
A World Unwritten

Stuck in the worst dream possible – the reality of my own creation. Here I am, not the all-powerful author, but an unsuspecting character, woken up in a beggar's body in the world of my own novel. How? Why? I don't know, but what I do know is that I need to survive. My memories of the story's plot are sketchy at best, but I remember enough to know I've got to stick to the main storyline. Life-or-death decisions, cryptic mysteries, formidable enemies, I wrote them all. Now I must face them firsthand. The irony would be delicious if it weren't so deadly. Am I stuck in my worst nightmare or have I been given a chance to rewrite my destiny? Only time will tell. Until then, I’ve got to survive in this Insane world, a plot to follow, and one hell of a story to write... by living it.

QTV · Fantasie
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309 Chs


Vivi stretches out her arms, a playful glint in her eyes. "Alright, let's have a go at this, shall we?" She twirls, her dress fanning out around her, and then stops to face me with a smirk.

Biana groans on the ground next to me, having been unceremoniously dumped there by yours truly. Before she can complain any further, Lysandra plops down on top of her, using her as an impromptu chair while munching on snacks. Only Lysandra would think to bring snacks to a duel... Oh wait, I do that myself. I guess I'm just as crazy as them. 

Vivi chuckles, clearly entertained. "Hehehe~ These two are funny," she comments, her voice light and musical.

"Here I go!" I announce, drawing my sword from its sheath and rushing at her with intent. The polished blade glints under the sun, but I'm not taking my eyes off of Vivi. I need to gauge her reaction, get a read on how she'll counter.

Before I can even close the distance, a gust of wind sends me skidding to the side, almost making me lose my footing. Wind magic, huh? I think, adjusting my stance.

I charge again, aiming for her left, but this time a column of water erupts from the ground, stopping me in my tracks. Spluttering, I shake off the droplets and refocus.

She's teasing me. With every thwarted attempt, she's having the time of her life, toying with me like a cat with a ball of yarn. Yet, beneath her amusement, there's an undeniable strength. My instincts scream at me that I'm outmatched.

Using my speed, I attempt a feint, hoping to catch her off guard. I dart to the left, then to the right, but she's always one step ahead. A barrier of earth emerges, blocking my path.

Vivi's laughter rings out again. "You're fun to play with!" she exclaims, twirling around, her dress a blur of colors.

My frustration mounts. I'm more agile, more skilled with the blade. But what can you do when your opponent keeps you at a distance with the elements themselves? With a grunt, I leap high, trying to come down on her from above.

But as I descend, chains of pure mana wrap around my wrists and ankles, yanking me sideways and pinning me in mid-air. Damn! Not again!

"Hmmm~ Gotcha!" Vivi singsongs, her finger wiggling in a 'no-no' gesture.

I struggle against the chains, but they're unyielding. Every ounce of my strength doesn't even make them budge. With a sigh, I relent. "Okay, okay, you win. Can you let me down now?"

Vivi giggles. "Only if you admit I'm amazing~"

Rolling my eyes, I acquiesce, "Fine, you're amazing~ Really, there's no way I could beat you." Tsk, no annoying... should I get Isadora to beat her? No, that would be fucked up. Now to fuck with Isabella...

Vivi's magical chains finally release their hold, depositing me onto the ground with an unceremonious thud. I rise, dusting myself off while trying to salvage the tiniest shred of dignity I had left. With a cocky smirk, I chime in, "Vivi, you're incredible~ Are you perhaps the strongest out of all your siblings? You sure seem like it~."

The way I say it, dripping with flattery and mischief, should really give anyone with half a brain a clue that I'm not entirely serious. But some people are just so deliciously gullible.

Vivi, blushing under my unrelenting praise, waves a dismissive hand. "Stop~ Stop~ I wouldn't say I'm the strongest," she giggles, casting her gaze downwards. The gesture feels genuine, but I've seen enough performances to know better.

Lysandra, usually the most unobservant and carefree one of the bunch, suddenly becomes oddly perceptive. She peers between Isabella, Vivi, and me, her eyes darting back and forth like she's trying to find similarities in a spot-the-difference game. She stuffs another handful of snacks into her mouth, a smirk evident even through her munching.

Deciding to help pass the time, Lysandra gleefully jams a pair of baby carrots up Biana's nose. "Snore guard," she declares with a snicker. Biana, deep in her sleep, remains blissfully unaware.

I lean into Vivi, wrapping an arm around her shoulder for added effect, and croon, "Come on~ There's no need to feel embarrassed~ Even if you're not the strongest, you are probably the kindest, most respectful and good-hearted person out of all your siblings~."

Isabella, a silent volcano of repressed rage in the distance, is practically steaming. Her dark gaze burns holes into my very soul. But what's life without a little danger? Plus, it's so much fun watching her combust.

Vivi, a bit dramatic now, feigns modesty even more. She gently pushes me away, her cheeks flushed in that shade of red that's always halfway between embarrassed and pissed. "Stop it~ Stop it~ You're making me feel embarrassed~ I just try to be a good person~"

I can practically feel the seismic waves of Isabella's fury from where I stand. Sure enough, she finally snaps. She leaves her group, her walk a furious strut as she heads directly towards us. It's like watching a bull charge, and I can't suppress the giddy excitement bubbling inside me. Today is about to become very, very entertaining.

Isabella's voice cuts through the air like a blade, filled with venom and rage. "You fucking bitch."

Vivi's reaction is immediate, and with the grace and speed that would put most to shame, she turns around. She counters Isabella's incoming fireballs with a salvo of her own. They collide in a brilliant dance of flames, resulting in a stunning spectacle. When the dust clears, Vivi is on the ground, her butt slightly singed. "Ow ow ow... that hurt."

Rion rushes forward, his expression one of pure outrage. "Why did you suddenly attack Vivi? That's not cool, Isabella."

Isabella's eyes are burning coals of fury. She doesn't even acknowledge Rion's presence. Instead, she directs her full attention to Vivi. "You fucker, how dare you spout such bullshit," she seethes, casting a torrent of wind, fire, and lightning arrows.

I can feel the electric tension in the air, the sheer force of Isabella's attack sending tremors through the ground. Rion, his eyes trembling with excitement gets ready to jump in, but Vivi stops him with a simple, "It's alright Rion~ I'll handle her~ She's my sister after all~."

God, the drama.

Lysandra, in her infinite wisdom, decides now is the best time to stuff carrots into Biana's ears. Of course, that sends me into a fit. I'm trying so hard not to laugh. It's so absurd, it's perfect. A literal battle royale happening, and Lysandra's preoccupied with vegetable earplugs. Why am I not surprised?

I cover my face with my hand, but I can't suppress the chuckles. This is ridiculous, and a part of me is loving every second of it.

Rion moves back, his fight-loving instincts visibly fighting against Vivi's reassurance. But in the end, he relents, shifting to a more defensive position as Isabella, with all the fury of a summer storm, begins her assault.

Isabella's arrows, crackling with electricity, pierce through the air. Each one a lethal force of nature. Vivi quickly erects a barrier, a shimmering dome of mana. The arrows collide with it, resulting in a cacophony of electric hisses and sparks. Vivi appears to strain against the onslaught, her face a mask of determination, gritting her teeth as she fights to maintain the barrier.

Come on, Vivi, is that the best act you've got? I think, suppressing my urge to chuckle. This is great~ This is what you get Isabella~ 

"You fucking annoying piece of crap" Isabella growls, conjuring a sphere of wind and flame. "How dare you fuck with me"

Vivi's 'damsel-in-distress' persona kicks into overdrive. "Why can't you be more like me? Why can't you just be kind? Sis, you need to calm down." she pleads, pushing back against the sphere. The ground beneath her feet begins to crack, the sheer force pushing her back inch by inch.

Every time Isabella launches a powerful attack, Vivi 'struggles' to fend it off, often tripping or stumbling. But to a trained eye, it's all a ruse. Every misstep, every falter, is carefully calculated. And while Isabella is fuming, I'm holding back tears of laughter. 

"She's fucking with you, Isabella!" I mutter under my breath, secretly enjoying the dramatic showdown. Hmhmhm... Oh, I think I might have overdone it... Ah, who cares. 

That's it, Vivi! Trip, stumble, fall! Your acting is impeccable, and Isabella hates it. As the fight intensifies, I find it harder and harder to hold back my amusement.

Rion stands beside me, his grin evident even without looking at him. "You had something to do with this fight, huh?" He crosses his arms, his eyes fixated on the fiery spectacle.

Clearing my throat, I feign innocence, "What makes you say that?"

He raises an eyebrow and laughs, the deep sound echoing in the midst of chaos. "Hmhmhahaha. Dude, you're practically choking holding back your laughter."

I let out a chuckle, surrendering to the mirth. "This is great, isn't it?"

Rion rubs his chin thoughtfully, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "Oh yeah, look at them go."

I turn my attention back to the scene before us. The atmosphere crackles with tension as Isabella's cold eyes lock onto Vivi's playful ones. The very earth beneath them seems to tremble in anticipation. Isabella, the epitome of concentrated fury, begins to draw a complex magic circle. A vast fireball materializes above her, its red and orange hues dancing menacingly. As the seconds pass, she compresses it, the raw energy becoming more concentrated, more dangerous, into a smaller, denser orb of destruction.

Not to be outdone, Vivi does the same, albeit with her favored element. A swirling ball of wind forms, gaining momentum and power with every passing moment. Just like Isabella, Vivi compresses it, turning the once vast vortex into a condensed bullet of gale-force.

Isabella's voice cuts through, "Don't mess with-"

But the rest of her words are swallowed by the cacophony. The sound of the wind grows louder, almost deafening. Just when I think they're about to obliterate each other with their respective magic bullets, a sudden calm engulfs the area. Time seems to halt.

Out of nowhere, Professor Ayla appears, standing between the two impending projectiles. With elegance, she reaches out and grabs both orbs with her bare hands. Her face doesn't flinch, not even a hint of strain evident, as she crushes the magical attacks in her palms, dissipating them as if they were mere playthings.

With cold, piercing eyes, she admonishes, "Enough. If you wish to use attacks on this level, you need to be on the platform."

Ugh, way to go, Ayla. I think, rolling my eyes internally. Ruining the best part.

Isabella clicks her tongue, her voice dripping with restrained fury as she shoots a cold glance at Vivi. "I won't warn you again." Her gaze turns to me for a fleeting moment, a frigid warning in her eyes that seems to send shivers down anyone who happens to catch it.

I smirk, meeting her stare head-on. How scary~ The thought dances around in my head, amusement bubbling to the surface. Hahahaha.

Professor Ayla rubs her forehead, exasperation evident in her stance. My eyes drift down to the wine glass now in her hand, the liquid inside swishing gently. A deep red, probably one of those fancy vintage types. Ah, she must have been enjoying herself, I muse internally, what wine is she drinking this time?

Vivi takes a step forward, her face a perfect picture of regret and sorrow. "I'm so sorry, Professor Ayla. As you know, my sister-" she begins, bowing deeply.

But Professor Ayla sighs, interrupting her with a wave of her hand, "Enough. I understand that you two are siblings, but next time you decide to have a magic duel, do it on the platform where you won't make holes in the ground." With that, Professor Ayla turns on her heels, wine glass still in hand, and strides away.

I contemplate for a moment. Hmmm, should I take her some wine as an apology? 

Rion chuckles beside me, his mirth-filled eyes scanning the aftermath. "Alright, I better head back to my group." Giving me a friendly pat on the back, he walks away.

Vivi approaches, her lips curling into what appears to be a genuine smile. "Wow~ Isn't my sister strong?"

"Yeah," I nod, glancing briefly at the scene behind her, "she's crazy strong." A quick check of my wristwatch tells me it's lunchtime. "Ah, it looks like we have to go. Time for lunch. See you around, Vivi." I gesture to Biana and Lysandra, who seem more than ready to leave.

But Vivi takes a step closer. "Hmmm? Can I tag along~?" Her voice holds a certain softness, but I can't stand it anymore, it pisses me off. 

I sigh and lean in, close enough for our breaths to mix, my eyes narrowing to slits. "We've had our fun with Isabella. That look, that fake-ass personality? I fucking hate it. Nothing personal, but I detest the game and your constant need to gauge my worth." The words are out before I can censor them. Tsk, you're no longer any use, so stop fucking with me.

Vivi's ever-kind smile shifts, and for a split second, her entire demeanor changes. It's as if I'm staring into the eyes of someone entirely different. Her cheeks tint a lovely shade of red as her smile turns sly, even a tad sadistic. "Ah, so you knew. Hmhmhm, and here I thought I could play a bit longer."

I shake my head, amusement returning once again. "Go play with the others." Without waiting for her response, I turn around, heading towards the cafeteria.

Quick Question: Why do you think Isabella is mad?

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