
Abnormal Creatures

A remote and old big house, a bunch of abnormal extraterrestrial beings, and a labor contract from "gods". The three elements combined made Lin Feng the busiest landlord and the most capable nanny in the world, and the most chaotic. , the story of the strangest and most abnormal room host begins. "From the day I pressed my fingerprint on the labor contract, I knew I was on a pirate ship..."

DaoistlpXQ8U · Fantasie
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110 Chs

Find someone

If Vivian is right, then Muyun should be safe—though her personal freedom may not be guaranteed.

Werewolves are generally solitary creatures. After reaching adulthood, most of them prefer to live alone, which has led to their rapid decline and dispersal, making them one of the most scattered and dwindling races on this planet after the end of the mythological era. However, the Aiben family is an exception among werewolves. They maintain a strong sense of family and have kept close ties even long after the end of the mythological era, when the human church and witchers became dominant. Today, they have become one of the few large families still thriving among werewolves.

The exact organization of the Aiben family's upper echelons is unknown. Vivian's understanding of them is limited to their external actions. This group has been dedicated to reuniting those family members who have been continuously scattered. Their original base was in Europe and Latin America, and until a hundred years ago, they had not left this area.

"They're a strange bunch, slightly smarter than ordinary werewolves, but only to a limited extent," Vivian remarked casually while describing the Aiben family. "They understand the power of unity, but they're foolish enough to think that they can rebuild the mythological era with their limited power. Tsk, tsk, even Fennel was stewed by the witchers later. They don't know when to back off."

"What will happen to Muyun?" This was Lin Feng's most pressing concern.

"She'll be forced to join them," Vivian said with a smirk. "Werewolves are straightforward; they never beat around the bush, even with their own kind. They're used to using strong-arm tactics, even on their own people. The Aiben family probably sees all scattered werewolves as potential recruits. They're numerous and will definitely resort to coercion. The big dog won't have any problems for the time being, as she's still considered 'one of them' by those two werewolves. But once the truth comes out, they'll definitely clash. And with the big dog's just-acquired half-hearted skills... she'll probably get beaten to the point of not recognizing herself."

Upon hearing this, Lin Feng broke into a cold sweat and immediately lowered his head to continue searching the city map for clues.

Based on experience, Vivian judged that the werewolf who used the black mist had taken Muyun away using the Aiben family's innate power. Since the range of this transfer via black mist wouldn't be too far, Muyun should still be within the city limits. Lin Feng's search was thus confined to this area. He opened the data terminal and projected the entire city map, then used "Haoyun" as a keyword to search for over a hundred targets. Among these targets, there were over a dozen related to warehouses, factories, and other large facilities.

This cursed popular name... Lin Feng could only be thankful that Muyun wasn't locked up in Brightness XX Factory; that name would be even more common...

"Don't you have a signal tracking function?" Lin Feng complained as he checked those suspected locations one by one, tapping the data terminal's casing in frustration. "When Muyun called just now, couldn't you have tracked the signal?"

The data terminal retorted unabashedly, "The machine was asleep just now. Can't you think for yourself? This machine is a tool, and you are the user. You can't blame others for your own failure to turn it on, just like blaming an alarm clock for not ringing when you forgot to turn it on."

Lin Feng was rendered speechless and had to continue working. He had thought about sending a distress signal to Crow 12345, considering this was an emergency at work, but he quickly dismissed the idea. This was his responsibility, and he had to take care of it himself. No matter what, he was now Muyun's guardian, and it would be embarrassing to ask for help from his superiors over a minor emergency.

"In addition to the city and the surrounding counties, there is an electronics factory, two logistics companies, two warehouses, and six or seven other units that seem unreliable. The place Muyun described sounds like an abandoned warehouse, or it could be a warehouse built by a factory, or even an empty factory building... Well, the electronics factory can be ruled out, as it's still operational. The same goes for one of the logistics companies. That leaves us with three targets."

Three targets, all abandoned for several years, unsearchable online. It was fortunate that the data terminal could collect information from these obscure places. All three places matched the description of "resembling an abandoned warehouse," so there was no way to continue the investigation.

"We'll have to check them all," Vivian said, looking at the map. She found that these three places were far apart, one in a remote old urban area, one in the northern suburb, and the other in another town tens of kilometers away, all belonging to those neglected and forgotten plots of land, "It really fits the movie logic, hiding someone in such a place makes it really hard to find them."

"These are quite far away," Lin Feng lamented as he looked at the map, "I should have bought a car first... it's unbelievable that I have to provide my own transportation while working for the gods."

"I'll send the bats over," Vivian said, summoning three small bats. She then looked at the bright sun outside with a grim expression, "Tsk, too sunny. The weather forecast is completely unreliable. The bats flying over will probably get half-baked. That idiot owes me a big favor."

The three small bats hovered around Vivian, and with a heroic posture, they flew towards the window, ready to face the brilliant sunlight outside. Lin Feng suddenly remembered something and called out, "Wait, I have an idea!" He then ran to Muyun's room and took out a bottle, which turned out to be a bottle of sunscreen.

"That girl bought this bottle on a whim a few days ago, but she never used it. It's perfect for your bats," Lin Feng said cheerfully, unscrewing the cap of the sunscreen and beckoning for Vivian's bats to land on the table. The vampire girl was immediately astonished, "You're quite broad-minded... Ah, that's cool!"

The bats shared their senses with Vivian, so when Lin Feng applied the sunscreen to the bats, she felt it immediately. Her soft, melodious gasp made Lin Feng's hand tremble, almost knocking the bottle over on the table. "Don't react so strongly..."

"I've never used such an expensive thing in my life," Vivian complained, "The first time I use sunscreen, it's for my own bats... Hey, use less, or they won't be able to fly!"

After a moment, Lin Feng finished and the three bats, now covered in sunscreen, excitedly flew out of the window, speeding off in three different directions. Their speed far exceeded that of normal bats, with the slowest one reaching speeds of eighty or ninety miles per hour. Watching the three small black dots disappear quickly, Lin Feng couldn't help but marvel, "I do have quite a broad-minded approach."

Vivian didn't reply; she was immersed in the sensory sharing with the three bats, completely focused on perceiving everything within the

 bats' sensory range. The city rapidly expanded in her mental world as a three-dimensional model. Soon, one of the bats arrived at the nearest destination, the abandoned warehouse of a logistics company located in the city.

There was no sign of life inside or outside the warehouse, so the first location was ruled out.

The remaining two bats flew to a satellite town dozens of kilometers away and to a northern suburb on the other side of the city.

"Huh..." Vivian suddenly snapped out of her concentration, softly exclaiming in surprise. Lin Feng immediately approached, "Did you find something?"

"One of the bats is dead," Vivian said, puzzled, "I didn't even react to what happened. One of the bats suddenly disappeared. It was the one flying towards the northern suburbs and it vanished when passing through the city center."

"Could it be the werewolves?" Lin Feng asked.

"Unlikely. Werewolves can't fly and are generally no match for my bats. It might have accidentally hit a transformer and been electrocuted. When flying too fast, accidents like this can happen... I've bumped into those annoying things humans made several times myself. By the way, do you have more sunscreen? I'll send another one."

Lin Feng handed her the sunscreen, "You do it yourself; I find it weird to watch your expression change as I apply sunscreen to a bat."

Vivian rolled her eyes at Lin Feng and began applying sunscreen to the bat. The fourth "scout" soon set off.

"It's indeed in the northern suburb!" Vivian finally found a clue, "There's the scent of that big dog!"