
Abnormal Creatures

A remote and old big house, a bunch of abnormal extraterrestrial beings, and a labor contract from "gods". The three elements combined made Lin Feng the busiest landlord and the most capable nanny in the world, and the most chaotic. , the story of the strangest and most abnormal room host begins. "From the day I pressed my fingerprint on the labor contract, I knew I was on a pirate ship..."

DaoistlpXQ8U · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
110 Chs


A burly man, standing at a height of two meters, faced the trio. His skin was dark, his physique robust, and his muscles bulged, even the black T-shirt he wore couldn't hide the knife-like lines. His face was rugged, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, exuding a daunting aura even in human form, especially with his visible veins on his bald head, making him look like a villain at first glance—quite menacing, probably the darkest creature one could find on this planet.

Even after transforming into a humanoid, Yzax was still striking. Lin Feng realized that he still had to look up at him, which made him feel pressured about bringing this villain back home: optimistically, this bald villain's appearance alone could attract a whole team of police officers; if he stood outside the public security bureau, they would need to request backup without saying a word...

But at least he was much better than the humanoid mountain of flames from before.

"Let's go." Lin Feng sighed. He had many questions for Yzax, but this was not the time or place. The light and shadow effects caused by the demon's arrival should have already attracted attention in the town; even though there were no roads nearby, the forest fire brigade should have arrived by now. "I'll ask you about it when we get home... Oh, I just remembered something!"

Lin Feng suddenly remembered a puzzling point when Angus admitted to pretending to be a god. At the beginning of the ghostly events, many people in town saw a fire light coming from the direction of the castle, which was not caused by Angus.

"Was that you?" Lin Feng asked about the initial cause of the haunting in town. "Had you just arrived?"

"Ah, it was me, I feel quite guilty about it." Yzax stepped out of the magma pool step by step, shaking off the molten slag on his pants. He wore a terrifying smile on his face (which looked terrifying no matter how you looked at it), "I came to this planet on the immigrant ship of your Time and Space Management Bureau. But when I entered the atmosphere, I flew by myself, and I ended up in the wrong place. The planned landing point was a mask area arranged by the Bureau, where landing wouldn't attract attention. But I flew to this place instead... just like what you saw earlier, quite a commotion. However, I found that the locals didn't seem to mind. They seemed quite happy about it, so I didn't come out to apologize. I remember someone told me before I came here to try not to expose my identity."

Lin Feng broke out in a cold sweat, finally understanding what the "giant fire light" Angus mentioned earlier was about. Thinking back to the sea of fire floating in the clouds when Yzax descended, the scale was still visible from dozens of kilometers away.

Lin Feng led the group away from the castle ruins. However, as they were about to leave, Vivian remembered something. "Wait, shouldn't we clean up the scene here?"

Vivian pointed to the pile of rocks on the high ground. The entire castle ruins were in a mess. Muyun had dismantled almost a section of the city wall's stones to use as bricks, smashing all the remaining city walls in the process. There were still remnants of molten lava where Yzax had descended. Optimistically, that place would soon be covered in rough glass. Moreover, Sangong had blasted a large hole directly to the underground palace in the center of the castle. There were also undead guard openings all over the castle, and to make matters worse, there were hundreds of ancient armors lying in the pile of rocks in the ruins—the Leta runes on these undead guards had been damaged by demonic power, theoretically rendering them unable to stand up again, but there might still be a few who could move. Leaving such a mess behind was clearly not suitable for ordinary people.

Although Lin Feng wanted to ignore the situation, no matter how he thought about it, he had to deal with it himself... 

"How do we handle this? Request two rounds of bombing to flatten this place?" Lin Feng shrugged. "This method is simple, but with just a few of us, how can we clean up such a mess in a short time? Also, I think I saw vehicles in the distance just now. I estimate that some onlookers from town have already arrived."

Yzax couldn't understand what Vivian and Lin Feng were talking about, but he could guess, so the great demon scratched his shiny bald head and grinned, "Leave it to me, you guys hide in a more distant place."

Seeing the demon about to act big, Lin Feng didn't have time to ask him what he planned to do. He quickly pulled Muyun and Vivian to a nearby small hill, leaving Yzax in the ruins of the castle. However, before they could even stand firm on the hill, a thunderous voice came from the direction of the castle, "Get further away! The farther, the better!"

Lin Feng was stunned, "What's he going to do? Is he really going to flatten this place?"

Then he slapped Muyun, "Quick, let's go. This big guy is going to make a big news story—oh right, Vivian, go and bring Sangong and the old monk. They should be awake by now, right?"

Lin Feng estimated the distance and thought that Sangong and the Indian monk, who were staying at the "Ghostbusters Camp," were probably also in danger, so he quickly asked Vivian to bring those two unlucky guys. It was fortunate that he had been attentive all along and hadn't forgotten about this, while the two monsters beside him seemed to have forgotten—this carelessness could cost lives!

The group quickly moved to another higher ground further away. Vivian also found the still unconscious Sangong and the Indian monk in the small camp. Judging from their sleeping condition, Lin Feng had been quite thorough in his actions.

Of course, the hardness of the data terminal was also a decisive factor.

While Lin Feng was waiting for the commotion from the direction of the castle, a red light suddenly tore through the sky.

The three of them looked up in unison and were stunned when they saw the source of the red light: it was a meteorite.

A real meteorite!

The huge meteorite burned violently in the atmosphere, dragging a long tail flame that tore through the sky with extreme precision, heading straight for the castle. Lin Feng had only seen such scenes on TV or experienced the so-called "meteorite magic" in games, but now this exaggerated thing was actually happening in front of him!

Muyun exclaimed in amazement, "Wow!" and as she spoke, the huge burning meteorite hit the target directly in the center of the castle!

At first, there was a loud bang, and the roar was so intense that Lin Feng felt his skull protesting. Then, a mushroom cloud rose from the high ground where the castle was located. Even from this far away, the ground under their feet was trembling. The intense shockwave followed, accompanied by an uncomfortable sulfur smell in the raging wind. If they were closer, it would probably feel like doomsday had arrived.

Lin Feng had only one thought at that moment: real meteorite magic is much more exciting than in games.

After everything calmed down a bit, the sky was already torn in half by the cloud

, and the shockwave from the meteorite had even created a cloud void directly above the castle. As the first rays of sunlight shone on the earth, the castle had completely disappeared.

The rocks, the high ground, and the underground palace were all turned into a burning giant pit. Around the high ground were large areas of impact cracks.

Just as Lin Feng was dumbfounded, there was a sudden vortex-like distortion in the nearby air, and Yzax appeared next to him directly, looking a bit embarrassed. "Did I make too much of a fuss? I brought this meteorite from the Kuiper Belt. I couldn't find one of the right size, so I thought this one looked moderate in size, but I didn't expect it to contain manganese core—I thought it was icy rock, which would have been less powerful. By the way, the environment of this star system is not bad, quite suitable for releasing meteorite magic."

Lin Feng: "…"

With his worldview already unshakable, Lin Feng shook his head. "Okay, the most difficult thing to explain has been destroyed. All that's left is for the astronomers in the UK to figure out the meteorite event. Let's go... let's go quickly!"

At this moment, Sangong, lying at Lin Feng's feet, finally woke up with a groan (or it could have been the shock of the meteorite falling). The half-baked "ghost hunter" sat up from the ground, then immediately exclaimed as he touched the back of his head, only to be choked by the lingering smell of burnt air in the air, "Cough, what's wrong with me?"

This guy, who was neither successful nor failed, woke up at just the right time!