
A World Of Red

Alex Finnley was an orphan trying to make a living and survive One day everything changed, Alex's world was turned upside down Zombies, There were Zombies How is Alex going to survive in a world where no one is safe

Butcher24 · sci-fi
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3 Chs


Alex would have to walk for a while as Molly's house was pretty far away from him, Normally it wouldn't take that long because he had his bike, But he had to leave it in a forest infested with murderous zombies.

It was about noon right now with the sun still high in the sky the streets were completely free from zombies and everything seemed to be going okay, Alex even felt confident enough to go inside a few building and stores to grab some things that might be useful, like a flashlight and some matches, Now that he thought about it Alex has not seen any zombies the entire day, Almost as if they all just disappeared in air.

Turning the corner to the local park Alex had all of his questions answered, Thousands of zombies were all standing in the park surrounding one zombie who was massive, Almost 7 feet tall and looked like it was giving a speech or something but it was to far away and hard to hear over all the growling.

But then it stopped talking and looked away from the zombies, It looked right at me, And smiled.

Turning around to run i found the roads behind me already blocked in by zombies, The must have already been moving since i was distracted by the big guy, Running towards the only open route i went to the Mississippi river.

Zombies on all sides with the river to my back, I was trapped, Exactly how he wanted me, I could see the big zombie in the center of all of them, Now that i got a closer look at him i saw he was built like a bodybuilder with a mechanic shirt on and the name tag "Rufus" on it, But their was one thing Rufus didn't account for, When humans are trapped and desperate, They will do Anything.

I jumped into the river, But this was not your normal Mississippi river that you would ride ferry boats on, This river was violent and thrashing all over the place probably from a storm nearby, It not like we can just pull of the weather forecast, Alex was dragged under and thrashed around hitting rocks and cutting himself of whatever trash was thrown in.

Sometime later, Could have been 30 seconds or 30 minutes it was really hard to tell Alex finally managed to pull himself onto something, A sewage pipe, It may not be the nicest place to be but at least i wasn't going to get eaten by thousands of zombies.

Pulling himself in it looked exactly like the movies after walking for a bit, A river of wasted next to a sidewalk, Sitting down and opening his backpack which was waterproof, Alex pulled out his zombie book and flipped to a new page. "Rufus is a smartie zombie that is almost 7 ft tall, He has the ability to control zombies and use them as his personal army, He is smart enough to use basic tactics, And he is also a massive douche"

Perfect, Now its time to get out of this place, The sewer system is really dark and creepy with the only source of light being the flashlight he stole earlier, There doesn't seem to be any zombies in here, Not many peoples first thought is to run into the sewers when when a zombie apocalypse starts.

A few dead bodies were scattered on the ground with their heads chopped off probably from some survivor who came through here, Groaning was coming from ahead, Not your normal zombie growl but from a person struggling to breath.

Sitting on the ground was a teenager about the same age as Alex with long black dreadlocks and a black gas mask that only covers his mouth and nose more for style than using it for an actual gas mask, And his stomach was torn open with guts and blood leaking everywhere, A stack of dead zombies to his left he definitely went down fighting.

"Hey man welcome to the party hehehe" As he laughed more blood was pushed out of his stomach covering the floor, Alex was stunned this was an actual person, He had seen his fair share of gore in the last couple of days but they were all zombies not a normal guy trying to survive just like him.

The guy on the ground sticks his hand forward for a handshake "Names Bloodbath, I got it legally changed after my mom kicked me out pretty cool huh"

"Aren't you in pain how are you acting like this is normal!" Alex was confused, this guy was bleeding out on the ground and was dying and he acted like they just bumped into each other at the store.

"Nah its all numb i can't really feel anything anymore, But i-im going to die anyway why be such a bummer about it right?" His voice broke for a second and the fear was evident in his eyes as he packed his organs in hopefully to buy hims a few more minutes.

"But hey at least i won't be alone when i go right, You won't leave me will you?"

"Nah man i'm not going anywhere ill be right here, Here let me show you this book I've been making of this shitty world" Alex sat down next to him showing him the zombie book and sharing life stories, Bloodbaths real name was Kevin, He lived with his mom after his dad left for a prettier younger women, And his mom turned to drugs and chose her drug dealer boyfriend over Kevin and kicked him out, He didn't give up though, Instead he thrived he was living his best life doing whatever he wanted, Even when the Apocalypse started he was still trying to have fun and be a kid, Until one of his games got him bit, Knowing he was going to die Kevin took out all the zombies he saw recklessly and leading him to his current situation.

"Hey Alex do you believe i heaven and stuff?"

"Yeah man of course i do there has to be something after this right or else whats the point of living" Alex is Agnostic and the only reason he doesn't just kill himself off is because of his sister and the fact he is just simply afraid of death.

"Don't forget me man some cultures keep peoples spirits alive through memory and shit"

Alex pulled out his notebook flipped to a new page and wrote "Graveyard" at the top the on the first like Bloodbath/Kevin "Their now i won't forget, I'll remember you every time i look at this page"

Kevin reaches towards his face and unstraps his gas mask "This is my most prized possession, It has been with me through my worst and best tomes, And i want you to have it, Sorry for all the blood you might want to clean it out"

Taking the mask as cleaning it off with some water from a bottle in his bath and a cloth he put it on and adjusted it to fit on his head

"Hey man look it fits like a glove!" Alex really like the mask so he excitedly looked over and Kevin, And he was dead, He slumped to the side against the wall.

Leaning over and closing his eyes Alex stood up and grabbed his hatchet, Kevin already asked him to make sure he doesn't turn.

Raising his hatchet above his head and slamming down as hard as he could before walking away not even sparing a glance at him, But unlike with his uncle who didn't deserve a second though, If he looked at Kevin right now he probably wouldn't be able to keep on going, Kevin was exactly like him, Just some teenage boy trying to make the best out of a shitty situation and survive for as long as he can, But he died.

Not wanting to think about this any longer Alex headed in the direction of Molly's house while still in the sewers, It didn't take him long to find the manhole that was on the street right on front of Molly's house, It was tim to figure out where his sister was.