
Abnormal Creatures

A remote and old big house, a bunch of abnormal extraterrestrial beings, and a labor contract from "gods". The three elements combined made Lin Feng the busiest landlord and the most capable nanny in the world, and the most chaotic. , the story of the strangest and most abnormal room host begins. "From the day I pressed my fingerprint on the labor contract, I knew I was on a pirate ship..."

DaoistlpXQ8U · Fantasie
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110 Chs

Dreamland again

The night was deep, and Lin Feng was making final preparations for his journey to the Dream Plane.

"Actually... what's the point of all this preparation? Just lie down and sleep, and you can enter. All this preparation is useless," Muyun said. She had been quite exhausted these past few days, and with the upcoming evolution on the night of the full moon, she had retired to her room early, leaving Vivian and Izax in the living room with Lin Feng.

Vivian had prepared a large pot of herbal tonic, claiming it would help with vitality and spirit. She watched as Lin Feng drank two large bowls, then looked at him with concern. "How do you feel? Do you feel more energetic?"

Lin Feng smacked his lips; the strange taste of the tonic made his tongue tingle. But seeing Vivian's serious expression, he felt embarrassed to refuse, so he nodded. "Yes, it's effective. I feel as refreshed as waking up early in the morning."

"In that case, have some more!" Vivian was delighted and ladled two more spoonfuls of the dark, oily porridge from the pot. "Let me tell you, the herbs in this are unrecognizable now. Even the old Chinese medicine doctors don't know them. This recipe was written down by Li Shizhen when he passed through a small village. Drinking it refreshes the mind and calms the nerves. In the Dream Plane, it's essentially having a nightmare. As long as your mental strength is stable, you don't have to worry, no matter how intense the nightmare."

Lin Feng quickly waved to stop Vivian from bringing him more. "That's enough, really. If I drink more, I won't need to sleep at all. And don't be so nervous. I'm just going to sleep..."

"How can we not be nervous!" Vivian placed the tonic on the table. "I've heard that the Dream Plane is not as simple as ordinary dreaming. Many people have died in there. Raven12345 only said she'd ensure you won't die in there, but being half-dead still counts as not dying!"

Even Vivian could say such things; it showed how widely Raven12345's bad reputation had spread.

"I wish my blood magic could help you," Vivian sighed suddenly. "Blood magic of the vampires is specifically for the mind, much more effective than these drinks. Why doesn't my blood magic work..."

This question even stumped Raven12345. Lin Feng, of course, couldn't explain either; he could only laugh awkwardly and brush it off. Izax took this opportunity to speak up, "Let me try using our magic to create a protective shield for you?"

Lin Feng waved it off. "Don't bother. My body is magic-resistant. I can't even use the buffs my teammates give me. My unlucky constitution..."

"Why not give it a try?" Izax was stubborn and insisted on trying, writing a dark green rune in the air and slapping it onto Lin Feng's back. "...Is this effective?"

Lin Feng was momentarily stunned. When he realized that the demon had cast a spell on him, he felt a sudden clarity in his mind, a heightened awareness of his surroundings that he had never experienced before. He didn't understand what mental power was, but he could be sure that the rune Izax had just cast on him had definitely stimulated his mental strength!

"I'm supposed to be magic-resistant..." Lin Feng felt the short-lived increase in his mental strength to be particularly novel. But what was even more surprising was that he didn't immunize himself against Izax's rune; however, a few seconds later, he remembered what Raven12345 had said. "Partial immunity... I remember now, the goddess said I have partial magic immunity!"

"So, you're not immune to demonic powers?" Vivian looked at the scene in astonishment, then frowned suddenly. "Be more careful in the future. Don't think you're invulnerable to magic. It's not fun to be outsmarted by other demons. Not every demon is as friendly as the big guy."

Lin Feng nodded repeatedly, then stood up. "Well, I feel in top form now. I'm going to bed. Vivian, since you usually stay up late, could you keep watch nearby and assist with any anomalies? Raven12345 said there might be some phenomena when connecting to the Dream Plane. Keep an eye out, and if anything happens, take note. I'll report to Raven12345 later."

Vivian agreed repeatedly, and Izax scratched his bald head with a smile. "I'll keep an eye out too. I'm quite interested in your world's Dream Plane, but unfortunately, I can't enter. I can only watch from the sidelines."

Feeling like a big shot finally, Lin Feng thought to himself. Before he went back to his room, he felt something was off and turned back, saying with a wry smile, "Um, could you two not look at me like you're sending off Jing Ke to the River of No Return..."

Vivian and Izax nodded, their expressions solemn as they silently bowed their heads, instantly creating an atmosphere in the living room as if they were keeping vigil over a corpse.

Lin Feng: "..."

He knew there was no way to communicate with these two further, so he could only shake his head and return to his room. He lay down on the bed, followed Raven12345's advice to adjust his mindset, silently recited the self-hypnosis phrases, placed the data terminal beside him, and waited quietly for the arrival of the Dream Plane.

Half an hour later, the door opened, and Lin Feng, dressed in pajamas, walked out, swaying his arms. Vivian and Izax looked at him in amazement. "Landlord, is it over already?!"

Lin Feng scratched his face awkwardly. "...I went to the bathroom. Those two bowls of soup were too powerful."

Vivian: "..."

After relieving himself, Lin Feng returned to his room and continued to lie down. Half an hour later, he finally realized something—he felt that both Vivian's tonic and Izax's magic had indeed strengthened his mental power, but they had a common effect as well... They were invigorating and brain-stimulating!

This damn luck, he was now suffering from insomnia!

"I knew there weren't many reliable people around me. I shouldn't have let them mess around!" Lin Feng got up abruptly, but in the end, he lay back down. What use would it be to run out now? Would Vivian knock him unconscious with a punch? Or would Izax use magic to put him to sleep? Not to mention whether it would be effective or not, forcibly induced sleep wouldn't let him enter the Dream Plane...

Lin Feng tossed and turned in bed. In the end, he could only tap the data terminal by the pillow. "Connect to Raven12345."

Using a phone to dial the number 00000012345 wouldn't contact that crazy goddess. Only internal devices like the data terminal could connect to her directly. Fortunately, Raven12345 was on duty and hadn't rested that night. Her excited voice sounded in Lin Feng's mind, "Hey, Lin Feng, have you already taken a tour of the Dream Plane? So soon?"

"Not yet, I've run into a problem. I can't enter right now..."

Raven12345's voice was

 surprised. "Can't enter? Didn't I tell you the psychological adjustment and self-suggestion methods? At the very least, the data terminal can guide you."

"It's not that. I have insomnia."

Raven12345: "...F*ck! Can't you be a bit more sensible?"

Lin Feng really didn't want to be judged by a crazy goddess like this, but reality forced him to explain the cause and effect with a dry laugh. After hearing it, Raven12345 was speechless for a long time. Finally, she squeezed out a sentence, "What kind of people are around you... What kind of people have I gathered?"

"Well, in that case..."

"Don't worry, I'll figure something out." Raven12345 said with great momentum, and Lin Feng felt invigorated. He thought to himself that this nymphomaniac goddess finally decided to use her divine power to do something productive. But then, her following words were like this, "I'll sing you a lullaby..."

Lin Feng could not recall what happened afterward, but he only remembered that he blacked out the moment Raven12345 started singing.

When he opened his eyes again, he found himself on a vast grassland. Two moons, one large and one small, hung in the sky. The cool breeze of the night blew across the grassland, and above him were brilliant and unfamiliar stars. Recognizing the familiar scenery from his last visit, Lin Feng realized that he had successfully entered the Dream Plane, and... he was back in the same place as last time.

A faint howl of a wolf could be heard from somewhere.

"F*ck!" Lin Feng was suddenly shocked. "Does dreaming need to be divided into episodes? Is it continuing from last time?"