
Ocean - Weekend Away




I had been good all week. I had been going to practice every morning and afternoon. I had attended all of my classes. I had practiced extra every afternoon after school. I had done all that I could. I wanted to be certain that I wasn't going to be told that I wasn't able to compete at the next swim meet.

Hell, I had even been working really hard at being nicer to people. Well, to a specific person. I don't know why I was working so hard at it. Maybe it was because Makai and I were on the same team and it was time for me to get over him coming in and doing better than me at times. He wasn't always better than me. There were times I was a better swimmer than him, especially with the practice I had been putting in.

Not to mention he looked like a lost little puppy when I wasn't being nice to him. I don't know why I was thinking that he was being mean to me. Maybe I was just under some sort of delusion because of that bitch Brittney. She had my mind so poisoned that I couldn't tell my ass from a hole in the ground.

I was definitely doing a lot better now. I had her out of my system. Her damn poisonous words and venomous thoughts, and that nasty mind funk she had me under. I didn't want anything to do with her. If that was what Makai wanted, well then that was up to him. I didn't care at all.

I would be a little sad to see someone else fall victim to her nasty dick luring twat. She was a tease though. She would lure him with promises but never deliver on any of them. He would see soon enough.

Maybe that was why I had started to be a little more civil with him. Given enough time I might be able to bring myself to talk to him. When that happens I can tell him how she really is.

Too bad the real Makai wasn't like the one in my dream from the other night. That Makai wouldn't fall for Brittney at all. Apparently, that dream Makai had been more likely to fall for me than he was for Brittney.

Not that I wanted him to fall for me at all. That would be weird. I mean, we were both guys and I wasn't gay. I recently had a girlfriend. It doesn't matter about the strange fantasies that I had been having. Those were just weird thoughts and nothing more.

Anyway, now that I had been good for a week I was being given permission to go to the next meet which was out of town. We would be heading out today after school and we wouldn't be coming back until Sunday evening. We were staying at a hotel a couple of cities over, it was about a three or four hour drive but we were forced to take the bus and not our own cars. That part sucked. Aside from that though, it was bound to be a good weekend.

My parents gave me this great big lecture before I left for school this morning. They said that if I felt sick at all I needed to take myself out of the races for the rest of the weekend. Then Mom added that if I drank so much as a drop of alcohol she was going to drown me in the water that I loved so much. She truly could be scary sometimes.

Anyway, as soon as the bell rang every member of the swim team was racing to grab all of their stuff because there was no afternoon practice for today. We were heading right out as soon as we were all ready.

The team was excitedly waiting for the coach long before he made it to the front of the school and where our two buses were waiting for us. He did his role call, told us to divide between the two yellow caravans and load up.

Everyone scrambled like it was the end of the world. I was just going to sit wherever there was a spot for me. I didn't want to rush since I was trying to be a little more calm about things. I kind of liked this new calmer lifestyle I was embracing.

I found an empty seat at the back of the bus, glad that I was probably going to sit alone or at least didn't have to worry about someone hitting the back of my seat.

After storing my bag under my seat I just sat there staring out the window and waited for the bus to leave. That was until someone slid into the seat next to me. I didn't want to look up. I didn't want to see who it was. I already knew. I didn't have to see his face because my heart was already racing and my palms were already sweating.

Why the hell did Makai Rivers cause this to happen to my body? Why was I so nervous around him? It wasn't like he was all that intimidating.

Slowly, I turned my head to look at him. I just needed to confirm that I was right about who it was. I knew I was right though. It was Makai. He was just sitting up after pushing his bag under the seat next to him. With a smile he turned to look at me.

"Hey Ocean."

Why was he grinning at me like that? Did he know that he made me nervous? Did he get a kick out of it or something? What the hell was going on?

"H...hey." Why the hell did I have to stutter right then. It only happens when I talk to him, further proof he makes me nervous. I think this was about to turn into a really long bus ride.