
Chapter 11

I did it.

I replaced Gilderoy's toothpaste with charcoal paste. The fool was too dumb to notice me as I teleported to his living quarters and emptied out his toothpaste tube before filling it with charcoal paste.

Too bad I underestimated his narcissism. The man looks at himself in the mirror a million times before showing his ugly mug in public.

On his first day as our DADA teacher...

Gileroy opened the door with flair and began, "Let me introduce you to your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher... me. Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of the Merlin, Third class, Honorary member of the Dark Force Defence Leage and Five times winner of Witch Weekly's Most-Charming-Smile award."

The girls all over the class swooned as he flashed his teeth that were all black a mere minutes ago. Even Hermione was taken by his smile.. something I tried hard not to roll my eyes over. At the very least, Daphne seemed to not be affected by him.

"But I don't talk about that."

'You just did, you ponce.'

"I didn't get rid of the Bandon Banshee by smiling at her."

With a creepy laugh that somehow bewitched the girls even more, he said, "Now, I am here to arm you against the foulest creatures known to wizardkind."

'A spell specifically created against you?'

Daphne suddenly suppressed a giggle and glared at me.

'Oops, did I say that out loud?'

Luckily no one else heard me.

"You may face your biggest fears in this classroom. Know only that no harm can befall you whilst I am here. I must as you not to scream. It might provoke them!"

He then removed the cloth from the cage that had numerous Cornish pixies, freshly caught.

I clearly remembered how this went in canon. So, I used Conqueror's haki and subdued the little creatures. Then, I turned them hostile only towards Gilderoy. A vile man such as him should be in Azkaban. But, I was fine with the pixies tearing his hair off his scalp.

When he opened the cage, unlike the chaos he expected the pixies to cause, all of then attacked him. They grabbed his painings and broke them and tore all of his books. Then, they grabbed him by the hair and dragged him out of the classroom.

The students were lift in stitches as they heartily laughed st him, especially the boys.

"I don't know how, but, I am sure that you are responsible for this."

I glanced at Daphne who was looking at me with an accusing gaze and a smile. I cheekily grinned and said, "Are you going to complian?"

Daphne just shook her head and chuckled again as she remembered the shrieks of Gilderoy.

It was a fun class...

Meanwhile, I stole the Marauder's map from the Weasley twins. I had no use for it, but, I didn't want them to know my whereabouts in case I was somewhere dangerous.

While Hermione had decided to keep following the rules and not break curfew, Daphne and I would spend an hour or two in the room of requirements, simply enjoying the peace as I played my guitar and sang melodies from the songs I could remember. She was certainly impressed at how good I was at plagiarizing the songs from the future.. Not that she knew the whole truth.

They were still unaware of my abilities and sometimes I would suddenly appear behind them to spook them. Just childish pranks among friends.

I had already stolen Tom Riddle's diary from Lavender on our first night back in the castle. There was no need for me to wait and let her be manipulated into opening the chamber of secrets, only to find the dead basilisk with missing teeth. I couldn't even imagine what the deranged horcrux would have done to the child.

I had no plans to follow the plot. Once you are strong enough to face everything that comes your way, you no longer need to rely on the crutches of future knowledge.

I did feel pity for Dobby.

'Should I help him? Don't all purebloods treat their house elves like that? Would it make a difference? Yes, it will, for Dobby.'

I was not going to play god and let people suffer if it served a greater purpose.

It wasn't hard to manipulate the Malfoy into releasing Dobby. That too, while he was out in Diagon Alley. The newspaper had a field day reporting a highly respected lord throwing a hissy fit in the middle of a busy street.

Quidditch.. The name of a woman in Oliver Wood's dreams.

I trained the team until they were begging me to let them die. All except Oliver. I guessed he was a masochist. And it turned out to be right.

There was a small altercation with Slytherin over the training field. Draco had made his father by Nimbus 2001s for the entire team in exchange for him to be chosen as the seaker.

All of us were there to witness the spectacle.

Ron exclaimed at the brooms to which Draco retorted with insulting Ron for being poor. I had to remid myself that he was a twelve year old child with little sense of right and wrong. Otherwise, I would have given him a detailed scenario about everything come to bite him in the ass in the future with Ron doing some nasty stuff to his wife and mother as revenge.

Yeah, it was not going to happen. A hypothetical scenario but possible none the less.

All actions have consequences. Even words said to a person can come back at you with strength higher than what you can handle. But, there's another possibility. Even inaction has consequences.

My inaction over Draco degrading Ron for being poor made Hermione speak up. That resulted in Draco calling her a mudblood.

See? I could have easily prevented it. Calling her a mudblood was similar to calling an afro-american a negro. Yes, that's the non-americanised word that was used to reffer to humans by the trash that cursed the planet with their existence.

I locked Draco's head in my arm and said, "Remember what I told you the night of the sorting ceremony? That I will be closely looking for the wrong sort? I think I don't need to look any further that you, you pasty little toothpick! Inbred freaks like you are the reason why we don't progress into a better society. But, I don't think the entire blame should fall upon you. No, it's people like your father. Degenerate scumbags whom even a dementor won't kiss out of sheer disgust. Dare call someone a mudblood again, I'll make sure your father is thrown among the worst of the sodomites on this planet. So hope to Merlin that you do use that word again. I sooo want to do that to your father."

Suffice to say that I served detention with Snape for a month. But, it was worth it. Hermione didn't cry as what I said to Draco had made him shit his pants and cry his eyes out till he fainted from exhaustion. He got that scared from what I had said.

I did feel a little guilty as I made a kid cry for something that wasn't his fault. No, it was simply bad parenting.

Should I actually do that to Lucius? Perhaps a warning by doing the same to a different piece of trash.

All in all, it was an eventful year.


A/N: Neeraj Chopra... the man who won the first ever gold medal, in fact, the first ever medal in athletics since the year 1900 for India. Proudest moment ever.