see it clearly as a transparent fog type thing or at least that's what Nova concluded it to be.

"Wow so everyday I've been living beside something like this, it feels very ethereal like, but that means all those mangas and anime's were lying mana doesn't look blue its transparent".

[" Negative mana can be anything. But it mostly conjures in a form that's better suited for the one who's harnessing it to understand. For example for a mouse mana could seem like an orange stream of river flowing everywhere but the same would not be true for a cat. The cat might see it something like a milky white stream of pool that exists everywhere. The point is mana makes it self simpler for the being that harnesses it so that they can properly use it. The true form of mana is something host is not strong enough to even understand at least not yet"]

" Oh I think i understand the analogy a bit, well I don't even wanna know the true form of mana and the headaches that will come with it, I'll just roll with what I have".

After that Nova tried to conjure the transparent 'mana' fog in his hands while sitting in a meditative position in his room.

Since his parents are both absent today and his sister went out with her friend he has the house to himself thus thought that doing something like this in his home would be better than doing it in the playground where someone light see him doing suspicious things he would rather not take risks like that.

After focusing for a while Nova eventually saw the the transparent mana like fog was slowly moving towards his palm where he willed it and soon small fog covered his palm.

Ding! ["Host has acquired skill ( Mana Manipulation lvl 1) a milestone has been achieved"]

Milestone- (Acquire The power to manipulate mana the origin of all things or as they say 'Primordial Energy')

Reward- exp(350) Gold coins(100)

"I really like the sound of primordial energy and all but let's see what else I can do with it".

After that Nova saw that he could move mana much more easily than before. He then willed the mana to shape it like a ball although it took him few minutes he was able to do it. After it was formed he expected to get another new skill but he didn't. Curious he tried to inject more energy inside the mana ball and it kept growing brighter until it was bright as a Led light.

Ding! ["New skill acquired (Mana Light Orb)

∆Mana light orb

Description- ( Produces light by using mana )

"I got my first actual magical skill although not the most greatest but still is the most coolest to me. These humble beginnings will eventually make me rise above all muhahaha".

Ding! New section unlocked

∆Magical Skills

•Mana Light Orb

After that Nova turned the light off the light of his room. He quickly noticed the mana light orb was indeed very bright the room was even more brighter than when he was using his rooms Led light.

After that Noah tried to do many things with the orbs but most didn't succeed. He tried to throw it but it didn't go as he thought it only floated a few feet away from him. After that he wanted to overload and blow it but quickly realized that it would create a big commotion.

Thus he tried to do one final thing he tried to create a second one. As soon as he thought of the mana orb it immediately came into existence near his palm it was as big as a balloon.

After that he tried to think of summoning it like before again but it didn't work so he tried to do it like he did it in the beginning slowly conjuring it from the ambient mana and he did it after that he cast his skill and finally he had two mana orbs.

Ding! ["Host has acquired the skill (Mana Augmentation) "]

∆Mana Augmentation

Description- ( Allows one to augment all types of magical skills known to the user. By using this skill any type of effect can be achieved. It can be used to change the color, number, quality, element of magical spells and skills within the limits of the limits of the user of course)

Magical Skills-

∆Mana Light Orb (utility)

∆Mana Augmentation ( utility)

" whoa I feel like I got a lot of boons today, but system what's the difference between magical spells and skills"?

["Magical skills cannot be tampered or augmented without using another skill

and spells can be changed and edited to something else than what they were made to do basically spells give a lot of freedom but its difficult to make or get but skills can be achieved easily but it does not give the same freedom"]

"well I got it know so spells need to be dropped by monsters or something like that or if I stumble upon some or I could get it from rewards or maybe when the

system store is upgraded I guess"


"Well good to know".

After that Nova spent some more hours trying to get different magical skills by performing many things with mana until he eventually ran out of ideas but he did managed to get 4 more skills.

•Mana Shield

( Conjures the mana like sphere around the user to create a protective shield)

•Mana Fusion

( allows user to fuse mana into any objects at the offhand or at both hands to make object twice as effective)

•Mana Projectile

( Compresses mana into a ball and can be thrown into desired direction at high speed can explode in contact)

•Mana Bomb

( compressed mana while slowly ignites and creates a big explosion can be ignited at command as well)

After spending about four and half hours on magical skills he figured it was enough for today and his mom and sister also came back.

" whoo I got nice haul of magical skills today my mood is on cloud nine, well it would be even more awesome if I could fight some cool looking enemies but alas I can't sadly"

["It is possible to do what host desires but host first needs to buy a sub-dimensional dungeon which costs a lot, recommending host to complete more quests after that host will be able to earn exp, gold and even get other unique items and spells and skills from killed monsters"]

"well just like in the games, expected as much. Sigh! I got more work to do but its for my one sake in the end anyways. Although I don't have enemies or some very big challenges it's still good to be strong, this world I'll conquer it".