
Once again

Hello, my name is Ken. How are you doing today good sir? Feeling well I hope. Well regardless, don't worry about it and continue with your day.....



Suddenly an explosion could be heard coming from the bank at the heart of the city of New Hope. As people were running away from the explosion, two people could be seen coming out of the smoke.

"Holy crap ,Alex, just how long did you charge the explosion?!", the man asked while carrying a sack filled to the brim with money.

"I didn't charge it long, I guess this building is just old", Alex said while wiping some of the debris off of his shoulder

Both men seemed to be wearing a makeshift outfit,with Alex's outfit being a red leather jacket with jeans and a gas mask, while his partner's outfit was made up of some jeans and a tank top, some work boots, and a bandanna to cover his face.

"Well anyways,we better haul ass to get to the extraction point before that guy gets he-",

before the man could finish his sentence, something crashed in the street in front of them. After the dust had settled, a man in a purple spandex suit stood before them.

"You know, I'll never get why you guys think you're going to get away with robbing a bank that's right in the middle of my city. Oh well, just means that I get a bonus this week", said the costumed man while getting in a fighting stance.

"Aw shit, well I guess there's no point in stalling now.Alex, get to the extraction point, I'll be there as soon as I take this clown out".After finishing his sentence, Alex's companion ripped a street lamp post out of the ground next to him.

"Okay, just don't take too long, who knows if he has any backup", Alex said while grabbing the money sack from his partner and running away. "Hey get back here, I never said you could leave-" just as his sentence was finished, the man who accompanied Alex swung the lamp post towards the costumed man, just barely missing him as the man somersaulted in the air before the landing and getting in a fighting stance.

"Oh shoot, you almost got me, a mistake on your part though for missing me, because now I'm mad", just as he said that the costumed man's eyes began to glow purple and electricity started to crackle around his body, making him seem considerably menacing.

"Ah you're one of those. Doesn't make a difference though, since I'm still kicking your ass", said Alex's companion as a purple colored armor seemed to grow around his body. The skin of the man turned increasingly more and more purple and eventually settled into a dark shade of purple with a smooth, marble like skin . After the process, he was completely covered in an exoskeleton like armor, the eyes of the man seemed to be glowing as well with the exception being that his sclera and pupil being black with a glowing white iris, making seem more akin to a monster seen in nightmares than a human.

Meanwhile however, Alex was dashing down the street to the extraction point, when he suddenly saw a shadow moving right beside him. As Alex turned his head around he could see another costumed man flying right above him.

"Oh shit, where the hell'd you come from!?", Alex said while reaching into his jacket pocket,getting ready to throw something towards his pursuer.

"Oh you know, the usual , flying through the sky by manipulating gravity. Nothing big", the man said nonchalantly while smirking . "I don't need sass from you!", and without skipping a beat he threw a small crimson ball towards the man. Seeing that the criminal had thrown a projectile at him, the man moved out of its way. However, immediately after he moved out of its way it exploded, causing moderate damage to him and throwing him off balance, causing him to fall to the ground.

(THUD) "ARGH,you're gonna pay for that kid!!", the man said angrily while getting ready to take off into the air again." HA, maybe...IF you can catch me!", Alex said while throwing another one before dashing to his goal. As he continued to sprint he could hear explosion and pained grunt of the costumed man behind him.

Alex continued to run for about another fifteen minutes before ducking behind an alley and entering an abandoned office building.After confirming that he lost his pursuer, he pulled out a small badge from his pocket and pressed a green button on it before speaking in to it. "Yo X, I'm at the extraction point but Ob got held up by some hero. Do you think you could wait for my signal before you open a wormhole?"

"Sure thing. Oh, by the way, I'm finally done putting the finishing touches on your gear. You can equip it by putting the badge on your chest", the man said nonchalantly on the other side of the connection.

After hearing the last part of his sentence, Alex excitedly placed the badge on the middle of his chest. Suddenly, small specs of black and red began to spread across Alex's body, seemingly originating from the badge, eventually covering most of his body except for his jacket and gas mask. After the process was done, Alex seemed to have a pair of red and black sneakers, a black and red outfit, a crimson leather jacket, and a gas mask which now had streaks of crimson around it.

"This is so cool! I look so bad-ass. Hey X, what can this suit do?". Alex asked excitedly. "The sneakers can let you jump proportional to the energy you focus on it, and the suit provides almost perfect protection against most attacks, but the main thing is that it makes you invulnerable to your own explosives, so you don't need to worry about what happened last time. I'll let you figure out the new features of your gas mask by yourself", the man on the the other side of the connection told him through the gas mask.

"All right, well I'll get back to you when I give the signal. I'm gonna go help ob-", before he could finish, Alex heard something crash into the wall behind him. After the dust settled he could see his companions body on the floor, and a purple costumed figure in the open hole on the side the building.

"So this is where you were.How lucky of me in finding you here." The purple costumed man said with a grin while having electricity jumping and cracklings on his fists.

"Oh thanks for making such a big ruckus, you saved me the trouble of having to track you down", as Alex turned his head, he saw the figure of the his previous pursuer, this time bruised heavily on the face.

" Oh would you look at that, you seem really hurt. Maybe you should go to a hospital so you can treat your boo-boo's" Alex said mockingly at the man.

" You know, I'm usually really lenient on brats like you, but I'll make an exception just for you", the costumed man said with anger in his tone.

"Nah, I'll pass. Do it now X!", just as he said that, a portal opened on the floor right next to him. "Don't let him get away, he's with X!!", the purple costumed man said, realizing who Alex was speaking to.

However, before any of the two costumed men could do anything, Alex threw a large amount of crimson spheres at both costumed men before lunging at his companion and throwing him at the portal. Both heroes attempted to redirect the spheres, only to have them explode, causing the foundation of the building to deteriorate. As the building began fall around them, Alex's pursuer left the building, preferring his survival over apprehending the criminals. Only the purple costumed man remained, attempting to catch Alex just before he escaped, just barely missing him before he jumped in the portal."DAMN IT!!" The purple costumed man said. Realizing that the portal closed, leaving no trace of Alex, the costumed man bitterly left as the building fell around him

Hello, sorry for not properly finishing the chapter the first time around. But I’m finally done at least, right? Feel free to leave any criticism, I will try to keep all of your advice in mind.

Ps. The first little bit at the beginning is part of the story. I’ll become more meaningful later on

Novucreators' thoughts