
Ocean – Weekend At My Place Part 5 (MATURE)




Makai, who had promised that he wasn't done with me yet, seemed to pounce on me. He was on top of me and moving me around to better suit his needs.

"I think I will need to do more work to prep you than usual." He laughed into my ear. "I don't have any of my usual supplies."

"W..w..w..well, I..I..I. uh, I m..m..m..might have what we need already." This was an embarrassing thing to admit, but I had actually already stocked up on some supplies, just in case we ever ended up doing something at my place.

"Really?" There was genuine shock in his voice, but the look in his eyes was pure happiness. "You actually went to buy some things for us to use together?" His grin made the embarrassment of buying that bottle of lube all worth it.

"I wanted to be ready, in case something like this ever happened here."