
Ocean – Visits Part 3




Just as I watched Brittney slump to the side as if she were definitely unconscious, I had to say something. These last several minutes had been so confusing for me. I was lost and didn't know what to think. 

"Hold up. Wait a minute. What the hell is going on here? Are you all serious right now? Is Brittney seriously a Siren t-."

"Yes! She is a Siren, Ocean. That is what we are saying." I hadn't expected Makai to interrupt me or for him to look so serious when he stopped me from talking. Did he not want me to let Brittney know what I was? Was that why he hadn't told her and why he stopped me? Well, I guess that makes sense. I am not exactly a normal Siren. But she was asleep, why did he feel the need to stop me still? Did he think that maybe she was just pretending, or that she might still be partially conscious?