
Aashram- Destiny's Strange Conspiracy

This fanfiction is based on a web series and is in continuation with the original sequel. All the characters in the storyline are from the series except a few of them. The story is about a self-proclaimed Godman who is a Conman while still managing to con people, running the political scenarios and keeping everything under the rule. However, life takes a 360 degree turn mysteriously which threatens the very foundation of his empire.

Iamkul_7 · Prominente
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23 Chs

Chapter- 4. The Clandestine

Pari didn't expect Monty to be so unpredictable.

Ridhima learned about Baba Nirala and was able to handle him well.

But that's what he became and people know him as 'Baba Nirala' whose real identity is being hidden from the world.

Although she gained considerable insight into his nature she is unable to identify her 'Monty' whom she has lost back in memories.

Bhopa comes in. Upon noticing Monty's disinterest in throwing it out starts guessing what would have happened.

Even though aware of Bhopa's terrific nature Pari tries to speak to him but he hesitates to listen giving her dreadful looks.

Sonia while searching for some documents finds old photographs dated back to her birthday party with her closest friends like family and tries to hint about the small girl wearing a cute pink dress is confirmed to be Ridhima.

Now there arise a lot of questions for which Sonia needs to find answers further discussing with Hukum they decide to go to Niraladham as they might get some information about Ridhima and so to take Babaji's Aashirwad.

Hiding from everybody's eye they successfully enter Niraladham's, Nashmukti Kendra.

On checking her records Sonia stays stunned by her parent's information section in which she mentioned

'Jaynandini' as being her mother and is all the more alarmed upon noticing her father's data going unmentioned.

Sonia is awestricken and feels is missing out on something while more questions start to strike her mind.

Sonia had always behaved as an elder sister to Ridhima and thus feels hurt by Ridhima being cold to her.

Why is she unwilling to recognize her?

remains a '?'

Banno gives the remaining file against Baba Nirala to Tinka and is waiting for the right time to open it.

Everyone is unaware of the fact that Sundarlal still has a file ready against Baba Nirala and can use it against him whenever he feels ideal.

In the evening Tinka performs at the Mahasatsang where Babita, Dilawar, Sonia & Hukum meet to discuss the cabinet work with the plans ahead.

When everyone is busy with the programme Ujagar & Natasha manage to enter Niraladham and meet Pammi.

She tells them about being nice to Bhopa was just an option she had left with by protecting herself from not getting tortured as she was feeling weak and fatigued from every day brought down.

Things changed for the better when Ridhima came to Niraladham where Baba and Bhopa's attention got diverted she got Ridhima's back consequently.

Finally, the misunderstanding is cleared and she feels at 'Home' after meeting both of them. They tell her about Akki who had left for his village long ago.

Monty stands firm on breaking off from Ridhima.

He stands oblivious that his anger and disappointment are as well going upon himself.

Despite holding repugnance, Bhopa without his knowledge develops a soft corner for Ridhima.