
A World Unwritten

Stuck in the worst dream possible – the reality of my own creation. Here I am, not the all-powerful author, but an unsuspecting character, woken up in a beggar's body in the world of my own novel. How? Why? I don't know, but what I do know is that I need to survive. My memories of the story's plot are sketchy at best, but I remember enough to know I've got to stick to the main storyline. Life-or-death decisions, cryptic mysteries, formidable enemies, I wrote them all. Now I must face them firsthand. The irony would be delicious if it weren't so deadly. Am I stuck in my worst nightmare or have I been given a chance to rewrite my destiny? Only time will tell. Until then, I’ve got to survive in this Insane world, a plot to follow, and one hell of a story to write... by living it.

QTV · Fantasie
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309 Chs

Light Training

As I walked downstairs to the first floor, the sight of Desolara diligently attending to a customer, while Ash and Eira were engaged in their typical bickering, brought a smile to my face. They appeared to be getting along just fine. It seemed Ash was even more childish than I had initially thought.

"Kael!" Ash's voice rang out, the moment he spotted me. "You're finally up! It feels like it's been forever. We were starting to get worried. You looked like you were at death's door!"

"I'm alright," I reassured them, offering a weak smile. "But Ash, I can't help but notice Desolara seems to be working harder than you."

"Ehehe, come on Kael," Ash chuckled, "I'm her senior after all. Isn't it obvious that I should work less?"

I waved at Desolara as she finished assisting the customer. "Desolara, could you come over here for a moment?"

"Hello, Kael," she greeted, walking over, "I'm glad to see your training is over. What can I assist you with?"

"Desolara, there's no need to be so formal around me," I responded, "I just wanted to grant you the right to give Ash a little roughhousing whenever he's slacking off. He's not your senior, after all."

"Oi, oi, oi, Kael, why would you tell her that?!" Ash interjected, his voice full of indignation, "Even if you gave her permission, she'd never be able to catch me!" His pride was tangible in his words.

Honestly, Ash was testing my patience. He might be fast, but he lacked any real combat experience. Desolara, on the other hand, had fought for her life on the streets. I was confident she'd easily best Ash in a hand-to-hand combat scenario.

"Well said, Kael," Eira chimed in, "this little troublemaker needs to be taught a lesson. He needs to change his disrespectful attitude towards me."

"Eira, how can you let a kid like Ash get under your skin so much? You're not a child yourself, you know," I teased.

"That little miscreant has been slacking off for the past two weeks, doing barely enough to get by. We actually pay him for that, Kael!"

"Alright, alright," I conceded, "I seem to have forgotten about your fixation on monetary matters. I've been holed up in my room for two weeks, so I need to catch up on what you all have been up to."

✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦

After getting up to speed and noting that no significant changes had occurred during my absence, I resumed my quest to master aura control. Though the circulation method seemed straightforward, it required a level of proficiency akin to second nature in order to fully exploit its benefits. Frequently, my gaze drifted towards Desolara and Ash, observing their interactions. It was clear that Desolara was growing more at ease with her role.

It seems during the last two weeks, a distinct dynamic emerged between Desolara and Ash. Their antics were comical, with Ash, for all his initial bluster, finding himself frequently outmaneuvered by Desolara's street-bred cunning and swift reflexes. He tried to evade work as much as possible, but Desolara was relentless, never letting him slide.

Eira, on the other hand, seemed positively delighted by this development. She seized every chance to rib Ash, often siding with Desolara. Despite being the elder, her childlike glee at Ash's misfortunes was rather entertaining. Desolara, meanwhile, continued to excel. She was industrious, learning quickly and handling customers with a finesse that belied her rough upbringing.

✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦

-One week later…

I had progressed to the point where I could circulate my aura while walking, though it demanded my utmost concentration. There was still room for improvement. I also embarked on stamina training. Having control over my aura was a boon, yet physically, I felt I was still lagging behind others.

✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦

-One week later…

Now, I could jog while circulating my aura. Even though exhaustion set in within the first ten minutes, I could sense incremental improvements in my stamina. In an unexpected turn of events, Desolara, perhaps frustrated by her inability to keep up with Ash, decided to accompany me during my jogs.

✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦

-One week later…

I could feel my bones becoming sturdier, a welcome change after feeling weak for so long. Thanks to my persistent training, my aura circulation had synced with my breathing and was gradually becoming second nature. Meanwhile, Eira had embarked on a mysterious new project, keeping the details under wraps until completion. The business was faring well, with profits on the rise. We even relocated to a larger facility uptown, slightly farther from the Auction house, while retaining the old building as a secondary base. The new premises offered more space, with larger personal quarters each equipped with a private bath.

✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦

-One week later…

My control over aura circulation had become seamless, a testament to my inherent gift for control. However, the challenge lay in the accumulation of usable energy. As it had to be evenly distributed among my bones, a single discrepancy could disrupt the equilibrium. Therefore, my bones had to be saturated to their maximum capacity before I could start storing energy in my core. This process, I estimated, would take a few more weeks. In the interim, I attempted to coat my body in the scant aura I possessed – a task that proved more challenging than coating my bones.

Around this time, Zeke returned and presented me with an intriguing proposition.

"Kael, even though I'm not an aura master, I can tell that your circulation method is not ordinary. May I observe the technique you're using?"

"Sure," I acquiesced, rising from my chair. "It's a self-devised technique, so it might seem somewhat unorthodox. Just brace yourself for a bit of a surprise."

As I commenced the circulation of my aura, the energy flowed seamlessly, akin to a tranquil brook. When Zeke laid his palm on my back, I could almost feel his astonishment emanating through his touch.

"By no means am I an aura specialist, but unless I'm mistaken, you're quite the madman, Kael. Seriously, what were you thinking? Distributing aura throughout all your bones is an absurdly inefficient approach. Your method prolongs the circulation process. The time required for you to augment your aura is almost tripled."

"I'm aware," I replied, nodding in understanding. "However, due to some unfortunate circumstances, I'm left with no choice but to adopt this method."

Zeke scrutinized me for a moment before releasing a resigned sigh. "Seriously, and here I thought I was the insane one. But really, if you have to resort to this method, wouldn't it be more practical to utilize mana instead of aura?"

"I understand your concerns, but I assure you, aura is indispensable," I said, offering him a reassuring smile. "Also, it would be best if you could keep this between us. I wouldn't want the children to risk trying this method."

✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦

-Two weeks later...

The ensuing weeks were arduous yet fulfilling. I committed all my attention to refining this unconventional technique, incrementally increasing my circulation speed. By the end of the fortnight, I achieved my objective. While the effects were not dramatically noticeable, they should suffice for my admission into the academy.

Zeke had taken my revelation surprisingly well, offering occasional guidance while respecting my wish to keep it from the others. It was impossible to decipher the machinations of this enigmatic man, but his restraint indicated curiosity. I was relieved; the last thing I wanted was Ash or Desolara trying to replicate my method, a practice born out of necessity, not choice.

It was finally time to break from the relentless training and reconnect with the others. I descended to the shop, welcomed by the familiar sight of Desolara assisting a customer, while Ash artfully dodged his responsibilities.

"Hey, Desolara, Ash," I greeted, my voice laced with warmth. "It's been a while. How's everything?"

Desolara glanced up from her task, her eyes brightening as she greeted me back. "Hey, Kael. Things are going well. Business is thriving, and we've been managing without any major hiccups. Though, as per your instructions, I've been keeping Ash in check, his behavior doesn't seem to improve much."

Ash, in contrast, offered me a sheepish grin. "Hey, Kael," he began, his tone playful. "Darn it, Des, why did you have to spill the beans? I thought we had an agreement. But you know, Kael, with you absent, someone had to inject some fun around here."

"Stop calling me Des, you indolent buffoon! It's my job to keep you in line, do you want to get me sacked?" Desolara retorted, her tone exasperated yet affectionate.

Their camaraderie brought a chuckle to my lips. "Don't worry, I won't be firing anyone. But, Ash, I need to arrange a meeting with your sister."

"Really? Are we finally going to discuss the Academy? I can't wait to see the look on her face. She'll be so elated, she might even apologize for always berating me!"

"We'll meet her tomorrow," I replied, amused by his enthusiasm.

After engaging in some light banter, I decided it was time to seek Eira. She had been engrossed in a clandestine project for the past few weeks, and my curiosity was piqued.

"Eira," I called out, spotting her in her workshop, surrounded by an array of materials and tools. "It's been a while. How's your project progressing?"

Eira glanced up from her work, her face contorted into an expression of annoyance. "Kael! What the hell do you want? I'm swamped, so this better not be some frivolous matter."

Taken aback, I attempted to soothe her irritability. "Whoa, Eira, looks like you woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. I was merely checking in on you, making sure everything is alright. If you need any assistance, just let me know."

"Help? Me? Why would I need help? Just leave me alone and let me work in peace."

Her abrupt dismissal hinted at frustration, likely due to a roadblock in her project. Figuring it would be best to give her some space, I decided to divert my attention to the upcoming preparations for the academy.

Sorry for not posting in a while, I'm currently overworking myself.

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