
Above Creation

Is it not wrong just to ask for peace and quiet? Why should I die just because I was kind? Meeting God isn't all that good. All actions have consequences and I'm no different. Reincarnation? Let's see what's this about. Might as well try it out. Wait , should I be kind or not? Oh , I forgot. My name is Zero. Wanna see what I do with my new life?

Malicious_Arthur · Anime und Comics
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4 Chs

Just humans....

After they heard the scream , Rei looked at the direction of where the scream was coming from and looked towards Zero.

Zero , who also looked at the same direction as Rei thought that it would be good to save some more people since you can never have enough shiel- I mean helpers when the apocalypse has started.

"We should go and see what's all the ruckus about." Zero said as he lead the way. Rei and Komuro couldn't decide much since they could only follow Zero since he was there best choice of survival for now.

After about a 5 minute jog through the hallway , they arrived to where the commotion was. Zombie's were trying to get near 4 people , one was a male whose stomach naturally had some problem since it looked like it was about to blow. The others were all females with the one holding a wooden weapon and dispatching the zombies near her , Zero remembered that her name was Saeko Busujima. Zero also took note to not get close to her since she has a mental problem.

The girl who Zero heard screaming from a distance was probably the one on the floor with her unique appearance of twin tales that had a pinkish shade to it. Her name should be Saya Takagi. Zero thought it would be good to save her since he remembered that her father owned a luxurious household.

The last female who had an abnormal amount of fat piled up at her chest with her serene golden hair was Shizuka Marikawa.

After recognizing all of the people that were here , Zero thought if he should make connections with these people are not. Should he be friendly? It would work in the long run so that he could have support but he wasn't a social type so he denied against it.

Komuro , who saw that the zombies were starting to break through and getting near Saya , didn't hesitate and bashed a zombie that was about to stretch it's arm over to Saya. The result was the blood inside the zombies head , imploding causing it to spray on Saya's face. Her reaction wasn't that off a good one since she vomited right away.

While Komuro was taking care of that situation , Zero decided to use his Shadow Manipulation and shot needles towards the incoming zombies on Saeko's side but this time , he directed the needles in an arch position , causing it to spin as it was speed through the air. The end result was that it pierced through the zombies flesh and continued on until it vanished.

"Seems that my shadows also rely on range. I guess it will improve when it levels up." Zero assured himself since his ability was only level 2 right now.

The four who saw what Zero did were surprised. Why can he do that? That was the thought on their minds since it defied human logic.

Saeko , who was still bewildered , didn't notice a zombie nearing towards her left and before she could respond , it already tackled her to the ground.

"Ugh!" Saeko could only growl in pain due to the impact she received when falling down on her back.

Zero didn't take much time to summon another needle and shoot it towards the zombies head. The zombie fell on Saeko's body which looked like a horror taboo that was about to be committed.

Saeko who looked towards the zombies corpse saw a visible hole between it's eye's and pushed it off her body. She was still not clear on what was happening but she decided she could ask later.

But someone didn't have the same thought as her and rushed up to Zero while glaring at him. "What was that? Is it a weapon?" Saya , who was intrigued , asked hurriedly since she wanted answers to her curiosity.

"I'll tell you when we get to a safer area." Was the only response Zero gave and walked passed her.

Feeling like Zero didn't care much about her curiosity , Saya clicked her tongue and looked towards Zero's back with a frustrated expression.

Zero , who didn't see her face , didn't care much about it. He walked over to Saeko and bent down to help her up. "Are you okay?" Zero decided to ask since he wasn't she if the anime plot will remain the same. He was already an anomaly , there might be more.

"I'm fine. Just a little surprised." Saeko chose to accept his help and got up to her feet. She eyed Zero and realized he was taller than her , but just a few inches taller. She was also wondering why he wore a mask but left the question at the back of her head.

"Good, can't have any of the foodd- I mean humans die anymore. It would be tragic." Zero almost worded out his thoughts but corrected in time. It seemed like no one wanted to ask what word was about to come out but Komuro was starting to get wary of Zero.

"He might not seem dangerous but..." Komuro thought to himself since Zero isn't someone his familiar with.

Kohta rushed towards Saya's side and tried to ask about her health but only received a glare from her which made him retract his position and move away from her.

Shizuka who looked at everyone decided that she should say something since the atmosphere was kind of murky. "We should get out of here since we never know if there might be more coming." She tried to change the subject on everyone's mind and to her expectations , it worked.

"Yes , I agree. Staying here is troublesome." Zero said since he knew that the more zombies that they encounter , the less survival chances of the people here will survive. "Is there a vehicle here that we can use to escape?" Zero already knew that there is but decided to play dumb.

"Yes. There's the school's bus but they keys are in another room." Shizuka replied which Zero nodded to.

"We'll be going there then." After Zero said that , they all went into the direction of where the room is.

They met zombies along the way but Saeko and Zero took care of them easily since Zero could provide back to Saeko from a distance.

After 20 minutes of walking and killing zombies along there way , they found the room that they were looking for.

"This is the room." Shizuka told Zero but Zero had a strange look in his eyes when he looked at the name of the room.

"I....can't read the name of the room. And here I thought I could read the language used here. But why can I speak it though?" Zero voiced out his problem.

The others were confused since if he could speak but not read it , what was his origins then?

"Zero , aren't you from Japan?" Rei asked since she was confused.

"No , I'm from America." Zero told them his previous nationality sine he was American before he died. It wasn't a lie to say his still American because didn't immigrate in Japan.

"Oh , then why are you here?" Rei was curious since she didn't expect Zero to be so fluent in Japanese that he sounded like a normal citizen.

"Just for some site seeing." Zero lied through his teeth since didn't have to tell them he reincarnated and was placed here. Who would believe that?

After that , they entered the room and the first thing Zero saw was a TV placed in the corner of the room.

The others also went inside the room and the last person , who was Kohta , locked closed the door while going near Saya's side.

Saya who was annoyed told him to move away from her and that's what he did. He retreated back a few steps. Zero who saw this , shook his head in dismay. " Another one. " Was all Zero could think about.

Saya who was saw the TV in the corner , switched it on and to her surprise , it worked. She changed the channel to the news and everyone started to look towards the TV.

The news depicted of the zombies invasion and the damages it caused. They also said that the military is doing everything in their power to fight off the zombies and will be setting up a human base for the safety of humans.

Saya who watches this , could only curse and explain what the real purpose was about. After her rants about the military and police department , she sneered and turned off the TV.

"The military will save us , right?" Kohta , who was still lingering for some hope asked everyone.

"They're just humans with tools , can they survival that long?" Zero looked towards Kohta and asked him.

"I-I guess not." Kohta knew that the zombie's number are increasing rapidly.

"And you wanna know why?" Zero wanted to voice out his own opinion.

Kohta shook his head since the government clearly had fire power that would work on the zombies. But the increase of zombies would lead to the fall of Japan.

"It's because they're human." Zero explained to Kohta. "If they wanted , they could bomb Japan and move to a new state but the virus has already spread all over the world considering it could spread to Japan in one day. So they'll try to survive as long as they can and that will lead to eternal fights. Humans are humans and greed is endless in their vocabulary."