
A World Unwritten

Stuck in the worst dream possible – the reality of my own creation. Here I am, not the all-powerful author, but an unsuspecting character, woken up in a beggar's body in the world of my own novel. How? Why? I don't know, but what I do know is that I need to survive. My memories of the story's plot are sketchy at best, but I remember enough to know I've got to stick to the main storyline. Life-or-death decisions, cryptic mysteries, formidable enemies, I wrote them all. Now I must face them firsthand. The irony would be delicious if it weren't so deadly. Am I stuck in my worst nightmare or have I been given a chance to rewrite my destiny? Only time will tell. Until then, I’ve got to survive in this Insane world, a plot to follow, and one hell of a story to write... by living it.

QTV · Fantasie
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309 Chs

Tempest of Fury

Isabella waves her wand with a flair that borders on dramatic, the tip aglow with an eerie light. In an instant, a cold wave bursts forth, the temperature plummets, and a frost begins to creep across the platform. "I will own you. You will be my servant. I will not let a barbarian waste his potential in such a stupid manner," she proclaims with the air of someone reading their victory speech prematurely.

I take a quick look around. The platform's turned into an ice rink, except there's no fun and games here. Interesting, so this is her big plan? I can't help but grin. "You're too arrogant, Isabella," I shoot back.

She doesn't even blink, just keeps on with her spellwork. Dozens of fireballs, wind balls, and massive icicles start to form around her like a deadly solar system. Ugh, what an overpowered bitch. I knew she would hold back—pride's her pilot and co-pilot—but this is still a ridiculous amount of magic to throw at someone.

I make a break for her, but she's quicker. With a casual flick, she surrounds me with a cage of purple lightning. Tsk, what a frustrating attack.

Okay, two can play at these games.

I wrap myself in mana, feeling it cling to my skin like a second, charged layer. Let's see if these martial arts can double as magic arts.

The internal monologue is clear, no room for doubt. "Alright, you wanted a show, you'll get a damn show," I think, keeping my tone as casual as if I'm deciding on lunch. No way am I letting her think she's got the upper hand.

Mana crackles around me, buzzing with the force of my will. Time to test the theory. Can a fighter's moves flow like a mage's spells? Aura is denser than mana so I need to adjust the pattern and overlap the flow. 

Slapping my forehead, I mutter under my breath, "Oh right, audience participation wasn't on the agenda today." Luckily for me, Eira's knack for creating interesting trinkets has me covered. I fish out a small sphere from my pouch—Eira's homemade smoke bomb. She called me nuts when I first pitched the idea, but the spark of curiosity in her eyes told me she couldn't resist the challenge. Setting a runic pattern inside the thing, she tailored it to churn out a mana-infused smoke that clings to the air like stubborn fog. Only a serious blast of energy can clear it out.

With a whimsical hum, a tune that's catchy enough to be from the top of the charts, I lob the sphere into the middle of the icy stage. "Let's party," I announce, as the platform becomes a swirling dance floor of shadows and mystery. The black smoke billows out, and it's showtime.

I can't help but grin as I leap from the electric cage, my feet hitting the slick surface. I tap my foot, testing the slip and slide of my impromptu rink. "Nice one, Isabella. Gave me a free slide zone," I muse to myself, wondering just how fast I could go. Ice skating wasn't exactly part of my training regimen, but hey, there's a first time for everything.

From the obscured edges of the platform, I hear Isabella's voice, tinged with annoyance. "What a cheap trick. I can easily spot you," she declares, her confidence unwavering as she sends mana to her eyes, attempting to pierce through my smoky veil.

As I skate through the fog, I keep my internal monologue as chill as the ice below. "Yeah, yeah, light up those peepers, Izzy. Let's see if you can keep track of me on ice."

Isabella's head whips around, her gaze darting through the lingering smoke like a hawk seeking its prey. She's a statue of tension, every muscle coiled and ready to snap. Me? I just can't resist the temptation to play a bit.

I start humming, a tune as lazy and carefree as a summer day, giving life to the silence. "I'm right here~," I sing-song, materializing like a ghost at her six.

Her eyebrows shoot up in surprise, a rare crack in her frosty facade. She spins, her wand spitting out a fireball the size of a beach ball. But by the time it roars where I was, I'm already elsewhere, humming away.

"Ah~ Thank you for this ice, I gotta say, it's real easy running in circles around you."

She clicks her tongue, the sound sharp in the icy air. "Just admit defeat. You know you can't beat me if I go all out."

I nod, skating a lazy figure eight as I taunt, "Do it, I want to see just what you can do, M I S S N O B L E." My laugh is a bark in the mist, mocking, prodding. "Hahaha, you can't go all out because you'll end up embarrassing yourself."

And it's true. This isn't her playground of endless destruction. No, she's caught up in her image, in the delicate dance of noble restraint and brutal power. If we were out in the open, maybe she'd risk it, but here? She's as shackled as any prisoner. She has extraordinary explosive power but she is limited by restrictions in the academy. 

Isabella's face crystallizes into a cold, unyielding mask, her eyes sharpening as she tries to piece together my location through the smoke and mirrors I've spun. But it's no use, I'm always one step ahead, two steps to the side, and nowhere to be found when she looks.

I can't help but grin, the thrill of the chase buzzing through me like a live wire. I'm not just a step ahead—I'm practically writing the dance card here.

"Isabella, you ever play tag?" I call out from... somewhere in the smog. "You're it," I tease, a disembodied voice she can't pin down.

She unleashes a torrent of magic, fire, and ice, an impressive display of power and precision, a testament to her skill. Each spell is a work of lethal art, and each one misses by a hair's breadth. Because I'm not just V; I'm V the vagrant, V the virtuoso, V the damn near invisible in this cloud of misdirection. Yeah... that's the Identity for V. 

Every time she thinks she has a bead on me, I'm a ghost's whisper away, laughing. It's disrespectful, sure, and I can tell it's chafing her hide something fierce.

The smoke is my stage, and I'm using it to run circles around her—literally. I'm a blur, my movements a slapstick routine that mocks the high and mighty Isabella.

I hear her frustration building, the sharp intake of her breath, the swish of her robes as she spins, trying to catch a glimpse of me. I can imagine the scowl, the royal pout forming on her lips. It's almost enough to make me feel bad. Almost.

"Over here!" I shout, and she whirls, sending a blast of magic that scorches the air where I just was.

"Oops, too slow!" I zip to the other side, the slick ice aiding my swift mockery.

Her next spell is bigger, angrier, a massive orb of crackling energy that she hurls into the smog. It's a clear no more Mr. Nice Noblewoman move, but as it dissipates into the smoke, I'm already clapping my hands mockingly from another corner.

"Isabella, you really should chill out!" I quip, finding the irony too delicious to pass up. "You're melting all your lovely ice with that temper."

She growls, a sound that's half-frustration, half-threat, and for a second, I feel a twinge of something. Respect? Nah, it's anticipation. I'm getting under her skin, pushing her to the brink, and I'm eager to see what she does when she gets there.

With another burst of speed, I slide up behind her, close enough to whisper, "Gotcha."

She spins, a reflexive surge of magic at her fingertips, but it's a swing and a miss. I'm gone before it can touch me, the ice my playground, the smoke my shroud.

The fog around us is a stage for a high-stakes ballet, and the icy platform its unwilling foundation. Isabella's silhouette flickers through the smoke, her posture rigid with irritation and untamed power.

"Stop this idiotic game at once!" she hisses, her voice cutting through the mist. "I always get what I want, and I want your obedience. Now!"

My grin widens; it's the sort of smile that's a little bit mad, a little bit free. "Sorry, Izzy," I call back, my voice echoing, "but 'what you want' isn't on the menu today."

Ducking into my bag, I find another of Eira's smoke bombs, primed and ready. With a flick of my wrist, it joins its sibling in the foggy arena. The game's just too much fun, and I'm not done playing—not by a long shot.

As the second smoke bomb explodes, the atmosphere thickens. It's time to shift gears, to escalate from evasion to confrontation.

I skate closer, quieter now. I can feel her frustration like a physical thing, taste it in the air, thick and heavy. She's a tempest contained, a storm barely held in check.

There's a rhythm to her anger, a pattern to her movements, and like any good dancer, I find it. I mimic it, then break it.

I appear behind her, close, a whisper of movement on the ice. My hand darts out, not with magic, but with something more human—mischief. With a tap on her shoulder, she whirls, off-balance, and the ice takes her. She falls with a crack, dignity splintering like the surface beneath her.

She scrambles up, her eyes throwing daggers that could kill if looks could indeed be lethal. "You..." she seethes, the word a venomous promise.

I'm not waiting for her rage to become more than a promise. I come in fast, a low sweep of my leg aimed to topple her grace once more. She sidesteps, barely, a curse whispered under her breath.

"I'm not your toy, Isabella," I state firmly, darting in and out of the smoke. "I'm not your servant, your soldier, or your scapegoat."

A punch, not of mana, but of flesh and bone, aimed with precision born of countless fights. It grazes her, a near miss, but the message is clear: I'm not just playing now. 

Her counter is swift, a whip of power that I dodge by a hair, rolling across the ice with a fluidity that surprises even me. "You think you can best me?" she spits out, wand slashing through the air like a conductor's baton gone mad.

I laugh, and it's not pleasant. It's the laugh of someone who's been pushed too far, who's enjoying the push back a little too much. "I don't think, Isabella. I know."

The smoke is a boon, and I'm a phantom within it. Each move she makes, I predict, I provoke, and I punish.

It's not just a fall here, a stumble there. It's the gradual dismantling of her composure, her control, her certainty that she's the untouchable noble, and I'm the dirt beneath her heels. Or something like that, who knows what this crazy bitch is thinking. 

The punches become less about contact and more about the threat—the nearness of them, the potential. 

She's not laughing, not anymore. Her spells are desperate, flung out with a recklessness that speaks of inner turmoil. She's losing her cool, her edge, her game.

And through it all, my internal monologue is a drumbeat, a mantra of focus and freedom. I don't let up, I don't give in.

"Isabella, you're not the only one with power here," I say with a grim smile. "And power isn't just magic—it's knowing when to use it, and how."

Isabella's laughter crackles through the dissipating smoke, a sound as wild and uncontrolled as the energy she wields. "How dare you try to lecture me!" Her voice slices through the remaining haze, edged with a madness that sends shivers down my spine despite the cold. "You know what, fuck the academy!" The air vibrates as she releases an electrical flow that hungrily devours the smoke it touches.

"Fuck the rules," she snarls, the atmosphere thickening with a more intense and darker purple lightning. Her magic builds around her, a storm brewed from the abyss of her anger. "And fuck you," she spits venomously, "I'll give you a lesson on who's on top!"

With a savage wave of her wand, a slash of sharp wind cuts through the area. The platform shudders, threatening to crack. I leap to the side, feeling the air slice like a blade where I was just a heartbeat ago. That was close, too damn close. Okay, everything is going as planned, the angry Isabella is out. 

Let me know what you all think of this fight.

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