
Abandon Spirit

Past incident lead Jane cold, broken and quite. Darek helps her stepping into reviving and will help her to find the secret of the abandon spirit and the demon man. Hi viewers! I am Emma . Kindly support me with coins and reviews. Also if you have any idea related to the novel story then you can also contact me.

Emma_subjects · Urban
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(nothing had happened for two days that caused Jane's concern).

At School~

Jane was on her way to ask Professor James about the syllabus of his subject "English" and on her way, she saw a crowd of pupil near the notice board. She went over there and saw that there is a novel competition held in their St. Denys High School and the winner will be get a huge prize. Jane's seems to be interested.

She reached the Professor James's office and knocked the door .

May I come in? Sir, Jane said ." Yes, you can" Professor replied. Professor James was doing work on his computer as he was typing a mail; his fingers stops to type more when he saw Jane's entry in the room.

What brings you here? Jane , Professor said, she replied Morning Sir, I am here to ask you about two things, the first thing is what does the test you have to take a week later include? Professor James said "so far, as much as I taught you people, everything is included in the test, except for the essays, it will not come. And uh what's the second thing?"

I , I have come to know that there is a novel competition going to be in our school, Am I eligible to participate in ?? professor replied , yeah YOU can , infact I was going to talk to you about it. Your stories and essays are the biggest proof that you can win the contest very easily and you know the winner's inventive will also be published .

At Home ~

Ok mom! I'm heading to the store. D' you want anything? said Jane , her mom replied , no honey be careful and come early , Jane left the home and made her way towards the supermarket. The street that Jane was passing through was very frightening, Jane was using her mobile phone then suddenly her foot twisted and she fell down.

Jane screamed in pain but then her heart started beating fast out of nowhere when she saw the demon man once again but this time he was not alone, there were three others with him who exactly looked like him , all of them had a smiley mask on their face and a black suit on. One of them came close with a knife to her, Jane screamed with all energy then her eyes opened and realized that she was dreaming .

Jane's POV

Thank GOD! It was just a dream but there is a strange thing that this dream came to me after a long time. I then looked at the time and found I got up a little late today from my routine but there is still enough time to go to school.

During breakfast, I was thinking about my nightmare while looking continuously at a place without blinking, I heard my mother's voice saying where are you lost ?

Ohh nothing , I was just thinking about a physic's numerical , I replied but soon realized that I made a mistake by saying this because my mom gave me huge lecture on making friends that I had to listen for the next 20 minutes , if I didn't want to. Then I left home but on my way to school , the delusion was stuck in my head even in class I can't concentrate on my studies but I must have to sort out !!!ooo wait a minute, where is my diary? I reached my hand into my bag hopping my diary was still in bag but then I remembered that I had put it in my drawer last week. What rubbish!

Out of my peripheral vision I saw Darek enters in Bio's class. What is this bastard doing here when it is not even his subject, I said to myself. Darek takes permission from the subject teacher Miss Rose before entering the class and she graciously lets him in. My full attention was Miss Rose's smile, which was never shared by any student of our class, but after seeing Darek and talking to her, her smile grew wider, I saw that not only I noticed this, but the whole class's expression were changed, some of them were whispering at each others ear and few were showing sign of their eyes, I held back my laughter with difficulty. ( Jane's POV end)

Darek said , the Principal is calling all the subject teachers to his office for a meeting , Miss. My Dear, Didn't they have the meeting yesterday? Miss Rose said, Yes mam, actually the date has changed so they have called now, he replied. Miss Rose " Oo! It means I've to leave right now , ok students take care and also revise the lecture and if you guys have any conclusion then you can talk to me in my free time and Darek you too although I haven't teach you yet but whenever you don't understand a subject you can always come to my cabin, okay dear" after saying this she left.

The whole class got busy talking to each other except Jane and Darek , who were looking at each other's eyes,. Darek had a disgusting expression on his face which Jane totally ignored and she start packing her bag to leave. Darek came o her and said " long time, no see".

Jane: Auh! Darek if you are here to tease me, safe it for later, I'm really not in a mood to argue with you. Darek: Wait a minute, what do you think am I asking you for your approval??? girl I'll do whatever and whenever I wanna do . Keep it in your dumbass brain, got it. Jane: Listen..........huh leave it!! It's useless to talk you. Darek: Thank you, mam.

Before Darek said something else, Jane take her bag and left ....

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