
Absolute Duo in Douluo Dalu (IN PROCESS OF BEING RE-WRITTEN)

New legends in Douluo Dalu. How did it come about? Read on and find out. Almost all credits go to original writers and authors! This fan-fic will contain characters and places that were originally not in the cannon. So please don't complain that you haven't heard of the place before.

Spirits_everywhere · Anime und Comics
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10 Chs

Plans for the future

I already knew what it was as my parents had already explained what it was and how to absorb them. Not wasting any time, I stepped forward and conditioned my mind to its peak state and started to absorb the purple coloured spirit ring for my Ice Phoenix spirit.

I knew that the dragon spirit would cause a bigger commotion than a phoenix spirit if word spread out so I thought of absorbing it for my Ice Phoenix spirit which I could use without exposing our identity.

My body, mental and spirit were all very strong, so I had no problem absorbing the 1,000 year old spirit ring. After absorbing the frost wolf's spirit ring, the air around me cooled down, and I gained my 1st Spirit Ability: Flash Freeze.

I tried using my 1st Spirit Ability: Flash freeze immediately, and the ground in a radius of 50 metres froze, and I saw some small animals slow down by 30%, which was pretty strong for a 1,000 year old spirit ring. I had also broken through to rank 15 Spirit master, which surprised me as my parents had said that I would only break through up to rank 13 Spirit master at most. Unable to figure out the reason, I assumed that it was either because of 1) my twin spirits or 2) the cultivation technique or both.

After checking that my body was fine with no serious injuries, I picked up the corpse and started rushing back to the cave.


When I returned to the cave, I heard a sobbing sound coming out from within. I instantly dropped the body of the wolf as I rushed towards the sobbing sounds. When I got close to the sound I found Fei'er shivering at the corner of the bed, hugging my makeshift blanket tightly. "What's wrong Fei'er?" I asked worriedly.

As soon as she heard my voice, she immediately dropped the blanket and rushed towards me, knocking me off balance as laid on top of me, hugging my neck tightly. "Wahhh...I thought you left me...please don't leave me alone from now on...."

"I'm sorry Fei'er, I thought that we might need food for dinner, so I went out to hunt for my 1st spirit ring. Sorry Fe'er, I will never leave you alone again." I felt guilty leaving her alone for some time right after she lost all her family. She didn't stop crying even though she heard me.

"There there, I said it before and I will say it again: I will never leave you alone, I will stick with you for the rest of my life, supporting you as you fly freely in the sky." I patted her head gently as I comforted her.

Breaking the silence that lasted a few minutes, "So do you want to eat now?" She nodded her head meekly, her head still buried in my chest. Letting go of each other, I carried the wolf corpse towards the fireplace and started roasting it after draining its blood and skinning it for its fur.

We had camped outside a lot the past year so we knew what to do. Fei'er kept asking questions as I was roasting the wolf.

"Feng ge...where are we now?"

"Four Season Forest, winter area. It's a good thing that we teleported here, this way we could find a suitable beast for our 1st spirit ring. After eating, let's go to sleep. Tomorrow we need to get your 1st spirit ring in the summer area, where fire-element beasts roam."

"Un...Feng ge, which ring and ability did you get?" She asked me while eating her wolf leg drumstick. After I told her about my fight, the first thing she asked me was whether I had gotten hurt. Seeing her more worried about me than curious about my ability made my heart warm.

"Don't worry, I wasn't hurt at all, I had a few scratches but I regenerated my skin already. After all, if I get injured who would pamper you?" I replied with a teasing smile."

Fei'er turned slightly red at my words and ignored me, continuing eating her wolf leg. After finishing the entire 2 meter wolf, we went to sleep together. "Let's rest today, we have been thought a lot." I told Fei'er, to which she nodded and proceeded to lie down on my arm, snuggling into my chest. She went through a lot today, causing her to fall asleep almost immediately in my arms.

A few hours later around 2-3 am, I could feel Fei'er wriggling around on my arm, her face scrunched up with fear and worry. 'Sigh, I knew this would happen'. Although not as bad as her, even with my fragmented memories from my past life I had trouble falling asleep. Fei'er on the other hand was just a child, losing all her family must have had an impact on her. "There there...I'm here for you Fei'er..." I whispered to her as I pulled her closer into my embrace, giving her security. As if she had heard me, she stopped moving around and her peaceful expression returned.

The next morning when I woke up, I realised that I couldn't move my body at all. Opening my eyes, I see Fei'er clinging onto my body like an octopus, her head on my chest while slobbering. A little pool of saliva formed on my chest, since the damage was already done, I let her stay there for a while longer while I stroke her head. Soon she begins to rustle and wake up, feeling my hand stroking her head she smiles and opens her eyes. After seeing the small pool of drool on my chest however, she immediately let go while looking a bit embarrassed, and grabbed a towel from the space ring. Watching her diligently drying my chest with her tiny hands like a little wife who just got married, an gush of gratitude and adoration washed over me.

"Kyaaa!" Fei'er squealed as I grabbed her arms, pulled her into my lap and embraces her tightly. Neither of us said a word, Fei'er keeping her red face hidden in my chest, while I hold her waist and buries my face into her hair. Her hair as the smell of a fresh summer breeze, making me energised. I gave a peck on her head and say," You were too cute just now, I couldn't help but hug you." She raised her head and I could see her big eyes filled with love and courage, in a small voice she said," It's ok to do this whenever you want Feng ge, as long as you don't leave me in the future..." her voice was petering off by the end of it, and hugs me tightly, burying her head once again, unsure whether she wanted to hear my response or not.

Hearing her say this, I tightened my hold slightly," I've been with you my entire life since birth and I will always be with you, now and forevermore."

After our indirect confession, we hugged in silence for a little while longer before letting go, today we would be hunting for Fei'er's spirit ring since she was asleep most of the time yesterday when we were in the forest. But before we start, I asked her to show her beast spirit integration since the last time we integrated it caused a commotion, not allowing us to properly look at and experience the spirit beast integration. The Fire Phoenix appears from behind her and flies into her body. A hot aura exudes from her body as fire wings grow between her shoulder blades. Her eyes became a greater shade of red, almost glowing, as if the pupil was made of fire. Because she can't control her fire properly, the ice around us starts melting rapidly. She looks at me with beady and expectant eyes as I gave her a compliment," Your transformation was really beautiful, like a fire fairy that doesn't belong in this world."

Satisfied with my comment she also asks me to show her mine. I integrate with my ice phoenix. The transformation was almost identical to Fei'er, instead of fire wings I had ice wings, and instead of red eyes I had blue ones. After integration, I realised we look almost the same, which was not good news for me since I now had a very feminine face. 'I don't want to be a trap' I screamed in my head subconsciously, then I wondered what a 'trap' means and why it popped into my head. I was taller than Fei'er by about half a head and while Fei'er's body was soft but packed with explosive power, mine was a bit harder as my muscles were better developed from swimming everyday. If others don't see my body and only look at my face, they would no doubt call me and Fei'er sisters.

Fei'er was very happy with my transformation as it was identical to hers, before asking to integrate into our dragon forms. In our dragon integration, dragon wings sprouted slightly below where our phoenix wings were, and scales present in our arms, legs, wings and back. My scales were midnight black-colored, while Fei'er's scales were pure white in color. We also grew a bit of fangs and our eyes turned into dragon slits, our pupils remained the same color, blue for me and red for Fei'er.