
The Encounter

"STOP!!!". "what do you think you're doing"? a voice was heard in the garage. "Stay away or else you would get yourself into big trouble". The voice retorted. The man who first spoke was shocked to see a man harassing a young and beautiful lady in a garage. The harasser then let go of the lady whom he was holding, in order to deal with the idiot who had just interrupted him. The lady was so relieved that God had sent someone to help her. She was about to run off when she saw her hero fighting with her harasser. She could not understand why, but she could not move. She just watched the two men fight. From what she was seeing, the man seemed to be a very skilled fighter. It looked as if he was not even stressing much; or not stressing at all. "Wow", she admired the man inwardly. She was so lost in her thoughts that she did not notice that the man had already finished dealing with her harasser and was now standing right in front of her. She held her breath unconsciously. Never had a man come this close to her before. "are you okay"? the man asked. She seemed so lost that she did not hear him. "are you okay"? the man asked a second time with a worried expression. "I'm fine. Thank you for saving me". She finally answered. "I'm Alexander by the way, but you can call me Alex", the man introduced himself. There was silence in the garage for a while before the lady finally replied "my name is Abigail. Thank you again for saving me". The man smiled sweetly at her. "Oh my God, even his smile is beautiful". She quickly shook her head to stop the stupid thoughts that were running in her mind. "No need to thank me. I saw a lady in trouble and I simply did my part by helping". "Are you okay? I hope the man didn't hurt you". Abigail asked with a concerned tone. Ha ha ha. Alex's laugh was heard in the garage. Even his laugh was pleasing to the ear. "It's nice seeing how concerned you are, but no he did not hurt me". "Did you kill that man"?

Abigail asked Alex looking a bit nervous. "YES", Alex answered without any trace of warmth in his voice. Abigail just looked at him and let out a quiet sigh. She knew he had killed the man, but wondered how it was possible without Alex holding a weapon. "I need to leave now to settle a few things. Goodnight. Please reach home safely ". Alex said as he quickly left the garage before Abigail could reply. Abigail sighed as she said "thank you" one more time.

Abigail boarded a cab and went straight home. She was working in the city, but lived outside of it. There were days people had approached her and confessed their love to her, but this was the first time that a man had dared try to harass her. She could not imagined what would have happened if Alex had not saved her.

Before the incident...

Abigail had just closed from work and was on her way home. She was passing by a garage when she suddenly heard a loud cry for help. She was scared and did not know what to do. She was contemplating on what to do. She could not ask anyone for help because no one was nearby, and she did not want to involve herself in anything dangerous at such a time in the night. She was about leaving when she heard the shout again. It sounded like a young lady's voice. Abigail had no clue on what to do as she quickly ran into the garage to help the person who was asking for help. She was startled when a man quickly grabbed her and told her "hey there beautiful. What's a beautiful and young lady as yourself doing in such a place at this ungodly hour? The man seemed to be enjoying the horrified look on Abigail's face. "I promise I will take very good care of you. You don't have to be scared of me". The man smiled wickedly at her. "The young girl", Abigail surprisingly voiced out. "Oh? you came here to be a hero". The man's chuckle could be heard even if he was not laughing loudly because the garage was dead quiet. Abigail noticed that the both of them were the only ones in the garage. "Sorry my pretty heroin, but I'm very good at mimicking voices; unfortunately for you". "I noticed you were coming and I decided to act that way to catch your attention, but it seems I caught more than your attention". The man simply said as he eyed her from head to toe like a predator eyes it's prey. The man was about to touch her when he suddenly heard a voice inside the garage. "STOP!!!". "What do you think you're doing"?

Abigail let out a sigh of relief as tears started forming in her eyes. What would she have done if Alex had not come to save her? Where would she be right now? What would that man have done to her? She asked herself as the tears she was fighting back suddenly started rolling down her cheeks. She was already at the front door of her house. The door suddenly opened and Her grandfather came out to take fresh air , only to see his grandchild crying. "What is wrong? Did something happen at work?" Her grandfather Mr. Chan asked with a worried expression. He finally took her inside the house so she could tell him and her family what had happened.

Abigail was an only child. Her mother died from a brain tumor shortly after giving birth to her. She only had her father, grandfather, and grandmother. They were everything to her. She narrated what had happened to her family. They thanked God for keeping Abigail safe. They all retired to their various rooms so they could sleep. While Abigail was in her room, she was unable to sleep. She kept rolling on her bed. All she could think of was Alex. She wondered if he was okay. He had after all fought the dangerous man without effort. She wondered if he was injured and just trying to hide it from her because she had noticed that the man who had harassed her was with a weapon. She felt her cheeks burn as she remembered how close Alex was to her. She happily closed her eyes as she drifted to sleep hoping to dream of Alex.

At Alexander's residence...

Alex let out a frustrated sigh. While he was in that garage, he had not intended to do anything, talk more of killing someone. He saw Abigail enter the garage and he was curious as to why she went there at such an hour. He quickly trailed behind her. He was quietly listening to Abigail and the man's conversation. He was about to leave before he saw the man about to touch Abigail. He suddenly felt angry that he shouted at the man without thinking. He had even gone as far as to fight the man and killed him. Why? For a woman's sake? He laughed mockingly at himself as he recalled what he had done that evening.

Alexander lived alone in a massive mansion that one would think he was a king. His house was even bigger than many of the wealthy and well-known celebrities in their country. He sighed as he felt angry. Angry at himself for saving Abigail. Not that he was not happy that she was safe, but angry because of what he was feeling at that moment. He could not bear to see anyone touching her. He had just met her this evening and he's already feeling like this? What would happen if he saw her everyday? He quietly walked up to his room and lay on his bed as he prepared to go to sleep. He would need to find a way to talk to Abigail tomorrow.