
Both - Alone




We walked silently back to the elevator. The entire ride up to the third floor was silent. The only sound was from the doors opening and closing and the ding that signaled that we had arrived on our floor. Just as we were about to part ways with the coach he turned and put a hand on my right shoulder and Makai's left.

"Look boys, I know this isn't ideal, but you can handle it. You can be mature about this and make it through this. Do it for your love of swimming, and for me. Please." He looked like he was trying to convince two spoiled kids that hated each other to play nicely. What the hell did he take me for?

Ugh! No matter what he said I was just going to go in there and keep to myself. I was going to grab a pillow and lay on the floor and sleep there. Or maybe there was an arm chair or something. I would sleep anywhere but in that bed with Makai.