
Aashram- Destiny's Strange Conspiracy

This fanfiction is based on a web series and is in continuation with the original sequel. All the characters in the storyline are from the series except a few of them. The story is about a self-proclaimed Godman who is a Conman while still managing to con people, running the political scenarios and keeping everything under the rule. However, life takes a 360 degree turn mysteriously which threatens the very foundation of his empire.

Iamkul_7 · Prominente
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23 Chs


CHAPTER - 1. Doctor Onboard

Ridhima comes to Niraladham as planned. Bhopaji and Sadhvi welcome her. Babaji has gone to earlier Kashipur Aashram due to some work.

He has an idea that a new doctor is appointed in Nasha Mukti Kendra but is not having any details. Bhopaji briefs about the Nasmukti Kendra and the growing number of Nashedis to start planning the therapies and medication accordingly. Now Babaji learns about the doctor from Bhopa but has haven't met her yet and is surprised to know that the psychiatrist is a female. (Done her higher studies in Turkey).

Babaji returns to Niraladham after a few days and starts taking updates from his departments and the activities inside while on the round he sees Ridhima (can't see the face and glimpses her back). She is unaware and busy with her work. Meanwhile, she turns and notices him. Babaji while glancing at her feels something different & unusual and suddenly faints. Bhopa takes Babaji to his room. Ridhima rushes behind for Babaji's help. On Bhopa asking the reason behind Babaji's sudden unconsciousness she replies no worries about it and that sugar low could be a reason. After Babaji comes into a conscious state asks about Ridhima to Bhopa. He invites her to the Sandhya Aarti at Babaji's request. Everyone including the Sevadaars attends but Ridhima does not come. Babaji's eyes keep finding her. Bhopa identifies Babaji's mindset as Ridhima not being present in the darbar even after inviting her personally and thinks of he must be furious and calls her and asks her to come to his office urgently. Upon asking she replies on keeping unwell.

The next day there is a Satsang with the newly elected CM (Sundarlalji) where Babaji is hoping for Ridhima to come but she does not arrive. Now Babaji wonders how can one be absent for his Aarti even though after giving an invitation while on the other side all his devotees, Sevadaars and the public, in general, are eager to meet him at such events. Meanwhile, Bhopa asks Babaji about his mood warning him while recalling what they had gone through earlier and how tough the situation was to fix back to routine. (Being extremely aware of his nature).

Sadhvi listening to their dialogue then asks the warden to parcel Babaji's (laddus) to Ridhima's residence.

Ridhima does not eat the laddus.

Here Sonia is out of jail.

Banno goes to meet her at Hukum's residence. They plan of going to Niraladham and apologize to Baba & Bhopa.

Tinka & Rocky both are released from jail on Babaji's appeal.