
Chapter 5: Dark

The sky was clear save for few clouds that could be seen pass in their lonesome. The heat from the sun scorched the land beneath as a vast land of barren soil and blazing deserts could be seen as well as a long trail of dust that stretched speedily across the Wildlands. Three saber-wolves sped over the burning land but thanks to the abnormally tough paws of the wolves, this was nothing more than a stroll across plain fields.

Seated on the last of the three wolves were Herke and Nala. The terra-demon apparently wanted nothing to do with Rhaegah and considered Auia too hostile a riding partner, she settled with Herke who wouldn't have it any other way. Herke had his grip on the fur of the wolf with Nala

holding onto him with arms wrapped around him. The setup felt off as the only way to stay on depended on how tightly you grip the fur of the creature who would most likely snap if your grip threatens to rip out locks of its fur. Though the upside to that is the fact that Nala had no choice but to wrap her arms tightly around Herke.

"Must be nice" Rhaegah thought and secured his grip around Auia's waist. The dragon-born obviously had no expertise wolf back riding hence he had to hold on to the one who did. He could feel the half elf shake from time to time and wondered what could possibly be infuriating her as that twitch seemed significant to people who were so mad they had to twitch to shake it off.

"So Uh..... I guess your mom was a half elf?" he attempted to initiate a conversation to calm her down "How can you possibly be having thoughts about my mother in such a time as this?" Auia shakily countered. Rhaegah tensed up realizing he'd made her even more infuriated as her shaking intensified. He leaned to the side to get a good look at her face and figure out how much trouble he was getting himself in. Rhaegah was suddenly stuck in place now fully understanding what was going on.

The embarrassed look on her face broke his chain of thought as he did not think she was one to get flustered over having a guy grab her waist much so that her face turned a slight pink when she noticed he was staring at her.

"I... I didn't mean it like that" he regretted the comment immediately as the slight pink on Auia's face went red with a disgusted look on her face "Now I've done it..... Didn't mean it like what? Definitely means I thought bout something pervy" he facepalmed

"Auia look ahead.... Any enemies incoming?" Symmone shouted from atop a brown saber-wolf ahead snapping the two back to the situation at hand. Auia shook her head to focus and looked straight ahead as a vast emptiness of the Wildlands zoomed in in a large group of beastmen headed their way "There's a large pack of beastmen ahead..

They seem to be charging straight for us" Auia said after what seemed like a few seconds "How far away are they cos I don't see anything even in the slightest" Rhaegah chuckled realizing he was the only one who did not have an idea if the group they were about to face.

'Focus... Mana...Senses'

Rhaegah heard the strange words flow through his mind. The voice wasn't familiar but at the same time felt like it was. He suddenly remembered when he heard the word Aether when he touched Ava. He looked towards the black wolf they rode as a thought came to mind "Try to focus your mana on your senses" Herke shouted from behind them. Rhaegah nodded in agreement but questioned �what that even meant. He looked straight ahead with eyes narrowed right before the sound of rushing footsteps flooded his mind. He grabbed his head as though preventing it from falling off from the pain.

"That's insane.... That sounds like a whole lot of creatures" he stated now satisfied that he was no longer left out but to his surprise everyone but Symmone was staring at him eyes wide in shock. "You can hear them?" Herke spoke still shocked that someone could hear the sound of footsteps from a distance too far to see. "Such perceptive ability is monstrous even for dragon-born" Herke added. Now Rhaegah was even more interested in what he could possibly do if he really tried. But not wanting to risk the

mother of all headaches crashing down on him, he decides to venture into that in his spare time. The wolves picked up their pace and soon enough clouds of dust could be seen from the distance "We have no real quarrel with the beastmen so I forbid anyone from taking a life..... Is that clear?"

Symmone sternly stated looking towards Nala who only snorted and looked away "I understand" she whispered.

Everyone seemed calm and collected given despite the small army that approached them and they even had the confidence that they could survive the battle without taking a single life. Rhaegah on the other hand was conflicted as this was clearly not going to be a jolly ride and though it would be normal if he was a bit scared or even hesitant to do actual combat, he was anxious for his first all out battle since he got his lightning ability. He put his hood up when he noticed that the different roars, snarls and echoes of numerous armour plates and weapons from the beastmen could be heard clearly.

Looking closely Rhaegah started to make out what these creatures looked like. The one leading the charge had a humanoid form though much bigger than a large human with the facial features of a tiger as well as being covered in fur around the areas not covered in armour. A jagged chest plate hung over the beastman telling Rhaegah that they were not as primitive as they had him think.

The chest plate was strapped tight with some type of rope which was also used to keep his shoulder plate strapped on. Nothing but a brace around the wrist could be seen as armour besides the mentioned and a large rugged sword that somehow seemed to scream 'Pain' was gripped firmly in its left hand. Torn trousers covered it's legs which was understandable seeing as these creatures didn't appear to need any more besides protecting their chest region as was seen on most of them. The others

charging at them didn't seem far off in terms of looks as they all had the same large frame though some slightly larger than others, they differed in terms of their base animal as some looked like crocs and some had wolf like structures among others. "Is it possible to reason with them?"

Rhaegah asked suddenly realizing that they were just charging into battle against the beastmen without any clear reason.

"You mean to.....talk with those beasts?" Auia asked in disbelief that such a thing was possible. The beastmen were not more than savage beasts that roamed the Wildlands before they went into hiding during the previous war centuries ago. Not much was heard about the beastmen since then but there was no way they could have become intelligent during that period.

"It's your world I get that but these 'beasts' are wielding weapons and taking armour into battle from who knows where... Savage beasts don't need those" Rhaegah countered as �an arrow whizzed past the side of his face from the direction of the beastmen.

"I believe you were-"

"Just forget it" Rhaegah cut Herke's tease "Too late for reason now" he stated grabbing the hilt of one of the blades strapped behind him with his right hand and drew the blade slightly. "Nala! Rhaegah! Take over the reigns... Auia! Herke! With me" Symmone ordered

"Reigns? You're kidding right" Rhaegah asked as Auia and Herke leapt off their wolves and with a second jump off the ground with much greater force, they launched into the air towards the beastmen who began slowing down at the sight that unfolded before their eyes. Auia and Herke had their hands stretched forward as mandalas formed just inches from their palms, Auia's a bright

blue and Herke's a bright green glow.

A platform of ice appeared under Auia's feet which she used to change her trajectory by jumping to the side evading an arrow that was headed for her as a pillar of earth shot up from the ground towards Herke who grabbed and spun off it then jumped to evade several arrows and landed on an

ice pillar that Auia had placed for him as she then landed on an earth pillar that shot up right beneath her propelling her forward still headed for the beastmen.

Platform after platform appeared under them as the two jumped, swung and propelled each other maintaining the scattered high speed movement evading arrows and spears in complete synch. "Dance of earth and water" the two chanted in unison headed for the center of the pack

"Wreak Havoc..... Rumbling Geyser!"


The two landed with a force that halted the charge of the beastmen who were now paralyzed with fear as a unison spell was something not easily achieved and was always used to cast spells that an individual's mana pool could not produce. A large torrent of water shot out from the ground wrapped around massive boulders and spread through the pack and solidifying on contact. The force of impact sent a large number of the pack flying as a massive geyser was formed alongside the dangerous ruptures of the earth threatening to decimate them which then blew apart in an explosion that left a large crater with two figures standing at the center of it.

Herke and Auia scanned the area for any beastman still conscious after the attack. The leader of the pack roared in anger picking up his sword and began a mad sprint towards the two.

Still quite a ways from them he flung his sword towards Auia whom he figured would be a problematic foe just as Symmone appeared inches from him with a punch to his chest sending the tiger beastman flying several feet back but still landing perfectly on his feet. The beastman looked which was then replaced by something between fear and surprise. Symmone had his gaze on the beastman but his left arm was stretched backwards as though reaching for something. Looking behind Symmone the beastman noticed that a hand made of earth had formed from the ground had caught his sword midair. He felt sharp pain in his chest and looked down to see that his chest plate was broken to pieces on the hot earth.

Rhaegah who had been watching the entire time was at a loss for words as he gently

placed his sword back in its sheath. He'd known that these people were strong but he had no idea �they were this powerful and he was even confident that they had not shown what they were fully capable of cos that would be a letdown for what fantasy characters should be capable of in complete regard to anime of course. Symmone walked up to the beastman who stood at least 7 feet tall. The beastman took off one of his braces from his wrist and tossed it on the ground "I admit defeat... You are definitely stronger than I am" the beastman spoke with such formality that would make one question his so-called savagery all of which did not cause a twitch of surprise to

Symmone. "Those damned elves were wise to avoid an all our fight with you" the beastman spoke again "And what do you know of the elves" Symmone asked, the anger evident on his face.

"They attacked us in the dead of night. They were impossible to track. It was as if the darkness of the night itself attacked us. They decimated half of the village and took our leader, the alpha of our clan and his family threatening to do unspeakable things to them if we did not do as ordere-" he turned to face the two who had broken their pack so easily but could not find the source of what made his spirit shiver until two saber-wolves screeched to a halt beside Symmone who followed his gaze to rest on Rhaegah

"It would seem that aura came handy here" Symmone thought as the the beastman suddenly felt an immense pressure that threatened to choke the life from him.

He gripped his chest and turned to face the hooded figure in black orsinium armour seated on a darker than black saber-wolf. Looking at this figure all he could see was a creature with unrivaled power compared to all that stood there and amongst every creature he had faced as the pressure

intensified the closer the figure got to him causing him to drop on one knee from the exhaustion. The beastmen have their senses wired like that of common animals only heightened to unreal lengths which meant they could easily conclude if an enemy was fit for prey or if they had to run in sight of if this figure was the first to come to battle he would have immediately ordered his men

to surrender if they did not want to be slaughtered. "Are you all right?" Rhaegah asked wondering if Symmone's punch had caused more damage than he thought as he got off the wolf and stretched out a hand to the still shaking beastman.

Seeing the outstretched hand of the warrior in black, the beastman's fear and anxiety seemed to drop slightly and when he took the hand, all fear suddenly vanished making him wonder just what

this person was. "I am Khan" the beastman spoke finally. Rhaegah looked over at Herke "See?.....

Reason" he said with a smirk before looking back at Khan "I'm Rhaegah... Just Rhaegah" Rhaegah

stated before darting his head around searching for what he was not sure even existed "That's

twice I've felt that now..... Just what is this feeling?"

"Tell us everything you know about the elves" Symmone began walking towards Khan

"Certainly..... But not here" the beastman replied.

The group came to know that the dark elves were aware that Legion was headed for them and sent

the beastmen to stop them. Khan was more than happy to lead them to the cave but refused to

venture into the caves under the likely scenario that they could lose to the elves and it they knew

that the beastmen had aided in the attack, the elves would be merciless towards them. They made

their way out of the shed they took refuge in which stood along the path they created to the caves.

"My men will remain here ready to march for the caves when you have captured their leader....IF

you capture their leader" Khan said and with that he signalled his men to station themselves and �prepare for an immediate attack.

The beastmen followed the major rules of warfare and even considered negotiations when they

realized they had no chance of winning. "I wonder what dragons are like" he said to himself

before getting on Pup as Herke had warned him to call the saber-wolf. Rhaegah looked ahead and

was once again taken aback to see that Khan was leading the charge to the caves on his own feet

and still proved difficult to keep up with even with the saber-wolves.

Dark clouds formed over a certain mountain which intensified the closer they got to the mount

"Good, they are expecting us" Symmone spoke from his saber-wolf "This will eliminate the need

to search the caves for their locations" he added and rushed on still not getting any closer to Khan

who was still sprinting ahead.

"He needs to calm down" Rhaegah said silently but not so that Auia missed it. "Why do you

worry?" she asked "You guys are pissed off I get that, but I think you're getting ahead of

yourselves to think we can just storm the place and take out everyone inside" he replied a little

less quietly "You're all acting composed but it's so obvious you're not cos it's been affecting the

way you see this situation. I can tell that Symmone's just gonna burst in there and try to take out as

much of them as he can without really giving it much thought cos he's so pissed" seeing as silence

was the reply he got he continued "Let's not forget that these were the elves that gave Lorris that

power and look how that turned out for us last time" Auia lowered her head accepting that fact.

Three of them were completely backed against the wall and that was just Lorris using borrowed

power and with the company if a few dark elves.

This time they were headed for the one who granted Lorris that power and whatever amount of

elves were waiting for them... emphasis on 'waiting for them'. "Then you have some sort of plan I

assume?" Herke asked catching up to them "From the moment we left the shed actually....but it

can only work if HE'S going to listen" Rhaegah replied with his eyes fixed on Symmone as Auia,

Herke and Nala immediately understood Rhaegah's worry. "But first.... Herke, I'd like try


Inside the caves Aphadon stood facing a gauntlet floating above a pedestal where it was placed

before. The gauntlet was glowing with power as an orb of mana formed around it. The dark elf

commander stared at the orb which consisted of both dark violet mana and another flow of mana

that continually changed colors as though looking for the perfect blend. "He has arrived I see" he

said reaching out to touch the orb. He winced from the pain that shot into his hand but almost

immediately smiled when his fingers made contact with the gauntlet itself "And I am prepared as

well" he added. The caves began trembling with the sounds of minor explosions that echoed

throughout the caves.

The two guards stationed outside Aphadon's chamber tensed up and immediately placed their

hands around the hilt of their daggers as the same elf who had earlier reported on Neban's situation

rushed into the chamber "Lord Aphadon! We are under attack!" the elf reported "Helpful

information after the fact" Aphadon continued his ordeal with the gauntlet "Their numbers?" he �asked "One.... One milord! It is but a single person" the elf hastily replied

"A person?.... Impressive" Aphadon wondered what form of madness would befall a man to think

he could attack them alone. "Dragon-born or not.....Attacking alone is suicide". He turned to face

the elf "And what of the Terra-demon?" Aphadon requested. The elf lowered his head "Still no

progress milord" he shakily reported. "Very well... I will meet with the intruder then" the elf

turned to make his way out of the room "And lest I forget" Aphadon's voice reached the elf who

turned to face his commander. "A promise is a promise" Aphadon finished.

Three blades tore through the air and stuck into the elf, two on both sides of his chest and one in

his neck as he drops to his knees from the pain and looked up to Aphadon as a dark violet mandala

formed over the elf commander's hand "Enchant: Hellflame" . The spell enchants the user's

weapons with purple flames that burns all it comes in contact with. Aphadon walks out stepping

on the ashes of the elf and on getting out of the room he takes off his cloak to reveal his long black

hair with purple highlights. The guards held back their surprise as the change in the colour of an

elf's hair signifies a change in their mana core which was something that was only spoken of in

myths and stories "With me!" his voice broke their trance "At once milord!"

The entrance of the cave led to a wide area that seemed to be a general meeting place for all that

dwelled in the cave as several elves stood in wait for whatever was storming into their hideout.

Another loud explosion was heard as two dark elves were sent flying into the large room and were

knocked unconscious. The elves in wait drew their daggers and kept their eyes on the entrance as a

single figure stepped into the light. Seeing the nervous looks on the elves faces gave Rhaegah the

assurance that his plan was indeed coming together.

A dubious smile formed inside lips before raising two fingers at them "Sup?" Some of the elves

began shivering as none of them wanted to be the first to charge at this person.

"Who dares lay siege to my brethren?" An elf bellowed from the rear as a door opened and an elf

walks in wearing the grandest armour set of the elves in the cave "Someone who believes that

your leadership is based on primitive ideals" Rhaegah snorted back causing a vein to pop in the

elf's head in anger "As the commander of these elv-"

"So you're the commander? No wonder there's no reason behind your actions so far. It's almost

like you're sending your men out to their deaths in order to make others get stronger" Rhaegah

stated again causing the elf to go mad with rage and began charging at Rhaegah. "Enough!"

Rhaegah searched for the source of the voice that put all the elves including the supposed

commander in a stand still. His eyes rested on an elf standing above them looking down with a

condescending look at the whole exchange. He was clad in a sleeveless black leather armour and

leather braces to match. The patterns carved on the armour proved impossible to decipher for

Rhaegah as long black hair swayed behind him. Rhaegah noticed the purple highlights in his hair

which felt odd as none of the elves he'd seen so far had more than one colour of hair and this elf

didn't seem like one who had that sort of fashion sense.

Even more shocking were the purple glow that formed the iris in his eyes unlike the completely �black soulless eyes the dark elves had. "Now THAT'S the leader". "Herke..... That one!" Rhaegah

exclaimed as Herke sent the image he saw through his shared link with Rhaegah to Symmone who

agreed to follow the plan if Rhaegah could indeed identify the leader. On seeing the leader looked

like, Symmone burst into the cave and zoomed past Rhaegah in a straight line for Aphadon who

had a smile on his face "Truly fascinating" he said softly as Symmone rammed him sending them

both into another region of the cave. Now the head had been separated from the small army

without giving any orders leaving the elves in a confused state as this happened in a mere moment.

Herke, Auia and Nala stepped into the room where Rhaegah stood confidently facing the elves.

Auia looked at the dragon-born with curious eyes. He has only gotten used to Herke's summoning

and surmised that what grants Herke that connection with the creatures he summoned was because

they have a contract. It might not be an official contract but based on what Herke had explained,

the animals agreed to be of use to him in whatever way he chooses. Herke could then share their

senses too over a particular distance. All they had to do was do the same with a person instead.

This concept was unheard of and Herke wondered how he never saw the possibility before now.

Truly this boy was full of surprises.

Herke formed the same mandala he used to form the bond with the animals and Rhaegah allowed

it to be castes on him granting Herke a shared vision with Rhaegah who had been watching since

Rhaegah first set foot in the cave. "How did you think of this?" Auia asked "I've seen it done

before but under different circumstances though.....that one included six dead bodies and black

rods" then sighed "Ah.. Pain". He then turned his attention to the elves who were now rushing at


"You two find Neban..... He's here isn't he?" Rhaegah said to Herke and Nala "Yes... I can sense

him somewhere in the cave" Nala replied before heading in another direction from the incoming

elves. Auia could tell that Rhaegah had been itching for a chance in actual combat based evident

by the mad grin on his face as he drew his blade from the right leaving the other one sheathed. He

charged at the oncoming elves and with a slight channel of his mana his sword began buzzing as

lightning ran along the blade then the rest of his armour. A couple runes began glowing signifying

the activation of the enchantments Twig had casted on the armour.

Rhaegah's speed increased drastically surprising even himself as he fought his way through. He

moved fast but not enough to be beyond their perception as was expected of elves who kept track

of his movements and countered every now and then unknown to them that a counter attack was

what Rhaegah was anticipating. Each successful parry sent a massive current down the enemy's

weapon shocking them in the process leaving an opening for a follow through which he did with a

jab to exposed regions with a lightning covered fist knocking them out.

Auia realized something crucial about the dragon-born but decided to bring it up after this ordeal

was over. She drew her sword and charged after Rhaegah. The remaining dark elves numbered

twelve in total much more than the incident with Lorris but the two charged on seeing as

something wasn't right with the elves behaviour exploiting the fear they showed towards them.

Suddenly Rhaegah's focus was drawn to two elves who had bows aimed at him. He dashed to the �end of the room that was in total darkness and kept his movements restricted to the shadowy

regions of the room. He plotted a course for the archers as Auia's water magic had captured the

attention of most of them even if for a limited time. He raced along the walls and leapt over Auia

who had the fake commander trapped in a water tendril and leapt again upon contact with a nearby

wall towards the first of the archers who released an arrow headed for him.

Rhaegah then stretched his sword at the arrow channelling more lightning into the blade so much

that there were crackles of lightning visible around the sword. Doing this caused the arrow to

come in contact with the electric field generated around the sword and was thrown off course

sticking into a wall elsewhere. The elf could do nothing but wait for the impending doom that

would befall him. With a quick jab to the gut, the elf collapsed much to the surprise of the female

archer who was about to release an arrow before Rhaegah swiftly slashed the bow and arrow in

two. "I'd rather not be violent with a female" he said "But if you give me a reason to..... I

definitely won't hold back"

The archer was almost in tears and took off headed anywhere but there. Rhaegah stared at the bow

that lay on the ground contemplating whether to use the bow or not but seeing as the other elves

were now focused on Auia, he saw no other option but to provide cover fire from above. Four

elves surrounded the half elf who still held her hostage in water tendrils.

She made to attack when suddenly each of the elves were struck in the heel with frightening

accuracy regardless of where they stood or what position including her hostage. He then signals

for her to follow him dropping the bow without a second's thought and headed in the direction the

female archer ran off to. They were heading into a room when Rhaegah suddenly stops feeling that

he was going to be attacked but the feeling vanished as quickly as it came. He was sure someone

was going to appear behind him but now it was replaced by something else which he wasn't sure

was good or bad.

"What is the matter?" AAuia's voice snapped him back to the passage before them "Thought I felt

something back there" he concluded it was nothing and the two continued on into the passage

ahead. Two figures in complete black overall could be seen where Rhaegah had been waiting for

the supposed ambush dragging the corpses of two dark elves into the shadows. "We will not be

able to hide ourselves much longer sister" the larger of the two spoke "Indeed, we will then

proceed with the other plan" the other figure replied as they both dissolved into the shadows.

Rhaegah and Auia stumbled upon Herke supporting a weak Neban with Nala close behind on

getting to a large door. "Wait... You found him already?" Rhaegah asked in disbelief "The cell

holding him was wide open with Neban chained up" Herke replied. Rhaegah couldn't believe it

was that easy but things had been moving according to plan and it was a bit unnerving. Suddenly

the cave began rumbling as mild explosions could be felt from above them. "Their leader....

He...he... We need to leave this place now" Neban weakly warned "But Symmone is battling him

right now" Rhaegah replied and on seeing the worry so pure on Neban's face he pushes the door

open and steps into what seemed like large study.

The ceiling broke apart and Symmone fell through crashing into a shelf. Aphadon follows suit but

not Aphadon at all but a creature wrapped in dark mana and a glow on its right arm standing

bigger than any of them present in the room. He then looks over at Rhaegah and senses the mana

from him and heads straight for him, Symmone yelling from behind it "Rhaegah..... Run!

[Moments before.....]

Symmone stares down Aphadon who casually gets up from the rubble that lay where he crashed when they broke into this room. Symmone had been curious about what had been giving off the aura of a demon as this elf seemed too sane and collected for one on the path to demon-hood. "I had planned to converse with the dragon-born and not the mortal who shelters him"

Symmone said nothing only reaffirming his grip on his long ruby sword not caring for attempts at provocation. Aphadon seemed to flicker then vanish reappearing in the same spot making Symmone blink in confusion. The confusion clearly settled in when he scanned the room to see that they were now in a different, more spacious room where the pulsing of an orb of mana could be seen behind Aphadon. "Spacial teleportation" the dark elf commander spoke seeing the change in Symmone's expression. "I need to end this introduction early to meet with the guest of honour" he added "And I have been dying to finally confirm something which you shall help me with"

Symmone felt a bead of sweat run down his face from the nerve wrecking feeling that the orb behind the dark elf was far from good news. "Why are you so interested in the boy?" Symmone asked trying to build his confidence "I need his power... The power of limitless potential" Aphadon replied plainly before turning to face the orb behind him. Symmone then noticed that he couldn't move. Thinking of it now he'd been competing frozen in place by the pressure of the demon aura. "I am the demon elf Aphadon, the title is self granted of course...And with this gauntlet I will end you and head to the dragon-born" Symmone was now sure that he had greatly underestimated this elf. "What is that thing?" Symmone asked now getting the feeling back in his body. "A tool to absorb, contain and control mana of all kinds. It's capacity is said to put the mana of the dragon king to shame"

He drove his hand into the orb and fit his right arm in the gauntlet which sucked all the mana forming the orb straight into the gauntlet granting it a mix of black and dark violet glow. Aphadon who seemed calm and confident suddenly dropped to one knee gripping his arm as trails of violet mana flowed into his body from his arm. The dark elf screamed in pain as his skin showed signs of burns wherever the mana flowed showing the cause of his pain.

Symmone took this as his chance to strike and dashed towards Aphadon who swung his left arm at the direction Symmone was charging from as a ruby sword was to strike him catching the blade with his hand. "Dragon.....born" Aphadon spoke with the voice of many. The mana spreading throughout his body then covered his body enveloping him in a cloak of mana giving him a shrouded look as demon mana seemed to just burn out of him. The elf's eyes were glowing bright purple with two purple lines crossed his eyes like scars which were the only sources of light on the black and dark violet mana that shrouded Aphadon.

The demon elf calmed down as the screaming stopped to leave a growling figure holding Symmone by the neck with his left hand and grabbed the ruby sword with his right hand crushing the blade as his grip tightened around it. The sword was specially made for Symmone by Nygel to absorb excess mana from external sources on contact and strengthens the sword making it almost indestructible. But this demon broke the sword like he would a wine glass. "This is bad" Symmone thought to himself as he felt his neck being slowly crushed.

He claps his hands as a mandala forms at Aphadon's side as a boulder shot towards the mandala from the ground slamming Aphadon into the nearby wall. Symmone looked towards the rubble feeling power rise from under it. Aphadon burst out with an explosive force breaking the floor beneath him. Symmone fell through landing into a shelf which he got out of immediately as Rhaegah and the others came into view. Suddenly Aphadon followed suit landing few feet from Symmone. Suddenly the demon elf turned to Rhaegah "Dragon..... born" the creature growled before lunging at the dragon-born. "Rhaegah..... RUN!"

Rhaegah stood his ground until the creature was inches from him before stepping away to the left giving Auia room to send an ice spike straight for the shrouded demon. Auia watched the spike shatter to pieces on contact before being rammed by the creature. Aphadon to his surprise struggled to break through the water layered armour that now shielded Auia. The power granted from the gauntlet should be too much to shield even if the target was an elder mage.The half elf had all her senses scream danger in the presence of Aphadon whose power had nearly broken the armour. Symmone rushed at Aphadon from behind with a punch covered with earth magic that coated his hand in a thick layer of earth. Aphadon turned slightly to get Symmone in his sights before swinging around reaching for him only to crash into a wall that seemed to have manifested out of thin air. Herke had a glow around him while bent on the floor signifying he raised the wall.

Rhaegah then appeared before Aphadon then sped off again not before attempting to slice his chest region which was futile. Though Aphadon was clearly able to sense their movements but for some reason couldn't move with the speed required to counter them. They still had not been able to land a scratch on him but he could tell even from the pit of insanity the gauntlet had him trapped in that something was keeping his powers tamed. The inside of Aphadon's mind was clouded with the combination of evil intentions, hatred for all that existed, the burning urge to destroy, sadness among other negative emotions all in an endless battle to dominate his mind. What had given him the split second of sanity among that chaos was the mana of a dragon he sensed from Rhaegah.

Rhaegah noticed that the demon had its eyes on him at every moment as though averting its gaze from him would cause it death. "Think up a plan!" Rhaegah shouted at Symmone, Herke and Auia who seemed to have noticed the behaviour of the demon. With that Rhaegah charged at the demon sword in hand going straight for its head. The demon caught and kept hold of the sword as anticipated before Rhaegah vanished in a flash of lightning appearing behind the demon slashing it with his other sword.

The demon roared in anger and after a few seconds Rhaegah knew why. The demon's right arm looked drained of life and just before Rhaegah struck, the demon placed its right hand to block the attack which was what he slashed as tiny particles dropped from the arm. "Blood?.....No that's"

"He's bleeding!....Strike him down now!" Symmone yelled before drawing his dagger and charging to Aphadon who's power had intensified with the sight of a wound. Aphadon set his sight on Symmone who was the closest and most annoying of the lot stretching his hand wrapped in hell flames determined to decimate whatever his hand came into contact with.

Symmone opened his eyes to see Herke standing weakly where he was a few moments ago. With a choked cough Herke grabbed Aphadon's arm keeping the rest of his hand from going through him as bled through the gash in his chest that formed from the impact. "Symmone... What has gotten into you?" Symmone realized that Auia was next to him that whole time. "What just happened?" Symmone asked in a tone that genuinely portrayed his confusion. "Dragon.... born" he heard Aphadon speak. "Auia! You must take Rhaegah out of here.... He must not meet Aphad-" "What are you saying Symmone?" Herke dropped from exhaustion as the blood loss robbed him of his strength.

Rhaegah raced into the large space they had defeated the many dark elves watching his back for the demon that he let follow him. The demon appeared behind him behaving even crazier than it did when he first saw the creature. The fact that the demon followed him here proved his theory right..... This demon was clearly aiming for him. Rhaegah stopped when he heard the mad scream of pain come from the creature. The demon held its right arm which seemed to the cause of the pain.

Aphadon could no longer keep his mind from shattering amidst the chaos. With one last glance at his prize he sees Rhaegah headed for him and with the very last strength in him he lunges at the dragon-born only to miss by a hair's breadth feeling a sharp but intense pain in his arm. Rhaegah had focused everything he had in the last attack and succeeded in cutting the demon's right arm clean off.

The arm was consumed until it was no more leaving the gauntlet empty on the ground, an orb of mana suddenly forming around it. Rhaegah watched the demon shed its shrouded cloak leaving a heaving dark elf commander on his knees. Aphadon remained in place grabbing the side with the cut with his other hand. The pain was evident on his face but he was way too weak to scream anymore. Rhaegah heard the group coming from inside the caves and kept watch on the dark elf till the others arrived.

"For hunger knows no rest" Aphadon chanted under his breath still refusing to give up. The cave began rumbling as the group came into view but not sooner than a mandala of white and violet appeared around Aphadon who smiled at the thought of victory "Rhaegah get away from him!" Neban screamed making Rhaegah notice that he was within the range of the mandala. "Devour till the very world is gone" Aphadon finished his chant as his mandala and the gauntlet began pulsing in unison. "This doesn't feel good at all" Rhaegah thought and attempted to step out of the mandala but for some reason could not get his body to respond.

The gauntlet sped through the air and wrapped itself on Rhaegah's right arm like with Aphadon. Suddenly Rhaegah's mind was in pain as the gauntlet threatened to take all the life from him through the connection with his arm. The gauntlet seemed to burn into his skin as his mana began flowing into the gauntlet. He dropped to one knee catching a glimpse of the elf that caused him this pain. Aphadon only retained the mad grin of victory happily prepared to die knowing he was the cause of the dark dragon-born's demise.

Rhaegah could no longer remain conscious as the drain was too much to handle letting him slip into the realm he now looked forward to visiting. He awoke to find himself in a realm of many different colours. The mere opening of his eyelids was the activation sequence the many forms of mana needed as he was attacked by the very energy he now shared this realm with. He was wrapped in a vicious cloak of the combined rage of mana. Rage the right word because all he could process in that state was an immense feeling of hatred and rage enough to trump his sanity and make him vent on the whole world. His whole body began burning up as the many forms of mana used his body as the medium to bond with the gauntlet.

Suddenly what would normally be the thing he kept his distance from appeared looking at him struggle against forces that were foreign. The colossal black dragon arched its head back and Rhaegah amidst the struggle knee what was coming next. As though on cue... The dragon brought forth red hot flames that would rival rogue tsunamis. If this was anywhere in the physical world, a kingdom just said their goodbyes cos those flames looked like they could devour a kingdom whole. The whole of the realm seemed to be on fire which seemed confusing to the dragon-born who felt no heat whatsoever. He wasn't sure how but the struggle, pain and mana drain that had been affecting him earlier was almost completely gone save for a throbbing in his right arm which he looked at to see the gauntlet still on his arm.

The flames began dying down quickly and Rhaegah stood in the empty space he figured was his psyche. The dragon suddenly spread its massive wings and flew straight for him. He instantly began contemplating the different scenarios that this could end in. The dragon then began shrinking the closer it got to Rhaegah. Now the size of a lizard several times the size of the Wyverns, the dragon dove straight into Rhaegah who felt the mana attack begin anew.

Rhaegah's head felt like it would explode any moment as all sorts of images raced into his mind most of which were completely foreign. Images of people being massacred by him as though he was reliving someone's past. The feeling of satisfaction that came from each group of people killed sent chills he never anticipated round his body before his mind settled on the image of a female dark elf he seemed to recognize but was entirely sure he'd never met. The image brought about a certain calm in the storm of his mind which he focused on before a voice broke through to him. "Rhaegah!" he recognized the scared voice of Auia call out to him. He then felt his eyes open even though he never shut them.

Everyone stared with both curiousity and extreme fear as the boy they knew was now in the form of a creature legends describe as the Drakul form. A near perfect blend of mortal and dragon. Auia looked at him with tears in her eyes as the gauntlet forced even more power out of him. Rhaegah wailed viscously sending shock waves around with each slight movement. She watched as he struggled against the power of the gauntlet that seemed to want to consume all that he was. Aphadon who had a victory smile was left with the same fear that froze all who witnessed this.

From his knowledge of the gauntlet, it seemed like the soul of the dragon in Rhaegah had taken it upon itself to fight this foreign mana since its body was in danger of dying. The gauntlet glowed even stronger with the dark violet mana of the demons before completely going dormant. Aphadon's fear was now realized as he turned to face the group behind him "We are dead" the words rang in Symmone's mind who knew what they meant..... The only thing that could stop Rhaegah now was another dragon-born or someone with similar or more power than that.

Herke suddenly placed his palm on the ground as a bright gold mandala formed few steps from him. The Drakul suddenly charged at him as if trying to prevent the spell from being casted. Herke shut his eyes anticipating the incoming attack.


The Drakul was pushed a few feet crashing into the wall behind it. "As the one who insisted on his coming here, I shall take responsibility from this point" Nygel stated walking out the mandala that summoned him. He turned to look at Herke who looked drained from using that spell. "You did good to summon me at this time..... Any later and there really would have been a problem"

Nygel turned his head slightly dodging the stretched hand of the Drakul whose movements had become impossible to follow. The image of Symmone flickered before appearing behind Rhaegah in a split second. "The rants of savages are wasted on me" he proudly stated before chanting a spell that was foreign even for the members of Legion. A gold mandala formed in front of him along with a red mandala. "Chains of the Goliath" he chanted as large strings of gold and red spread out towards one target.... Rhaegah.

The drakul dodged the chains of mana easily but still couldn't get closer to Nygel who was relentless in his attack. Suddenly the drakul stopped briefly as one mana chain wrapped around its arm. The drakul looked at its feet then at the elf who used ice magic to halt his movements. Auia had a determined look on her face before several mana chains each claimed a different part of the rampaging drakul...thus began the tug of war. Nygel began reciting another spell even more foreign than earlier until the drakul was completely covered in gold and blood red mana trapping it in.

Rhaegah opened his eyes to see Nygel glaring at him like one about to execute a criminal.... A look he was all too familiar with. "He is fine" Nygel said regaining the childishly evil cheerfulness he always had. Rhaegah winced at how bright the place was wondering how they got such bright light in the cave. He got the answer right away with a glance of his surroundings. The caves were no more as his rampage had blown the walls and ceilings of the caves open as well as destroying everything within several miles of himself.

He placed his right hand on his face to simply ingest what that meant. He felt a piece of armour on his hand and looked to find that the gauntlet was still on his arm. He felt fear rise only for Nygel's voice to calm him "You are fine Rhaegah .....the gauntlet is dormant for now" Rhaegah got up thinking up what 'for now' meant and dying to know what happened. Rhaegah couldn't help but notice that Herke was missing from the group "He's fine" Symmone said calming Rhaegah. "What is this thing?" Rhaegah asked before his eyes rested on the bastard who 'winguardiumed' it to his arm in the first place. "What is this thing?" he asked again "I shall forgive your lack of respect....though I cannot say the same of those who trained you poorly" the dark elf spat.

"Square root of pi" Rhaegah asked



"What?" Aphadon was now so confused he had no room for anger

"Now that we understand each other let's get back on track" Rhaegah stated firmly to Aphadon "What is this thing?". Aphadon said nothing as Nygel walks up to Rhaegah "If it hasn't killed you by now..... It most likely never will" he stated too loudly to hear Aphadon's chuckle at the mention of 'if it hasn't killed you by now'. This journey had not begun yet. "And the two hidden in the shadows.... Explain yourselves at once or consider yourselves the enemy" Nygel's voice shook the air around as two figures clothed in black crept out of the shadows into the light. Rhaegah's eyes lit up with understanding "Wait..... Are they-"

"Precisely.....I sensed their presence at Dh'auth but disregarded it but here..." he looked towards the two who showed no signs of fear in them "Who are you?" the two figures looked at each other then back at Nygel after nodding in agreement "Give me your word you will not attack us as soon as you see our faces" the female spoke. "I know you both are dark elves....only your kind can master the shadow arts to that degree" Nygel replied still not easing the dead serious look on his face. The figures took off their cowls to reveal in Nygel's words..... Two dark elves. "There's a strong connection between them and that thing on Rhaegah's arm" Auia spoke walking forward towards them "What do you know of that gauntlet?" she asked.

"We don't know" the female spoke again as the brother simply kept his eyes on the lot of them "But we know one who does" she added as Rhaegah lifted his head to look her in the eyes thereby falling bait to her trap. "And where is said person?" Nygel asked "First our side of the bargain. You will come with us to Primordial Island where our lady requested we take Rhaegah to". All eyes turned to face the dragon-born "Lady?" A smile formed on Nygel's lips "Dark elf royalties are hard to come across these days. From which family does the hail from as not much of them are left" he added.

The dark elves frowned at the fact that they just revealed sensitive information that could definitely come back for them "You will get whatever information you want after we finish the business of Primordial Island" the male spoke this time leaving room for doubt at who was following whose orders in the two. "They had the patience to wait and follow us all this way and even helped me against the others....We should hear them out" Rhaegah spoke with resolve no one was sure was there. "First we have to leave this place" Symmone spoke up from his silent phase. "A moment" Nygel said before vanishing and instantly reappearing with a flash of gold light. "Shall we?" he says before placing his both hands on Rhaegah and Aphadon who was still unconscious.


Herke sat with legs crossed facing an open space before him. Suddenly with a flash of gold light he felt a tap and immediately placed both hands on the floor creating a large mandala covering the entire space before him. With another flash of light Rhaegah and a badly wounded Aphadon appeared at his side and then Nygel appeared with two more dark elves he was sure he had not seen before. The mandala was complete and trails of white light gathered at its center before spreading throughout the basement. The light subsided to reveal Symmone, Auia and the Terra demons.

"What are mandalas really?" Rhaegah spoke "What was that?" Auia asked coming into view "Nothing major..... Can we talk later?" he asked hoping he didn't sound like he was planning to confess feelings and all that stuff. "Of course..... I have something to discuss with you as well" she replied sending shocks down Rhaegah's spine. "Something to discuss? What would she possibly want to discuss that didn't require anyone else being there?" he shook the thoughts out of his head "Aiit then" he ended then headed for Herke who was standing around the corner eyeballing him like a typical dude who saw his friend talking with a cute girl. "How does that feel?" Rhaegah asked pointing at the bandage across Herke's stomach. "I've had worse injuries" Herke replied with a bright smile. "You've learned too much from TV" Rhaegah jabbed at him "Your manner of speaking is changing" he added staring at the accused who raised his hands in surrender "I have to learn how your world works to blend in completely. I have plans of infiltrating your school to find out why that place doesn't sit well with me" he added "You and me both..... And I think I have a way to find out" Rhaegah said with a wry smile "Does sharing a house with people make you connect with them better?" Nygel blurted into their conversation "I believe Auia would like to know this as well young dragon-born won't you dear?" his tone of voice rose as he finished the statement before looking over to Auia who said nothing but walked towards Symmone to begin what was not a necessary conversation. "Are you all always this lax?" the female dark elf spoke bringing everyone's focus back to the issue at hand. "We have not introduced ourselves... I am Almer and my brother is Alvier. You can be as wary as you desire but we truly have no ill intent towards any of you" Rhaegah stepped forward looking Almer dead in the eyes "What is on Primordial Island?" he asked "The elementals" Nygel replied waving a hand telling Herke to attend to Aphadon and for Neban to be seen to.

"I shall begin explaining" Nygel held a hand to stop Rhaegah who was definitely about to ask what Elementals are. "The Elementals are a race of elements turned mortals. According to legend a certain god created mortal elements and gave life to them. They wield the power of the elements without the need for spells or mandalas.... Like what you've been doing it would seem" he said looking at Rhaegah as he finished. "They are an ancient race even older than the Elves and Goliath races and one does not just wander onto their Island without expecting never to return" he said this time facing Almer who said nothing knowing all he said was true. "We have a way onto the Island" Almer stated matter-of-factly. The group looked at this girl with a new found interest as even they were not so lucky to have a secure means of venturing onto Primordial Island. "We shall discuss this in detail later.... You are an interesting one" Symmone stated bringing the interrogation to a close. "He's awake" Herke reported stepping into the basement. "Rhaegah come... We shall have words with the-" Auia was cut off on realizing Rhaegah was not in the basement but was already headed for Aphadon walking casually down the corridor. "The disrespectful child never dissapoints" she sighed and then followed after him.

"Who's Lydia by the way?" Rhaegah asked Herke who froze in shock and turned to face Rhaegah "You remember the events of the Special Chapter too?" Herke asked causing Rhaegah to raise an eyebrow in surprise "It was about us wasn't it?" he answered "Is THAT why? because no one else knows of the events that occurred then" he said looking at Rhaegah before they both instinctively look at Auia who was explosively confused about whatever they were so eagerly discussing. "She is the Demigod of Aethasdale who commands the army of the city of god...so they say but she is indeed a demigod and she commands the Aethasdale army but they are by no means the city of god"

"Just how many races are there?" Rhaegah asked just realizing he still knew too little about this world "Over fifteen races all spread across several planes of existen-" Herke stopped at the sound of a foreign voice in the room they kept Aphadon. They got to the door and opened it to see an unknown figure speaking with Aphadon "Who are you?!" Herke requested then the figure turned round and on sight of the dragon-born the figure vanished instantly without a trace. "I'll get Symmone" Herke stated then headed back for the basement "You seem to have allies everywhere young dragon" Aphadon spoke noticing Rhaegah walk in. "You want as much information as you get from me I completely understand but I've been provided with a reason to never tell you anything regardless of what happens to me so do your worst...or have you never taken a life?" Rhaegah showed no reaction already prepared for such attempts at riling him up. Auia looked towards Rhaegah knowing that Aphadon had hit a crucial point. From what see had observed, Rhaegah had definitely never killed someone as he had shown many times he's presented with an opportunity to kill someone who most definitely wanted him dead. "But there IS something I can tell you" Aphadon spoke again "You must go to Primordial Island with those elves..... My kind will never reveal information unless they are desperate or if they are acting on behalf of a cause way beyond them. Go with them" he warned before taking a position legs crossed on the mat laid on the floor with an aura telling everyone to stay away. "He won't say anything now...now, I have a couple questions for you he said to Auia gesturing they head out of the inmate's room. They locked him in and headed down the corridor.

Almer and Alvier were presented with an opportunity to finally discuss with one another since they got to this place. Herke had barged in yelling that someone was with Aphadon when they got to his room. "We must have the initiative at all times else they begin looking into finding out where the lady is" Almer said and Alvier nodded in agreement "If they find her location before we get to Primordial Island then we have failed our Lady... and this world" Almer said before looking towards the basement entrance to see Rhaegah walk in, the gauntlet on his arm emitting dark glow as he headed for them....."This boy will save us"