
Abridged~An Incomplete Love Story

ABRIDGED~An Incomplete Love Story First things first:- INSTRUCTIONS:- 1.You should know a bit of Hindi to read the story. 2. Even if you don't no problem i have wrote the subtitles too 3. And if you say to don't write it in Hindi then what's the feel about ancient India right? 4. Please try to coperate with the spelling or grammatical mistakes if any. That's all Thank you Ohk so now i will not disturb you Please read: Love is not always the same right? Same like this in this story, love is way too much twisted for our MR. ABHIRUDRAKASH PRATAP SINGH and MISS. RAJNANDANI SHAMSHER SINGH. This story is of 1670s:- A sweet little girl Nandani was tied to a hard little boy Rudraksh since their birth. They both were destined to be together. Both their fathers fix their marriage as Nandani is born. When the Nandani is born that time the Rudraksh was already 3 years old. The king of PRATAP GARH , MR. ABHIDEV BAHADUR PRATAP SINGH came to his bestfriends palace to congratulate him on the birth of his daughter , the king of SHAMSHER GARH , MR. RAJSURYADEV SHAMSHER SINGH. Both the kings of the palaces were bestfriends. Both were like brothers. So they thought that how about we change our friendship with relationship. So they finalized that , the newborn daughter 'RAJNANDANI SHAMSHER SINGH' will marry the 3 year old son 'ABHIRUDRAKASH PRATAP SINGH'. So now our princess is here and both the kings decide that both their children will marry eachother whenever 'Rajnandani' will turn 21. Everyone were happy with their decision that both the Sultanates are becoming one. But what will happen if one day suddenly Pratap singh died That too not because of a natural death. When Nandani came to know about it, she was heart broken because Pratap singh always was like her father too. She loved Pratap Singh more than her own father What will happen when they both meet eachother? Will marriage will ever happen? Will both of they love each other after knowing the truth? TO KNOW STAY TUNED ☺️ YOURS MUKTA ♥

Spark_By_Mukta555 · Geschichte
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4 Chs

Chapter :- 1 {Death Knocking The Door}



Year 1670

सन् 1670



राजस्थान , जयपुर। एक तरफ प्रतापगढ़ और दूसरी तरफ शमशेरगढ़। दोनो ही राज्यों के राजाओं में बहुत लगाव था। दोनो राजा बहुत शक्तिशाली और धनी थे। दोनो ही एक दूसरे के सच्चे मित्र थे यहां तक कि एक दूसरे के भाई समान थे। दोनो ही एक दूसरे के लिए प्राण त्याग कर सकते थे।

(Rajasthan, Jaipur. One side is Pratapgarh and the other side is Shamsher Garh. Both the kings of these sultanates were powerful and wealthy. Both the kings were best friends even like brothers. They both can even die for each other)

In Shamsher garh, Raja Shamsher Singh and Raja Pratap Singh are standing outside a room and suddenly a cry of a child breaks and everyone starts to congratulate Shamsher Singh.

A woman came outside of the room and said

"छोरी हुई है।"

(It's a girl.)

Everyone was happy about this but what that lady said next broke their heart.

"पर रानीसाहेब न बच सके। "

(But we couldn't save the Queen.)

But still, everyone thought that now their queen is free because the queen was always ill after the birth of their first child. The Queen and king have 3 children. Two boys and one girl.

1. Abhinandan Shamsher Singh

2. Rajvansh Shamsher Singh

3. Rajnandani Shamsher Singh

After the birth, the whole palace was tense but not the king.

Everyone thought that it was because the Queen was not every time well.

Everyone did not think much and started the preparation for the princess's entry and the queen's exit from this world.

Both Shamsher and Pratap came into Shamsher's chamber.

"तो बताएं क्या करना है अब ?"

(So tell me what to do now?)

Shamsher asked.

"क्या मतलब क्या करना है अब? विवाह करना है आपकी बेटी और मेरे बेटे का।"

(What do you mean by what to do now? Marriage, of your daughter and my son.)

Pratap said.

"तो ठीक है फिर जैसे ही हमारी बेटी 21 साल की हो जाए तो हम बिना इंतजार किए इन दोनो के विवाह की तायरियां करनी शुरू कर देंगे। ठिक है?"

(Ok then, whenever my daughter will turn 21, then without anything we will start the preparation for their wedding. Ok?)

Shamsher asked and Pratap nodded. They both thought that marriage will be done only once Rajnandani will turn 21 but their engagement can be done right now only.

So they both taught all the people to get the preparation started and the engagement will be after 2 days.

Everyone was shocked that the Queen died just a little time ago and the engagement is after 2 days. But no one can question the king so they started the preparation.

After 2 days the engagement and the last rites of the queen happen.

Everything was back to normal after a few days.


After 20 years

20 साल बाद

२० साल बाद


A beautiful girl is seen sitting on a small bed beside a large window. The sunlight is falling upon her face. A book in her hand and she was engrossed in it with utter concentration.

Suddenly a voice came

"तो राजकुमारी जी, युद्ध के लिए तयार है न आप? क्योंकि इस बार तो हम ही जीतने वाले हैं "

(So princess are you ready for the war? Because we will be the one winning this time)

That voice said

"जी भाईसा, हम तो तयार है। पर उन्हें तो बुलाएं जिनसे हमे लड़ना है।"

(Yes brother, I am ready. But call that person who has to fight me.)

That girl said

"नंदनी बुलाएं और हम न आए, ऐसा हुआ है क्या कभी?"

(Nandani will call me and I will not come. Has it ever happened?)

A new boy came and said.

"पर राजकुमारी साहेबा एक शर्त है। तो बता दीजिए इन्हें इनकी शर्त वंश"

(But princess there is a bet.

So tell her the bet vansh)

The first boy said

"ठिक है भाईसा। तो राजकुमारी , शर्त ये है के आज आप को हम दोनों यानी के राजकुमार अभिनंदन शमशेर सिंह और राजकुमार राजवंश शमशेर सिंह के साथ लड़ना पड़ेगा। तो शर्त मंजूर?"

(So the bet is that you have to fight with both of us means you have to fight with prince Abhinandan Shamsher Singh and prince Rajvansh Shamsher Singh. So what do you say?)

Said the second boy.

"मंजूर है।"


That girl said and she stood up from her seat and tied her dupatta tightly around her face.

All three of them went towards the royal garden. All of them pick up their swords and positioned themselves.

Both the boys were on one side and our Nandini was on one side.

Nandani carefully looked at them and they started their fight. Nandani was moving her body with her sword like a professional dancer and was moving gracefully.

At the start Nandini was only defencing but once she sensed that both her brothers were tired of attacking. She attacked them but suddenly a voice came

"राजकुमारी , राजकुमार , छोटे राजकुमार। राजासाहेब ने आप लोगो को अपने कक्ष में बुलाया है और बड़ी मातासाहेब भी वहीं है"

(Princess, prince, prince. The king has called you into his chamber and your grandmother is there too)

And listening to Nandani stopped and because of that, both her brother's swords were positioned on both sides of her neck.

And the sword in her hand fell.

And that voice again said.

"हमें माफ़ करे पर कोई शायद कोई बुरी ख़बर लेकर आया है। आप लोगों को जल्दी बुलाने को कहा गया है।"

(I am sorry but I think it's a piece of bad news. They called you all in an emergency.)

Listening to this all three of them ran towards the king's chamber.

Nandani covered her face with her veil. The king was sitting on a couch.

The king looked up and signalled them to enter. They all enter and sat beside the king.

Abhinandan took the letter from King's hand a started reading it loud.

"हम प्रतापगढ़ के मुख्या मंत्री, शमशेरगढ के राजा, शमशेर सिंह को ये सूचित करके बताना चाहते हैं कि, प्रतापगढ़ के राजा, प्रताप सिंह पर 3 दिन पहले किसी अनजान राज्य के सिपाहियो ने हमला किया था और वो इसमें सफल भी हो गए हैं। हम आपको हमारे राजा प्रताप सिंह की अखरी रीतियों में निमंत्रित करना चाहते है और इस राज्य को आपकी बहुत जरूरत है।

आपके इंतजार में

मुख्य मंत्री।"

( I the first hand of the king, wanted to inform the king of Shamsher Garh, Shamsher Singh that the king of pratapgarh, Pratap Singh was attacked by an unknown palace and they even succeeded in that. I want to invite you to pratapgarh for the last rites of our king. Our palace needs you.

In your wait

The first hand of the king.)

He ended up reading the letter and tears pricked in Nandini's eyes. She was ready to cry but somehow managed.

"We are going. Get the things ready Nandani child."

The king said and Nandani nodded.


So this was the first chapter of Abridged~ An Incomplete Love Story

How was it? Actually, this is my first time writing something like this so hope you all will like it.

Words:- 1164+

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