
Book 2- Chapter 136- Makai – Telling Ben and Ryan




We told our parents that we would see them all later once we were done eating and the talking came to an end. They were supposed to be going home and getting things ready for when they were going to visit next, when Ocean's siblings were all told what was happening. I had a feeling that visits were about to get to be a lot more frequent than they were before. And there were going to be a lot more family functions. We could go to other people's houses for a little while, but come the holidays, everyone was going to be coming here again.

That was going to present its own set of problems as well. Ocean and I had hosted Christmas and Thanksgiving last year, but we can't do that this year because of Kevin, Rachel, and Alliver. They weren't supposed to know what Ocean and I were, and they would definitely notice if Ocean was pregnant.