


* Blink *

'This is…'

* Blink *

' It is…'

* ba dump * * Ba dump *

'My blood?'


Eyes widening in complete shock as he stared at the embedded pencil in his right hand. Rea's head was spinning trying to figure out the situation, no. There was nothing to understand. This girl in front of him had suddenly stabbed him with a pencil the moment he had moved his hand.

"Ah! What the hell do you think you're doing, woman ?! " With obvious anger, Rea yells with a scowl at the girl in front of hers.

On the other hand, the one responsible for all this chaos, she was simply standing in front of hers with countless school supplies in both hands. With a stoic look and his head bowed in confusion. As if the question the boy in front of her had just asked was too stupid for a human being.

"What are you talking about? Of course dear apparent neighbor. I am trying to kill you. Didn't you hear me tell you before? You're stupid? Well, it doesn't matter anyway. It is normal that people outside of me cannot understand me, and even more so someone who clearly looks like a criminal. "


"... What is this girl talking about?"

To say that Rea by her side was emotionally shocked wouldn't be wrong to say. Well, who could blame him? When he had a girl who had just stabbed him with a pencil and seemed to wander strangely in front of him ... it certainly seemed normal. However none of that mattered now, now he simply wanted to confront the madwoman and make her see reason.

Taking a short breath he responds.

"Look… I don't know what your problem is in deciding to kill me that you had with me. But you should put those things down in your hands because I definitely don't know you and you have no reason to… kill me, "Rea explained with a calm that would be rare for anyone else.

"Reason ... meet you?" On the other hand, the 'crazy' seemed surprised by her words before continuing.

"Of course I don't know you. After all, it's the first time we've met, isn't it obvious? Now due to certain personal reasons, I decided to exterminate you for hearing something you shouldn't have. But on the other hand, you are right that it would be going too far killing you, that is why I simply decided to silence you "said the young woman as she took out a knife and made a small cut on her cheek.



Surprise and shock washed over Rea at the young woman's actions. She just couldn't understand what was going on. The reason why the woman had a cut on her cheek with drops of blood flowing was unknown, she did not understand it, it was illogical. However, she was pulled out of her thoughts by the girl's next words.

"I have two conditions" said the young woman.

* Blink *

"Two ... conditions?"

"Yes. In exchange for your eternal silence, I will give you two options. You see, I just found this wonderful apartment and of course I plan to stay in it. However, you see dear neighbor-san, I don't like unwanted company, especially if that person lives right next to me. For I will kindly ask you to leave your apartment and move to another place ".

Rea's eyes widened in surprise at the girl's absurd request, she couldn't help but contradict.

"You… are you listening to yourself? How am I going to- "Rea replied before being interrupted.

"Of course, the second condition is that you stay silent and don't say a word about this. And before you say anything, if you think about denying or saying something to someone about this conversation, I will call the police with a single tap and run while screaming at the top of my lungs about a man trying to rape me while trying to defend myself, surely my wounds will prove it. And also ... Who do you think they would believe? A clearly fit man with a terrifying dead stare? Or… A poor girl who was passing by a poor and desolate building alone in the afternoon? What do you think dear neighbor-san? Is he cruel? Do you think you are unlucky because of the events that are happening to you because of this unknown girl? Unfortunately, all that is not of my importance, I only care at this moment myself. This is how things work. The truth is, it is not complicated at all. I'm just saving myself, I'm just serving myself, just between you and me ... clearly I choose myself. Isn't that natural? Won't you do the same in my place? After all ... all people are the same. Don't you think the same? "



Seeing the silence of the boy, the red-haired woman thought that he would be scared and start to panic while she would begin to shout insults and nonsense from his mouth, it is not the first time that she has happened to him and surely not the last. It is always the same way and the moment the victim started to reply, she would simply grab the stapler from her and shut him up by shoving it through her mouth.



However, contrary to the girl's expectations. He did not panic or start screaming, but he simply took a deep breath before beginning to speak calmly.

"I have to admit it. I was not expecting a situation like today at all. Who would have thought that the day I was finally in a good mood, it was spoiled by a high school girl who stuck a pencil in my hand and now seems to be blackmailing me. Yes, definitely not an event that would happen every day. "

Rea's cold and calm voice caused some surprise in the girl. He did not act like any other person she has ever dealt with before. It is as if, being hurt and blackmailed or rather, this type of event that would panic a normal person, is totally irrelevant and common for him.

But, even if Rhea did not act as she expected from the beginning, this did not scare or flinch her at all, nor would she back down from her demands.

"What are you talking about? Did you finally go crazy? While I find your obvious disinterest or apparent stupidity interesting, it would be much more gratifying if you gave me a clear answer. After all, even I am relatively busy and have things to take care of. So… neighbor-san, could you stop your mental review and answer at once? "


* Laughs *

"Ha ... Ha ha ...


The sudden laughter in response was the only thing that was heard in the place. The stark contrast in Rea's character was clearly confusing for the girl, and she couldn't help but notice the strange differences both physically and emotionally from her man moments ago.

"HA Ha * sigh *" at the end of Rea's laugh, he just stopped to look at the eyes of the girl in front of him with a playful smile on her face. His eyes were once a dreadful orange color, now they were a captivating ruby ​​color, shining like two gems outshining everything else around him.

* Ba dump *



* Ba dump *

The woman's heart began to beat frantically. Her breathing ragged hers between little breaths. Her eyes now did not stop trembling as she gazed at those blood-colored orbs.

An emotion that she thought she would never feel again in this life filled her abruptly. That emotion that she only felt for the last time on a certain occasion years ago, yet here it was ...


She could say that those eyes were the evilest and abominable thing she had ever seen in her entire life, that those eyes gave off the most terrifying aura that could exist in anything. Those eyes that glowed supernaturally even with the sun's rays around them.

"A-ah and-I th-this-" The girl stuttered with cold sweat on her body.

At this, Rea just widened her playful and devilish smile even more "What? Did something happen?" She said Rea as she went to put a hand on her chest with a piteous expression "Oh don't worry, I really understand your poor position, really, how cheeky am I for bothering such a beautiful young lady? But do not worry! I know we can definitely come to an agreement. " She finished with an understanding look.

Rea began to walk slowly with small steps to the trembling girl as she was shakily hugging herself.

For the girl, she didn't know what was happening right now. She didn't know why the previously quiet boy abruptly changed, nor did she know what those eyes were. But if she knew she had to get away from that guy and run immediately.

"N-no ... g-get away, please, don't come near ..." the redhead softly pleaded, still standing in front of Rea.

'W-what is happening? Why can't I move? Who is this man ?! '' The young woman's thoughts arose without stopping.


'N-no! Move on! Please move! "Seeing that man getting closer to her, panic rose from her as she tried to move unsuccessfully.


Rea now just a step away from her, slowly extend your arm to the girl's face.

"N-no!" Seeing the man's hand approaching her face, the despair welled up from her as she closed her eyes and pleaded inwardly.

'Someone… whoever. Please… Please save me! '

* BAM! *


Something in Rea's head suddenly struck, causing him to recoil and briefly stun him.

"What ... what the hell?" A confused Rea was expressing as he clutched the side of his head in pain.

"¿Eh?" On the other hand, the terrified young woman opened her eyes when she felt that that terrifying sensation of her had suddenly vanished.

"¿What was I doing ...?" Sitting back up, Rhea with one hand on her head mutters in confusion before her eyes widen in shock.

"It can't be… Could it be… again?" In these moments, in Rea's eyes could be perceived numerous emotions, shock, anger, anguish, and ... what one could say as self-loathing.

After a few seconds, Rea slightly raised her gaze to the person in front of her.

The sweaty girl now no longer with the fear of before, she found herself looking cautiously and suspiciously at the man in front of her. The first thing she noticed was that the oppressive aura around the boy was nowhere to be found and his eyes had turned a dead orange again. Of course, people after experiencing such an event would normally be deeply traumatized and would have already passed out from the shock.

but this young woman was definitely not a normal person. Although during her experience she was deeply scared and desperate, after that terrible feeling and Rea's gaze faded, she was able to recover relatively quickly and no longer had such fear within her. Although of course, she still had the wariness and suspicion of her along with a small lingering fear still within her towards the man.


Silence reigned once more between them, although this time one looking at the woman in front of him nervously and the other with slight fear and hostility.

* glup *

Deciding to take the initiative, Rea decides to speak first.


* CUACK! *


Both of the shocked people looked cautiously around the place confused.

"What the hell was that?"

"I do not know either."

After looking around and finding nothing, they both decide to look at each other again and go back to their business.

* Cohon * Coughing in discomfort, Rea decides to speak again "Look-"

* CUACK! *


"… What the fuck is it now," Rea thought wearily.

At that moment, the crazy woman, also surprised, noticed a small white lump behind the man's leg.

"There. Your foot, behind your leg. " I point out the crazy girl

"What? My leg you say? " Rea said as she walked a little towards the girl, revealing the creature behind her leg.

* CUACK! *

"... That's it ..." the girl murmured when she saw her creature in front of her.

'" A duck? "' Asked both people confused when they saw an unusual duck in such a situation.