
A World Ruled By Colours

On Earth, every human is ranked by a color. From the lowest gray, to the highest white gold. After birth, every human is marked with a color on their right arms. Our MC, Jun Zihao, was born marked with the color black. The color black had never existed in the rankings, thus everyone around assumed that black was the lowest color, lower than gray. Due to that, people mock him and bully him constantly. One by one, revenge is made. Mysteries are unraveled. Answers are revealed How will Jun Zihao perceive through the hardships, and find the true meaning of his color?

Hallegaust · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
4 Chs

Chapter 3: Xiaoyu Magic School

Zihao made his way into school.

The Jun family is famous, and has a high position within the city of Shanghai, thus everyone knows how he and his mother left the Jun family. Additionally, with a 'black' color, people will just pry even more into his privacy. Zihao sighs.

(I'll just ignore them. Uncle Bojing has always taught me to hit someone back once I feel in danger. The Zhang family does not fear losing a little face.)

It is still a few minutes before the examinations start. Zihao goes and buys coffee, then sits down at a bench in the hall. The number of people slowly grows as time passes by. He could feel eyes staring straight at him.

"Hey." a voice calls out. Zihao looks up. A man around his age stands in front of him, smiling.

(He's strong. What does he want?)

Zihao gives a small smile for the sake of politeness.


"I'm Hwang Yanfeng. You're Jun Zihao, right? Nice to meet you."

Yanfeng takes out his hand towards Zihao, a gesture suggesting a handshake. Zihao shakes hands with Yanfeng.


-Yanfeng's Point Of View-

As he shakes hands with Zihao, he immediately begins scanning.

[Scanning Target: ...]

[Scanning Speed: 200%]

[Target name: Jun Zihao]

[Target age: 15]

[Target power level: Info restricted!]

[Target color: Info restricted!]

[Target element: Info restricted!]

[Warning! Warning! System detects hostility from Target. User is advised to move further away from the Target.]

-Back to Zihao's POV-

"Did you enjoy scanning me?" Zihao whispers. Yanfeng's eyes widen and he splurts out blood from the impact of the restrictions in Zihao's info and falls down. Zihao approaches Yanfeng.

"W-wait, wait,wait,wait,wait!" Yanfeng puts two of his palms up towards Zihao.

"I don't mean any harm, I swear on the Deity of Speech!" he exclaims. Zihao stops.

Zihao sighs.

"Why did you scan me?" Zihao asks Yanfeng with a glare piercing straight through the man's heart. Yanfeng stands up and Yanfeng adjusts his clothes.

"Sorry, I always scan people to make sure they're not a threat. I actually wish to be good friends with you." Yanfeng chuckles. Ziho raises an eyebrow.

"Hwang Yunfeng, you are a strong and handsome man. I'm only a weak and feeble being. You will only be mocked and burdened being around me." Zihao says almost way too calmly. Yanfeng scoffs.

"You? weak? I literally just fell on my ass just from scanning you. If you're actually weak, then fuck me in the ass and call me Sally because I don't believe a single bit of that." Yanfeng says in an aggresive tone. Zihao laughs.

"First of all, no I won't fuck you in the ass and call you Sally. I don't know what you're saying. You fell on your own accord, don't put it on me." Zihao deadpans, pretending to know nothing.

"All participants, please assemble in the middle! The entrance examinations shall begin soon!" a teacher yells through a megaphone. Yanfeng pats Zihao on the shoulder.

"Let's get into this school together." Yanfeng says using a 'heroic' tone. Zihao only smirks and shakes his head.

(What a wild card.)

Zihao walks over to the middle of the hall where many participants are bunched up together in front of the teacher-in-charge.

"Participants, welcome to the Xiaoyu Magic School Entrance Examinations. Our school is not a common school. It is easily one of the best around. I trust all of you here are all talented and moralistic people. I am also proud to announce that young Mster Jun Hou and young Master Hwang Yanfeng will be participating in this exam!" the teacher-in-charge says as he presents Jun Hou and Hwang Yanfeng on stage. Everyone applauded them crazily.

(What the hell? Jun Hou's here too?)

Zihao mentally curses when Hou notices him. With a large smile, he suddenly yells.

"Oh, what is this? Looks like Jun Zihao is here as well?" Jun Hou yells and points at Zihao. The crowd immediately turns towards him.

"Jun Zihao? The one that left the Juns with his mom?"

"Isn't he that black-ranked trash who relies on the Zhangs?"

"I bet the Zhangs wasted a lot of money getting him into here."

"And they expect him to pass? I feel bad for them."

Zihao stays calm as he knows more than half of what they're gossiping about isn't true.

"Alright, enough. We shall proceed with the examination. The person who will be evaluating you today is Madam Long Ukai, one of the government's best agents."

A lady steps onto the stage. Zihao's eyes widen.

"Oh my god! It's Madam Ukai!"

"She's known for being a powerhouse!"

"I can't believe she'll be evaluating us! I'm nervous!"

Zihao's mouth is gaping as he watches the lady on the stage, her silver-stricken white hair flowing in the wind.
