

Mrs Doris began to shout

"help, help, please anyone" she tried to climb down the stairs and she missed a step and fell. she tried to hold on to something to prevent her from rolling down the stairs but it was too late as she was already rolling down the stairs.

she struggled and tried to get back on her feet but she blacked out

she woke up at the hospital with great pain

saying faintly " where am I, where is my bby "

the doctors ran in shouting "no need for the operation she woke up already "

they all rushed to the room ready to put her to bed.

she said faintly "I can't push "

but the doctor was already shouting " push, push"

she pushed after some minutes she felt the baby came out of her but didn't hear any noise

The doctors and nurses were all surprised with what they saw. It's a he, a baby boy born differently .

they were all perplexed, the bAby's birth is supernatural that why her water never broke.

He was born with something like a transparent bag filled with water and the baby was inside not drowning.

They opened up the bag brought the cute baby out but the baby didn't cry nor shake,

the doctors almost lost hope and the mother was crying already.

They told everyone already the baby is no more, the mother refused to believe with tears on her eyes whispering give me my baby, I want to touch him.

They then gave her the baby she held him with her feeble hands saying you are not dead.

They were all shocked and bewildered when they heard the baby's voice , they baby was crying loudly .

it was indeed miraculous birth, he is meant to live and not die.

They doctors then decided to admit the baby and the mother for two weeks to watch them closely and see if there will be a health issue.

Mrs Doris husband's Mr Bright travelled, but news spreads fast. Mr Bright called Mrs Doris on phone.

the phone ranged and she picked

" Hello my wife, I can't believe we now have a son. I love you so much but is the news am hearing true, I don't believe my ears"

Mrs Doris replied "who informed you, how did the News get to you"

she was flabagasted at the husband news

she planned to be the one to inform her husband but she never knew the news would spread really fast

"can you hear me, hello baby "

Mr Bright said it continuously " are you there"

"oh baby am sorry I can hear you, network problem"

she lied the husband replied

"oh I will be home by tomorrow we will talk well, I love you baby" he ended the call