
The Meetup

After math class I went down to the cafeteria to buy my lunch. Ugh, Burgers. They always sat is grease water. I chose the alternate option, PB&J. They never really pig that much jelly in it. Which was very sad for those who like jelly(aka me). After I got my lunch, I was getting nervous for me and Joey's meet up. I don't know how it will go, or why he wanted to talk to me.

As I was walking to the classroom, my hands were shaking a lot. I almost dropped my lunch. I approached the door, but before I could turn the knob, the door open and someone dragged me in. It was him, he had pulled me in. "Glad you came" he said. It took everything in me to not say, that's what she said.

"Wouldn't have not come here? So, Why did you call me here?"

His eyes started to water, and his eyes got puffy.

"It's my parents" he cried, "they hurt me really bad when their drunk and upset. They whip be and shatter glass over my head. I heard that your parents are going away for a 3 week trip. I was wondering if I could stay over your house to get away from my parents, because I can't take in anymore."

He looked so sad. I mean my parents would be gone right? So what's the harm?

"Sure Joey, no problem. But there is a few rules.

1. No party's

2. Do your homework

3. Be grateful

That's it."

His eyes flooded with tears and he ran over to me, knocked me over and gave my a very tight hug.

"Thank you thank you thank you!" He cried

I rubbed his back to console him. I had just realized that we were both in a very weird postion. His head was on my chest his body was in-between my legs. But by the time I tried to push him away. He had fallen asleep on my chest. Awwww, he's very cute why he's sleeping.

His eyes were very red from crying. It looked like had had cried before this too. And his cheeks were all rosy too. His hair looked so handsome on him, it was fluffy in the from and looked so soft. I reached my hand from his back and started to run my fingers through his hair. I heard him nuzzle closer to me. How cute.

Just then , a student walked in, and stared at us. I shooed him away with my hand and he ran right out. How awkward was that? Very. The gossip people in the school with spread this like wildfire. Awesome. Then, in the middle of my thoughts, the bell rang. He immediately woke up.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry! That must have been awkward."

I got up and looked at him.

"It wasn't that awkward. Besides, yours needed the nap. Check your pocket, there a piece of paper. I put my address and phone number on it See you at home tonight."

He smiled as I walked out of the room, going to my next class.