
Absolute Duo in Douluo Dalu (IN PROCESS OF BEING RE-WRITTEN)

New legends in Douluo Dalu. How did it come about? Read on and find out. Almost all credits go to original writers and authors! This fan-fic will contain characters and places that were originally not in the cannon. So please don't complain that you haven't heard of the place before.

Spirits_everywhere · Anime und Comics
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10 Chs

2nd spirit rings

After analysing our spirit beast integration, we found out more about our transformation. We couldn't use both integration together, and it seems that our dragon spirits were slightly more powerful than our phoenix spirits.

In our phoenix integration, we have phoenix wings and are surrounded by a thin layer of our element. I had a bit of ice floating around me while Fei'er has flames surrounding her. Both of our agility was increased by 30% while the damage dealt by our respective elements were increased by 50%. For example, using numerical figures, if other's ice based attacks did 100 damage, with my integration and using the same attack, I would do 150 damage.

In our dragon integration, we have dragon wings and scales present in arms, legs, wings and back. Our fangs also grew longer while our eyes changed to dragon eye slits. Our defense and physical increased by 30%. Similar to our phoenix integration, the damage dealt by our respective elements were increased by 50%. For my shadow dragon, any darkness and shadow-based damage was increased by 50% while my sub-element of poison, corrosion and curse attacks increase by 30%. For Fei'er's light dragon, any light-based damage was increased by 50%. Furthermore, it seems that any buff or heal that she gives out has a 30% increase in effectiveness.

It seems that our dragon spirits are especially powerful with the right spirit rings, so we decided to hide our dragon spirits, only having spirit rings for our phoenix spirit until we can protect ourselves from any threats and dangers. After familiarising with our integration, we started moving towards the summer area.

On the way there, we found many beasts roaming around ranging from 10-1,000 year old beasts. We tried fighting every strong beast on the way to the summer area to increase our fighting experience. For weaker beast we didn't use our integration and only used pure skills while we used our phoenix integration to fight stronger beast. Sometimes we worked together, while other times we fight separately as we didn't want to take any chances of being separated, even if its less than a 0.1% chance. Although we defeated them, we didn't kill any of them as none of them were suitable rings for Fei'er, and we didn't want spirit beasts to go extinct.

After a few days roaming the summer area, we finally came across a suitable beast for Fei'er.


Name: Flaming Eagle

Age: 1,439-year-old

Spirit ability(s) that would be gained when killed: Fire talon strike


"Fei'er, this spirit beast is suitable for you." Explaining everything about this beast, I let Fei'er fight by herself. I wasn't too worried as she was immune to normal flames. Based on pure strength alone, Fei'er would beat me hands down, plus the strength of the flaming eagle was lower than that of the Frost wolf I had previously killed.

After a few minutes of dodging the flaming eagle's sharp claws, she finally found an opening and instantly closed the gap and punched the eagle's wing. Watching the wing getting crushed under Fei'er's strength, I started getting goosebumps and reminded myself to never provoke Fei'er in case she ever crushed my body in the future.

She was worried about receiving backlash from the light purple colored ring, but I reassured her that she would be able to absorb it without any problem. Filled with trust towards me, she started absorbing without any hesitation. And sure enough, the process went smoothly without any setbacks.

Feeling excitement, Fei'er instantly used her 1st Spirit Ability: Fire Phoenix's Talon Strike on a nearby boulder, causing it to explode to pieces. It seems that the spirit ability mutated to become Fire Phoenix's Talon Strike, perhaps due to her dominating spirit. The short-ranged ability which makes a phoenix talon made of fire and strikes the enemy. It has strong penetration and burning effects, making it a very powerful attack when in close-range.

After successfully getting our 1st spirit rings, we went and hunt for lunch, and then continued searching for beasts to fight against. At night, we cultivated together before restarting the day.

Like this, the days passed.

-2 years later-

"Fei'er, now!" A young boy that looks around 9 could be seen fighting against a flaming 3-tailed fox with the help of a young girl who looks around 9 as well. "Yes! 1st Spirit Ability: Fire Phoenix's Talon Strike!" She shouted as she rushed towards the fox who was currently slowed from the frozen ground. After getting a successful hit on the fox, the girl retreated backwards and waited for another opportunity. The fox, who had a deep claw mark on its face was enraged, both of his eyes were blinded while half its face was burning.

The fox lost all reason and pounced on Fei'er without thinking, allowing Fei'er to find another opening. Using her first spirit ability again, she aimed it at the fox's heart, which melted upon contact with the flaming talon.

With its heart gone, the fox crashed back to the ground lifelessly, leaving behind a purple color halo floating above it. After resting for a few minutes while ensuring that her body is at its best, she started absorbing the spirit ring. Half an hour later, she managed to absorb it successfully, gaining her 2nd Spirit Ability: Hell fire blast. Fei'er immediately tried out her new ability on a nearby stack of boulders. She condensed fire into a ball, which was then thrown at it, creating huge area damage. Fei'er then turned to me with expecting eyes. "Wow! Good job. Your ability is very strong for team fights. So how much damage can you do?"

"Hehe. The longer the hell fire I condense, the greater the damage I can give out. Aren't I super strong?" Fei'er bragged.

"Yes yes, my Fei'er is the strongest." I grinned," This ability would be great for ambushing people."

"Yep! Now let's go look for your second spirit ring now Feng ge." She said excitedly as she dragged me back to the winter area.

Over the last two years, a lot of things happened. Now we are both 8 years old, but we look like 9 and 10 years old children since we have been exercising and eating a lot of nutritious spirit beasts meat. We have grown taller, I reached 140cm in height while Fei'er was slightly shorter at 135cm. I have grown leaner, with explosive muscles around my body. I don't look like a body builder though, I have more of a swimmer build. Fei'er on the other hand has started growing her curves, her breast had started to bud while having a pert and elastic bud.

We have actually reached rank 20 over a year ago, but we found out that using the duo cultivation method, we can continue purifying our spirit power into essence, making our physique even stronger. Although we have little impurities from our (ahem...burnt) food and surroundings, our bodies are still way stronger than others. Currently we are able to fight rank 30 spirit grandmasters with our bodies alone, and almost fight equally with rank 37 spirit grandmasters with our spirit integration and abilities since our first ring was a 1,000 year old spirit ring. Together, we can fight rank 45 spirit elders.

I also thought of having spirit fusion since we are really compatible with each other, and trusted each other with our lives but since we only have a single ability until now I put that thought at the back of my mind for now.

At night when we cultivated with the cultivation technique, we realised that the closer the physical distance between us, the faster we cultivate. So we began by Fei'er sitting on my lap facing me, our faces almost touching. At first she was embarrassed but she got used to it. A few months later she wanted to do it naked. I was very surprised at her assertiveness, but I wasn't going to back down, so I agreed. At first she couldn't focus at cultivating at all due to her nervousness and embarrassment, but a few days later she could finally start cultivating as usual. And the result was surprising, our cultivation speed increased by 10% while being naked as compared to wearing clothes, thus we have been cultivating naked at night since then.

The cultivation technique was amazing, it not only increases the speed of our cultivation while improving our physical strength, although not by much, it also simultaneously purifies our spirit power, ensuring that the fast cultivation speed does not affect our foundation at all. Any external sources of spirit power can also be purified once we ingest them, also ensuring no side effects while consuming things. If the technique was circulated out in the open, it would cause bloodbath over the entire continent. Thus we decided to memorise the entire technique word for word, picture by picture before burning the scroll.