
A World Unwritten

Stuck in the worst dream possible – the reality of my own creation. Here I am, not the all-powerful author, but an unsuspecting character, woken up in a beggar's body in the world of my own novel. How? Why? I don't know, but what I do know is that I need to survive. My memories of the story's plot are sketchy at best, but I remember enough to know I've got to stick to the main storyline. Life-or-death decisions, cryptic mysteries, formidable enemies, I wrote them all. Now I must face them firsthand. The irony would be delicious if it weren't so deadly. Am I stuck in my worst nightmare or have I been given a chance to rewrite my destiny? Only time will tell. Until then, I’ve got to survive in this Insane world, a plot to follow, and one hell of a story to write... by living it.

QTV · Fantasie
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309 Chs

Part Twenty-Four

-Celeste's POV

Running my hands through my wet hair, I assess the worsening storm. The fierce weather threatens to tear apart the very buildings of the Academy. This is no ordinary tempest; its ferocity suggests manipulation, a malevolent force at work.

Gialo, the old man, grins malevolently, evidently pleased with the chaos unfolding. "Let me show you the power I was blessed with," he declares with a twisted sense of pride. Stamping his cane on the ground, corrupted mana flickers around it, an ominous signal of what's to come.

From the earth, maggots start to emerge, crawling over one another in a grotesque display. They amalgamate into a colossal form, mimicking the appearance of a giant. It's a macabre spectacle, one that only adds to the surreal nightmare unfolding before me.

Rubbing my temples, I can't help but feel exasperated at the futility of Gialo's efforts. "This is stupid. In the end, it's not a real giant," I mutter to myself. Lifting my sword, I execute a swift slash through the air. The blade's arc is precise, bisecting the maggot-made giant in half. The maggots tumble to the ground, returning to their master.

As I watch the remnants of his creation scatter, a thought crosses my mind. What a hassle... am I going to have to kill each individual maggot to fully dispose of this fool?

As I run toward Gialo, ready to deliver a decisive slash, the ground trembles ominously beneath me. In a split second, a giant worm bursts from the earth, its massive form shooting up and propelling me deep into the stormy clouds above. My instincts kick in, and I slice off the worm's head in a fluid motion, only to watch it disintegrate into a swarm of maggots.

Gialo, now perched atop a griffon, smirks at my predicament. "Impressive, I never knew our queen could fly," he taunts, his voice laced with mockery.

I scan the chaotic scene around me, lightning bolts furiously striking down at the Academy below. The old man's recklessness appalls me. What is he thinking, sending me up here? 

Taking a step forward, seemingly walking on air, I correct him, "I am walking, not flying. I am not a mage." My tone is calm, betraying none of the urgency I feel inside.

Gialo's grin widens, his eyes glinting with madness. "I wonder how well you'll do against my greatest creations," he muses, almost challenging the forces of nature themselves.

From the midst of the swirling clouds, shadows of monstrous creatures emerge, their forms obscured but their intent clear. Suddenly, a blast of fire, so intense it could melt steel, hurtles towards me. Without turning to locate its source, I raise my sword and slice through the air, effortlessly cutting the fiery onslaught in half. The two halves diverge, missing me and dissipating into the storm.

The power of my slash is such that it momentarily clears the clouds, revealing a brief glimpse of the sky. However, the clouds soon converge again, as relentless as the battle itself.

Surveying the tumultuous skies, I note the perversion of mana around me. It's thick with corruption, tainting the very air. No wonder Gialo chose this battlefield, I realize. It's his playground, molded by his twisted will.

Gialo, seemingly in his element amidst the chaos, smirks at the dark spectacle. "Isn't it beautiful here?" he asks rhetorically, his cane sweeping through the air as if conducting an orchestra of madness. "Are you curious about them?" he inquires, nodding towards the menacing shadows flitting through the clouds.

As I steel myself for what's next, a creature emerges from the gloom. It's unlike any beast I've encountered before. This monster doesn't possess wings in the traditional sense; instead, it hovers with an eerie grace, its body surrounded by swirling, corrupted mana that keeps it aloft. The creature's form is sleek, serpent-like, but with multiple eyes that glow with a malevolent intelligence. Its scales, dark as the storm clouds, seem to absorb light, making it difficult to focus on its outline.

The creature's movements are fluid and unpredictable, darting through the air with abrupt changes in direction that defy the laws of physics. It emits a low, resonant hum, a sound that feels like it's trying to burrow into my mind, disorienting and distracting.

Gialo watches with evident pleasure as the creature circles me, his expression one of twisted anticipation. He's using these abominations not just to attack but to disorient, to break down his opponents mentally before physically.

Blinking in disbelief at the monster's rapid, fluid movements, I address Gialo with a disdainful tone. "This is... pathetically sad. Is this all you're capable of?" My words are laced with contempt, unimpressed by the display of his so-called power.

Without hesitation, I take a step forward and, in the blink of an eye, reappear behind the old man. My sword descends in a swift, lethal arc aimed at him. He reacts just in time, lifting his cane to block the strike. The impact of our weapons collides with such force that it creates a shockwave, temporarily halting the rain and causing the ground below to tremble.

Gialo, unfazed by my attack, retorts confidently, "Do not mistake it, I am simply testing the newer ones out." His eyes gleam with the anticipation of further chaos.

As the monster lunges at me, I swiftly step back from Gialo and bisect it with a clean cut. However, to my surprise, the creature immediately regenerates, its maggot composition reassembling itself more quickly than before. Hmmm? This presents an intriguing challenge.

I slice through the creature again, only to find that each cut I inflict seems to enhance its speed and durability. This realization brings a new level of concern. Such a creature could pose a significant threat, especially to the less experienced. "This could be dangerous if any youngster came across it," I mutter to myself, recognizing the potential danger it poses to the Academy's students.

With a tactical shift in strategy, I lift a finger and unleash a barrage of lightning bolts at the monstrous entity. The electricity courses through it, targeting the individual maggots. As the voltage increases, the maggots are unable to withstand the intensity, and one by one, they begin to pop, disintegrating under the relentless electrical assault.

Gialo, observing the destruction of his creation, smirks with a twisted sense of satisfaction. "Shall we move on to the next one?"

As I sigh, about to dismiss Gialo's lunacy, both of us are abruptly distracted. We turn our attention to the other side of the Academy, where a highly concentrated aura of pure mana radiates. A magic circle, unlike any I have ever seen before, illuminates the sky. "What is that?" I wonder aloud. Though I am not a mage, I have studied magic extensively throughout my life, and I am certain this is no ordinary spell. The power required for such a feat suggests the involvement of a mage of extraordinary caliber, perhaps someone on par with Lilith.

Gialo, too, seems taken aback by the sight. His eyes narrow as he scrutinizes the magic circle. "Hugo, go distract whoever that is," he commands. Instantly, a massive dragon emerges from the storm, its presence both majestic and intimidating.

I can't help but feel puzzled. "No, this is... How is it possible? That is clearly not a dragon, but it has dragon aura..." The creature's appearance is a perplexing anomaly.

Gialo grins maliciously, revealing his grand scheme. "My greatest creation has an actual dragon heart," he boasts with evident pride.

I raise my sword, prepared for whatever comes next. I'm acutely aware that whoever is casting the magic circle must realize this dragon is not genuine. My thoughts race with questions about their plans and intentions. "A dragon heart... How could you get something so valuable?" I ask, trying to make sense of the situation.

Gialo's malicious grin widens. "Do you think we're the only ones that want something from the academy?" His insinuation sends a chill down my spine. My suspicions are confirmed; there's more at stake here than just the Academy's safety. But what could it be? The only significant item guarded at the Academy is the Key. Could the Principal have kept something else a secret?

Gialo's smile does not fade as he cryptically adds, "Let me convert you before things get more complicated." As he utters these words, a humanoid creature appears, an amalgamation of dark elf and demonic beast features. Its tall, imposing figure exudes a pulsing aura.

The old man's command rings out with a sinister edge, "Break her limbs, Ria." Almost instantaneously, Ria materializes behind Queen Celeste. Reacting swiftly, Celeste raises her sword, blocking the incoming punch. The impact of their clash is so intense that it creates a crater, defying the logic of their elevated position high in the air.

Pushing Ria back with a forceful shove, Celeste exclaims in confusion, "What the hell is this?" The old man remains silent, watching the confrontation with a malevolent glee.

Ria, enveloped in a shroud of corrupted mana, intensifies her assault. Her speed becomes a blur, each strike aimed with lethal precision. Celeste, demonstrating her unparalleled skill and agility, dodges each attack. She leaps higher and higher, ascending above the tumultuous storm, avoiding any collateral damage to the Academy below.

As their battle escalates, Ria's fingers elongate, transforming into deadly weapons. Her nails clash against Celeste's sword in a flurry of rapid exchanges. Despite the onslaught, Celeste remains composed, her movements fluid and precise.

With a sigh, Celeste remarks, "Why is it that people tend to look down on me?" In a swift motion, she snaps her fingers, creating an expansive electrical field around them. The air crackles with energy, the tension palpable.

Lifting her sword, Celeste addresses the old man, hidden yet not out of her perception. "Old man, I can see you. Let me show why I'm the queen." She casually lifts her sword, "This is a simple technique." Her sword becomes enveloped in a vibrant electrical charge, resonating with the field she has created.

With a decisive swing, she brings her sword down through the air. The electricity cascades downward like a lightning bolt, its path cleaving through the storm. The energy surges through Ria, disintegrating her into nothingness, and simultaneously bisects the storm. The once chaotic weather calms, the storm splitting apart and dissipating, its fury quelled by Celeste's commanding presence.

Above the now-calm skies, Celeste stands, her sword still crackling with residual energy. Her demonstration of power is a stark reminder of why she is revered and feared as the queen.

Queen Celeste descends gracefully towards the old man, her presence commanding and authoritative. Each step she takes is a testament to her power and control. As she walks, she swings her sword through the air, effortlessly calming the remaining fierce winds and dissipating any residual energy. Her movements are fluid yet deliberate, exuding the confidence of a seasoned ruler.

"I am Queen Celeste," she declares in a voice that resonates with authority, echoing through the now still air. Her tone is not just assertive; it carries the weight of her experiences and the battles she has conquered. The look in her eyes as she speaks is that of a queen – unwavering, powerful, and commanding respect.

"I am the Ruler of The Great Empire," she continues, her voice steady and imposing. With each word, she reveals a portion of her terrifying aura, an invisible force that seems to ripple through the atmosphere. The old man, Gialo, despite his prior confidence, can't help but feel the intensity of her presence.

Taking another step forward, the air around her seems to thicken, the manifestation of her immense power. "I am the one who single-handedly stopped the great cleansing," she states, her voice resonating with a mix of pride and solemnity. The mention of the great cleansing evokes memories of a dark and tumultuous time, a period marked by her extraordinary feats.

Gialo tightens his grip on his cane, a subtle but telling reaction to the overwhelming aura of the queen. He has not trembled like this in a decade, a testament to the extraordinary presence of Queen Celeste.

"I am feared as the bloody queen," she declares, her voice tinged with a cold, hard truth. Her reputation precedes her, a legacy written in the annals of history with the blood of her adversaries.

Stopping mere inches from him, Queen Celeste fixes Gialo with a cold, piercing gaze. Her eyes, like two sharp blades, cut through any facade of bravery the old man might have mustered. "I am the one who killed the last Hero," she states, her voice a chilling whisper that seems to echo ominously around them.

Gialo, for the first time in ten years, feels a genuine tremor of fear ripple through him. The realization of who stands before him, the full magnitude of Queen Celeste's power and her merciless past, comes crashing down.

Fun Fact: Queen Celeste never used her full power in the battle, as her techniques are all Area of Effect.

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