
Book 2- Chapter 101- Ocean – Trials Part 5




The judge turned to look at Cora with a neutral expression. He wasn't showing anger, but he wasn't happy to be looking at her either.

"Ms. Corazon, you may give your opening statement." The judge waved at her.

"I cannot get out of my chair." She frowned at him as if she were a victim in all of this. She was playing it up for him like she would for just about anyone else. "How am I going to defend myself if I am strapped to a chair?" She batted her eyes as she spoke. I could tell that she was trying to put some magic into her words. "♫ This just isn't fair. I am not going to go anywhere. Unchain me please. I am no threat to the sea. ♫ ''Her voice didn't go into a full song tone, but she was still making it sound song-like. She was trying to bespell the judge so that she could win her case easily.