

Theia, a world shaped by the convergence of diverse energies known as the Supernatural Tide, is home to a society empowered by the awakening of a System. This event, occurring 2000 years ago, brought forth gates to other worlds, mysterious dungeons, and a towering structure known as "The Tower." The awakening of individuals, granting them access to supernatural powers and abilities.

Oldfaithconspiracy · Fantasie
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16 Chs


Looking at his current stats, Lenar nodded. He had just gained all the knowledge from the original host, so it's better to check things out himself.

The Origin section is self-explanatory, the Energy shows which energy he can use and is capable of using, and the Physique and Bloodline grant unique properties and abilities that are quite helpful.

Lenar's physique allowed him to be immune to physical attacks to a certain extent, and his bloodline granted him an ability called Daybreak Nova.

Talent...Is like unique skill, basically, it's unique to you.

Ability is just skill with extra steps.

As you can see, Lenar possesses a really good set of abilities and a talent that illuminates targets he hits.

Though.... The actual reason he picked this body specifically was because he realize what a waste it was to kill this guy before the novel officially started.

"I have.....a 32 wishes remaining... What should I do?" He glanced at his Origin, Foundation, and Hexes. While he was familiar with them and knew how to fight using them, he desired something more.

After all, he is him, and the original was someone else. No matter how acquainted he is with these abilities, there will still be a change in battle style.

"Alright! First, give me a talent that can provide me with all sorts of knowledge."

[Ding! You have acquired talent "Omnilore"]


Then Lenar activated it, and somehow the next moment, he found himself in a black void. "Oh, please not again."

[* Welcome master * I am Omnilore * What do you want to know *]


Then a mechanical voice resounded, capturing Lenar's attention. "Well, tell me what changes I should make in my system."

[*I am sorry*But It is impossible* to make changes in one's system*even as a transcendent rank entity*]

"Well... What if I could? "

[*Hypothetically* the changes you should make are... Blah....Blah....Blah....Blah.. And If host wants, you can blah blah blah blah*]


....Somewhere else...

A group of five men in black outfits could be seen running in this snowy landscape.

"Senior brother black viper! Are you sure he is dead?"

"Don't worry, Junior Brother, I made that poison especially for someone like him. There's no way he will get out of here alive," Black Viper assured his subordinate, boasting about his alchemy skills.

"But you have to admit, he was really a force to reckon with, he even took down captain...."

"He was, and I respect that, he didn't begged for mercy, unlike some other incompetent fools"

"I knew him. Well, not me actually, a friend of mine has a son, and he said that he could have been first among his peers if not for his laid-back personality,"

"Well... he is wrong then. His family actually had a lot of expectations from him. But when he came second in that tournament, they started blaming him, and this resulted in his current upbringing," remarked black viper, offering insight into the situation.

"Sigh~ if only the Augustus family understood hi-"


A sudden gust of wind flew by, and before the group could register anything, their hearts were ripped out of their bodies.

And just like that, their lifeless bodies fell on the snow, dying it red.

And the snowfield once again returned to it's serenity...


"Man!!! This was all worth it!" Lenar screamed at the top of his lungs as he flew towards the dungeon exit, taking care of every monster he encountered on the way.

As he arrived in front of it, he opened his status screen.

[Name: Lenar Augustus]

[Class: Nexus observer]

[Race: Human]

[Energy/ies: Mana,Qi, Psi, Spirit, Law]

[Physique: Nihilism observer physique]

[Bloodline: Law observer bloodline]




This is what his current system looks like. His new class is Nexus Observer, mostly because what he is going to do most of the time is observing, playing a passive role in this world, giving the mcs a hand and all.

Actually, he was really tempted to write Baba Yaga but decided against it.

Next, he now has all four energies, and before you started where is divine energy and something, they don't exist, not in Cosmic realm.

Unlike this realm, the other realm has 2 energies; Aether and Divine energy.

Anyway! Next is his physique and bloodline; they have changed and are now his very own.

His physique literally absorbs energies around him at a passive rate, even those from enemy attacks, strengthening his own and granting insane adaptation that ensures he will never reach a bottleneck; he is evolving every second.

His bloodline grants him precision in energy, immunity towards any form of venom, poison, disease, curse, some crazy resistances towards energies, oh, and ability to control energies, as well as a new form of energy called Law energy.

With these, he can use multiple energies at the same time without risking death, multicast spells, and do all this without chanting and with 100 percent efficiency!

Next is his Talents, all of which are broken, simply because they don't cost energy.

" ... "

"Can't believe I only have 8 wishes left," Lenar sighed regretfully, standing in front of the exit portal.

"At first, I was thinking about joining the East Academy, Magic Theia Academy, but now, it's different," grinning widely, he wore sunglasses before stepping in.

"Let's join the central academy"

"World Theia Academy! "