
A World Unwritten

Stuck in the worst dream possible – the reality of my own creation. Here I am, not the all-powerful author, but an unsuspecting character, woken up in a beggar's body in the world of my own novel. How? Why? I don't know, but what I do know is that I need to survive. My memories of the story's plot are sketchy at best, but I remember enough to know I've got to stick to the main storyline. Life-or-death decisions, cryptic mysteries, formidable enemies, I wrote them all. Now I must face them firsthand. The irony would be delicious if it weren't so deadly. Am I stuck in my worst nightmare or have I been given a chance to rewrite my destiny? Only time will tell. Until then, I’ve got to survive in this Insane world, a plot to follow, and one hell of a story to write... by living it.

QTV · Fantasie
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344 Chs


The grandeur of the Corridor One is undeniable, especially under the soft, silver light of impending nightfall. The floating lanterns have dimmed, casting gentle shadows that contrast with the vibrant gleam of the stalls. The grand arches, juxtaposed with the state-of-the-art magical technology, create an ambience of timeless wonder.

At the heart of this majestic avenue stands a raised platform, which in itself seems to be a marvel of magical architecture, suspended in the air with no visible means of support. Atop it, a student named Elara commands attention, her voice amplified by a magical pendant around her neck.

"Ladies and gentlemen of the academy!" Elara's voice rings out, clear and resonant. The crowd falls silent, their attention rapt. "In just a few moments, we'll witness the dance of our beloved triple moons. A sight, as we all know, that has brought prosperity and good fortune to our land for centuries."

Excitement buzzes palpably through the crowd. Eyes shine with anticipation, hands clutch loved ones, and everywhere, the hope of witnessing something extraordinary is evident.

"Every year," Elara continues, "we've seen them come close, their corners just barely touching, casting a radiant glow over our world. While we don't possess the knowledge to study the heavens like our ancestors, we do know this: every alignment of the moons is a blessing. And tonight might just be the most magical of them all!"

A chorus of gasps and murmurs fills the air. The blessings of the moons send a ripple of excitement through the crowd.

Elara leans in, her voice dropping to a dramatic whisper. "So let us watch, hope, and celebrate together. For in unity, we might just draw upon the moons' favor and usher in an era of unparalleled fortune!"

The atmosphere in the Corridor One is electric. Anticipation courses through the veins of every individual present. Elara, sensing the mounting energy, grins and winks mischievously at the crowd, causing a wave of hushed whispers and awed gasps.

The magic-infused floor beneath them starts to rumble softly before it begins to rise. With a smooth and steady motion, the entire platform, carrying the throngs of eager spectators, levitates higher and higher. Everyone can feel the wind getting cooler, and the triple moons appear even more massive and magnificent as they draw closer to them.

Several mages, clad in robes embroidered with shimmering moon motifs, rush to the edges of the platform. Their hands move in intricate patterns, chanting incantations. Almost immediately, a translucent shimmering barrier envelops the rising platform — the Safety Array. Its presence reassures the crowd, ensuring their safety as they ascend.

From the sidelines, another group of mages, their robes a stark contrast in fiery hues, step forward. They join hands, their energies intermingling, creating a palpable force. With a unified gesture, they release their magic, and the space above the platform transforms into a breathtaking canvas. Illusory images manifest: brave heroes battling fierce dragons, nimble warriors dodging demonic onslaughts, and mages harnessing the raw power of the elements to vanquish monstrous adversaries. The vivid, almost lifelike scenes play out, synchronized perfectly with the cadence of Elara's voice.

"As we draw closer to the moons," Elara begins, her voice echoing majestically, "let me share with you an ancient myth, one that has been passed down through countless generations." The magical display morphs, centering on an ethereal figure bathed in moonlight.

"In days of old," she continues, "it was said that a fourth moon once graced our skies. This moon, unlike the others, was said to harbor an unimaginable power. A power so vast that it could either bless the land with boundless prosperity or cast it into eternal darkness."

The magical visuals shift, illustrating her words. The fourth moon shines brightly, its glow touching the land, causing crops to flourish and kingdoms to prosper. But then, shadows start to creep in, consuming the light and casting the world into despair.

Elara's voice grows somber, "The keepers of the world, fearing its destructive potential, chose to seal the moon away, ensuring that its power would never again touch our realm."

The images shift again, showing a group of valiant heroes, their determination evident, embarking on a perilous quest to unlock the moon's mysteries and harness its power for the greater good.

Elara's gaze drifts, lost in the weight of the tale she's sharing. The atmosphere on the platform, once jubilant, shifts into a heavy silence, broken only by the distant wind. The mages continue to weave their magic, and the images evolve, drawing the crowd deeper into the story.

"As the keepers attempted to seal away the moon," Elara's voice is heavy with sorrow, "they unknowingly bound a force far greater than they could have ever imagined. This wasn't just a moon. It was a prison, designed by the ancient ones to contain an entity of unparalleled malevolence."

The illusions show the ancient keepers performing the sealing ritual. Their faces etched with determination, their magic vibrant and alive. But as they finish, a sinister shadow emerges from the sealed moon, taking shape, growing, and morphing into a figure of pure darkness. Eyes that glowed a sinister red, a smile that spelled doom.

"This being, known in whispers as 'The Shadowed One', was cunning and relentless. He once roamed our world, sewing chaos and feasting upon the fears of the weak. He was no ordinary foe. His power was beyond comprehension, born of the void, the space between stars."

The magical images illustrate this dark entity moving through ancient cities, casting long shadows that consume everything in their path. Buildings crumble, lands wither, and people are enveloped in despair.

The crowd watches, spellbound, as the images show ancient heroes trying to combat this force. Their efforts, though valiant, are in vain. With every confrontation, The Shadowed One emerges stronger, his laughter echoing through the ages.

Elara's voice trembles slightly, "Our ancestors were desperate. The Shadowed One was not just a destroyer; he was a corrupter. He could turn the purest of hearts into the darkest of souls. The world was on the brink of eternal night."

The mood was grim as the tale of The Shadowed One unfolded, but suddenly, the scene shifted. The once dimly lit platform began to brighten. Arcane lights embedded in the arches and floor shimmered with newfound intensity, illuminating the platform in an ethereal glow. The chill in the wind seemed to recede, replaced by a comforting warmth.

Elara's expression transformed. The weight of the tale momentarily lifted, her eyes sparkling with fervor, reflecting the renewed light around her. "But fear not, for this is not where our tale ends," she declared, her voice filled with hope. "For in our darkest moments, legends are born."

The magical illusions above the platform changed, drawing gasps of wonder from the audience. A celestial realm appeared, filled with opulent palaces and ethereal gardens. Gods and goddesses, each exuding an aura of majesty, conversed amongst themselves.

One figure stood out, a luminous goddess draped in robes of pure white, her presence commanding attention. She was Althea, the Goddess of Light. Her ethereal beauty was matched by the determined set of her eyes, which held galaxies within them.

"She saw the plight of our world," Elara continued, her voice resonant. "Althea felt the anguish of every soul that The Shadowed One consumed. She convened with her fellow deities and made a solemn vow."

The illusions showed the gods coming together, their energies mingling, forming a pact. A beam of radiant light descended from the heavens, enveloping a young warrior on the world below. This warrior's demeanor was fierce, yet there was an undeniable kindness in his eyes.

Elara's words painted a vivid picture, "From among us, a hero emerged. Chosen by Althea herself, this warrior was bestowed with divine power, strength, and wisdom to lead humanity against the dark tide. The first Hero."

The magical canvas displayed the Hero's journey — how he rallied kingdoms under one banner, forged alliances with other races, and trained day and night, preparing for the impending battle.

"The Hero wasn't alone in his quest. The gods had seen the unwavering spirit of humanity and knew that with unity, hope could be rekindled." Elara narrated as the illusions showcased a band of brave allies joining him — mages, knights, and beings from realms unknown.

Together, they stood as the last beacon of hope against The Shadowed One's demon army. Scenes of epic battles unfolded above the platform: vast landscapes filled with clashing armies, magical barrages that lit the sky, and heroes that stood tall against overwhelming odds.

Elara's voice swelled with pride, "Our ancestors, filled with determination and hope, stood their ground, even when all seemed lost. The Hero and his allies sacrificed everything, laying down their lives for a brighter future."

A heartbreaking moment was depicted: The Hero, surrounded by his fallen comrades, raising his sword one last time against the encroaching darkness, his eyes shining with unwavering resolve.

The mages weaving the illusions ensured that every spectator felt the weight of that sacrifice, the raw emotion of the moment.

"But their sacrifice was not in vain," Elara's voice broke through the somber atmosphere. "Moved by their unwavering resolve and sacrifice, the gods intervened."

The heavens opened, and divine beings descended. Led by Althea, they unleashed their might against The Shadowed One. The crowd watched in awe as an intense battle between celestial beings and the embodiment of darkness played out above them.

The climax came when Althea, with the combined strength of her divine kin, sealed The Shadowed One away, locking him behind the very moon that had become his prison. Peace was restored, and the world began to heal.

As the tale reached its conclusion, Elara, bathed in the soft glow of the triple moons, concluded, "Let this be a reminder, that even in our darkest times, hope and unity can light the way. And as long as we remember the sacrifices of those who came before us, we can face any challenge that lies ahead."

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

The glow from the triple moons is intoxicating, almost hypnotic. The entire Corridor One reverberates with cheers and gasps as the moons inch closer, aligning perfectly. The sight is truly ethereal; the world around is bathed in a luminous glow, a spectacle of nature and magic combined. Everyone is in awe, spellbound by the celestial dance playing out before them.

But I can't help but stifle a yawn. All this commotion for a simple celestial event? Elara's narration of the past, while mesmerizing, is very biased. It's almost like the whole world pauses for this dramatic retelling and alignment, losing themselves in the grandeur of it all. I'm just not one for theatrics.

Suddenly, a burst of youthful excitement pierces through my musings. Des, always the bundle of energy, is jumping up and down like a spring-loaded toy, her eyes practically sparkling from the moon's glow. She's barely containing herself.

"Look, look, K!" she exclaims, pointing towards the sky with unbridled enthusiasm. "It's even more beautiful than I imagined!" 

I chuckle, watching her animated antics. "It's just an eclipse, Des," I reply, trying to downplay the spectacle, but she's having none of it. I'm glad she is holding back from calling my name out, but she refuses to call me V. 

"No! It's magical!" she argues back, her voice filled with childlike wonder. "Just look at it. Don't you feel the magic? It's like...like we're inside a huge crystal ball, and the whole world is glowing!"

She tugs at my arm, urging me to share her excitement. "C'mon K, just for once, let go! Feel the magic! Everyone's so happy!"

And as I look around, I can't deny that she's right. Everywhere I turn, faces are upturned, eyes shimmering, smiles stretching wide. The collective euphoria is palpable. Families are holding each other closer, children are dancing, and even the sternest of faces are softened by the moon's glow.

I sigh, realizing there's no point in dampening her joy. "Alright, alright," I concede, laughing, "it is quite something."

She grins triumphantly, her eyes still fixed on the moons. "Told ya!"

We stand there, side by side, watching the moons dance in perfect harmony. And while I might not share her childlike wonder, there's no denying the warmth that this moment, and her infectious joy, brings to my heart.

"Promise me something, K," Des says, her voice suddenly taking on a serious note.

I look down at her, intrigued. "What is it?"

"Promise me we'll come back here, every year, to watch the moons dance. Just the two of us."

Her sincere request catches me off guard, and for a moment, I'm speechless. But then, looking into her hopeful eyes, all I can do is nod. "I'll try my best."

Fun Fact: Due to mana in the atmosphere, astronomy is practically non-existent. To be more precise, the study of space can only be done by those with a lot of resources.

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