
Book 2 - Chapter 42- Ocean – First Night In The Ocean Part 1




After we finished with our paperwork at the courthouse, and after Doc managed to tell Mr. Trunch all about his relationship with my sister, hiding the relationship between us the whole time, we managed to leave the place in peace.

Not a single person tried to stop us or talk to us. The only person we interacted with inside of that building was Mr. Trunch. I felt relieved about that, but it also felt a little odd. Did people down here tend to ignore others like most of the people on land did? Was that actually a universal thing that had become the normal practice in the entire world, on land as well as in the water? If it was, I felt sorry for the state of the world and where it was heading. If this kept up, then eventually the population was going to suffer. No one would care about anyone else at all.