
A Warrior Exiled by the Hero and His Lover

After losing his girlfriend to a brave hero, Toru is expelled from his S-Rank party. With a feeling of sadness and pain in his heart, he defeats a demon he meets outside the city, and his ability [to save experience] is broken! Toru becomes level 300 in the blink of an eye! With this power that far surpasses that of heroes, there is nothing that can stop him. Kaede, a slave he met on his journey, forms a group called the “Mangyu Brigade”, and easily completes dungeons, acquires the legendary sacred weapons, and thanks to his skills, his friends level up easily! He rescued a countess who was attacked by bandits on the road and befriended a legendary beast. Oru’s journey continues at a leisurely pace, as he repeatedly encounters various people along the way, while his former party of heroes is deprived of opportunities to play an active role and fall into decline. Tags: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Harem, Romance, Seinen, Tragedy The storry does not belong to me . i am posting it here so that i can read it on this app . the story belong to the orrginal auther and translator .

tutul_hasan · Anime und Comics
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180 Chs

Chapter 27-28

Chapter 27 - The warrior who practices magic

The next morning, when I rolled over, I woke up to a strange voice saying "Ugyu".

"... why are you here?"

It was Frau, the fairy I brought to our house yesterday.

She was limping, maybe she was a little sore due to a blow.

I can hear her heart beating, so I guess he's okay.

After dressing, I went downstairs with Frau walking around.

In the kitchen, Kaede was preparing breakfast.

"Good morning, Master."

"Good morning. Hey, I'd like to know why Frau was in my bedroom. Do you know anything about that?"


"I can see you had no idea."

When we took our seats, Kaede served us bread and tea.

Lately Kaede is taking care of all the chores, it makes me feel both happy and guilty.

Kaede sits in the seat opposite to mine.

"How long will we stay in the royal capital?"

"Hmm, maybe one more week."

I take a bite of the bread and think about my future plans.

I don't have a destination in mind, but that doesn't mean I can't go anywhere. If possible, I would like to go somewhere where I can see something unusual.

"What place?!"

Said Frau, who suddenly stood up, behaving unusually. When she saw my face, she was instantly relieved.

"Oh, yes, the Lord rescued Frau."

"Hey, can you drop that tone of voice? I don't like honorifics."

"But the beast girl uses honorifics on you."

"Kaede I allow, since she's a slave. But you're not, so you can talk to me however you want."

Frau was under the table, red-faced and squirming.

"Understood… I am ashamed before the Lord."

"Yes, yes, that's fine. I'd like you to stop calling me [Lord]."

"That's not right! It's outrageous to call the Lord of the great race by name! If I did, my father, mother and brother would spit on me!"

What kind of family is that?

The fairy race is a strange one.

"Here you go, Frau-San."

"Thank you, Kaede."

I have long thought that Kaede is quick to open up to others.

It's probably because she's cute and polite. That gives a big vote of confidence.

It's good to have someone who can get along with others.

"But where should we go after leaving the royal capital?"

"In that case, I recommend that we go to the hidden fairy village. I would like the Lord to visit us."

The hidden village of fairies. That sounds interesting.

Kaede's ears perked up at this, as if her curiosity had been piqued.

"My people live in a forest in the neighboring country Grigit. There are always flowers blooming and many fairies that live there. There are also ruins and relics that the Lord would like, so I'm sure he'll have fun there."

"Ruins…. And the food?"

"Of course, there are delicacies that can only be eaten in the village. I especially recommend the fairies' secret honey saké. It's delicious."

"All right, let's go!"

When I heard the saké, I immediately made up my mind.

Rare gourmet food and delicious saké.

There are also ruins, and I have the impression that there will be no shortage of sightseeing.

I guess we have no choice but to go there.

"Before we head to the village, I must warn you: fairies hate humans. They might attack you, but Frau will be vigilant to make sure that happens as little as possible."

"I don't care if they attack me."

"Yes, of course. I'm sure it won't work on us."

"What are you saying!? Don't underestimate them just because they are fairies! The village warriors are much stronger than Frau!"

We nodded silently as she spoke at the top of her lungs.

Nothing may happen to us, but it never hurts to be warned.

I have the skills to endure it all. Although as Frau said, it's best not to let your guard down.

"What do you want to do today? Do you want to take a job in the guild?"

"No, I don't want to do that kind of thing."

Kaede laughs and says; "Could it be because of 'that'?"

The other day I introduced myself to the guild and got a big welcome.

Even the guild master came up to me to greet us in person saying; "And to think that the 'Manyu brigade' was B rank, but it's actually an S rank party!".

The guild adventurers also shouted the name of the Mangyu Brigade over and over again.

I have been asked to shake hands with a lot of strangers and even sign my name, which I have never done before.

Yes, that's the reason why I don't feel like approaching the guild in the royal capital at the moment.

I've said it many times before, but I don't like to stand out.

For the first time in history, a party receives a hero title and we are now the center of attention.

If I do something strange here and stand out again, I won't be able to leave the country.

I took a sip of my tea.

We arrived at a meadow a few kilometers from the royal capital.

I decided to practice my magic to make effective use of my time.

I have magic power, but so far I have not been able to train.



A line of water stretches up to the sky and disappears.



A pillar of stone rises rapidly and disappears into the sky.



A gust of wind picked up, whipping the sand.

Kaede's skirt was lifted as well.



Her skirt was lifted again.

Although I couldn't see her panties as I would like to. Let's try again.


Ugh, time to try something different.

Please don't look at me like that.

I tried some spells, but they were all too linear and I couldn't control them well.

I can't use this in a battle.

"Master's magic is quite bad. Even when he tries to condition it with spells, I can't believe it's all so direct, but with higher degree of strength. I've never seen anything like it."

"But I can repeat the attacks, and the power is perfect."

"It pains me to say this as a slave, but Master's magic is too dangerous. It is not useful at all."

"I guess so."

The power is too strong, the hit percentage is bad and it is all straightforward.

On the other hand, there are some positive points.

I can shoot anything I want with inexhaustible magic power, and if I use four attributes, everything is done instantly.

Like, if I want, I can burn anything. Hmmm… No, this is stupid, Kaede is right, this is useless.

"Panda is so fluffy."


Frau lies on Panda's stomach.

They have already become good friends.

"What do you think of a sword surrounded with flames?"

"How do you do that?"

"I don't know."

No one agrees with me.

There is nothing to worry about, a man's desires should only matter to the man.

From this day forward, I vow to control my power someday, and create my flame sword.


Suddenly, a text appears in my field of vision.

"Notice: The level 3 dungeon you created has been upgraded to level 5"

"Notice: The number of levels has increased to 50."

"Notice: "my room" has been created inside the dungeon."


A room?

Why is it upgrading?

What the hell happened after leaving the dungeon unattended?

"What is it, Master?"

"The dungeon has leveled up…"

"Ah, maybe it's that rumor!"

Kaede seems convinced of something as she slams her fist into the palm of her hand.

What is this rumor?

I am curious and would like an explanation.

"I have heard a rumor that a dungeon of high difficulty level has appeared near the royal capital. Dropped items are very rare and adventurers from all over are going there."

"Maybe that's why the level went up…"

"It's probably because there are so many adventurers dying there."


That can't be happening!

But I'm also an adventurer, so I understand that it would be cool to have a dungeon near where I live.

I'll pretend I didn't hear what Kaede just said.

"By the way, do you know which room is mine?"


A text appears in my field of vision.

"Select: Do you wish to move into "my room"? YES/NO"

Oh, can I go there from here?

I'm curious, so here we go.

I gathered my belongings and grabbed Kaede and Frau's hands.

Panda was sitting on my head.

"Take me to my room!"




Chapter 28 - The warrior leaves the royal capital

I knew I had arrived somewhere, but it was dark and I couldn't see anything.


In the center of the room, a form of white core began to emit light, illuminating the entire room.


"What is this place, the dungeon?!"

[My room] was a place with a considerably large area.

The room is one hundred square meters, and the ceiling is high enough to exceed ten meters.

The light source is a crystal in the center of the room, but it's so bright that it appears to emit light throughout the room.

"If the core is here, that means that…"

I opened the stats window, and checked which floor we were on.

Surprisingly, it was not the top floor, but unlike this room, there was a blue core.

Apparently, it is different from this crystal.

The stairs leading down are hidden by a door that ordinary adventurers will not find.

I started looking around and had an idea.

Why don't we turn this place into a warehouse?

So there would be more room for future storage purposes, especially since "Magic Storage" is almost full.

Plus, I can always come back here to pick up things I need, or bring things I might need for a special occasion with ease.

I have decided to leave a lot of my belongings and money here.

"Master, can I also have some space here?"

"Sure, take as much space as you need."

"I don't need that much, I'll just put my collection here."


Kaede takes out a box from the "Magic Storage" containing her personal items.

He also took out several unfamiliar boxes and placed them in a corner.

Opening one of the boxes, he pulled out what looked like a cloth and buried her face in it.

Her tail began wagging vigorously.

"Master! Master!"

I feel like I'm looking at something I shouldn't be.

I think it will be a good idea to give her a bit of room to put her things in. It'll be good for Kaede.

"This is Frau's space!"


"You think you had your eye on this space first?"


"First come, first served! Find another spot!"


"What are you doing!? Are you trying to fight me!?"

In one corner, Frau and Panda were fighting.

As Panda is bigger, Frau is easily outclassed and raises the white flag.

"All right, Frau will take that corner over there!"


"Why are you chasing me, Panda? Now you're just trying to annoy me!"

"Kyu, kyu, kyu."

"Panda, you're being annoying!"

The fight between Frau and Panda starts again.

They seem as close as if they were lifelong friends.

Panda is glad to have a friend.

"Now that we know where to put our stuff, let's get back to the surface."




We held hands and teleported back to where we were.

I packed my things and then we left the house.

I locked the door and handed the keys to Jonathan.

"Where are you going now?"

"We'll go to Grigit for now. We'll be in touch through the guild if we need anything."

"Remember to stay out of trouble in other countries. You are a decorated hero in this country."

"I know."

We have been in the royal capital for a little over a week.

We are finally continuing our journey again.

I feel like I'm taking it too easy, but it's the right thing to do for the sake of my journey

We ate lots of delicious food, saw many interesting things and spent time in harmony with our friends.

That is what the "Manyu Brigade" is all about.

"We'll see you again soon."

"Be careful on your journey."

I shook Jonathan's hand. I am grateful to him, he has been very helpful.

I hope the next time we meet, it will be under better circumstances.

"Hm? What about Panda?"



Panda spins around Jonathan and digs into his stomach with great force.

I guess it's their way of saying goodbye.

Jonathan crouched down while placing his hands on his abdomen, the blow must have hit him hard.

"Apologize for what you did, Panda!"

"That looks painful."


We left the city as if we were fleeing.

After leaving the royal capital, we safely entered the neighboring country of Grigit.

Grigit is a relatively small country.

Most of it is covered with forests, and it is also a mysterious country with many legends.

It is also famous for its fairy inhabitants. Besides that, the last temple of sacred weapons is here.

"Haah, it's another beautiful day."

"Good morning, Master."

Kaede was sitting on a chair near the bed.

Judging from the big smile on her face, she looked to be in a great mood.

She wagged her tail from side to side and her ears twitched more than usual.

Hmm… Why is my shirt wet…?

"Speee, Speee."


Above me was Frau sleeping on top of Panda.

Panda seemed to be annoyed by the drool.

"Are we heading to the hidden fairy village today?

"Yes. After all, it was Frau's idea to go there."

"…Maybe she's trying to get her Lord to do a particular task."

"It's possible. Looks like she was looking for me."

I looked at Frau and couldn't help but laugh at her unkempt appearance.

Panda approached me, and I pressed my finger to Frau's cheek.

"Ugu, Ugugu, what's wrong…?"

"You were having a nightmare."

"I'm surprised you didn't wake up."

"How mean."

Okay, enough with the jokes.

I quickly changed clothes and put on my equipment.

I stopped for a moment to look at my armor. It was in bad shape.

I think it's about time I buy a new one.

We should stop by the armor store before going to the fairy village.

"Master, your armor looks like it's about to break."

"I was just thinking the same thing."

"In that case, I know a good place to find some new armor."

I'm having a sudden feeling of déjà vu.

On the way to the fairy village, we visited the second temple of the sacred sword.

The reason we came to this place was because of Kaede.

"Haven't we already gone to a sacred temple and retrieved the sword? What I need now is armor."

"Master, do you no longer remember that the object we had found became a sword afterwards?"

That's true, but… How is this supposed to become armor?

"It is generally considered a holy sword, but in reality, "Holy Armaments" have properties that are not restricted by form. If you want, it can become a sword, a spear, a shield or even a suit of armor."

"But this great sword will not become a one-handed sword."

"Of course, it cannot always be used freely. It will only take the form the owner desires once he takes it out."

Somehow I could understand what she meant.

I just have to think about wanting armor once I pull out the sword.

But, to my knowledge, I have never heard of anyone in possession of two or three sacred weapons.

Even the greatest hero who ever lived is said to have owned a single sacred sword.

"It's all right. After all, Master is Master."

"Why do you trust me so much?"

Frau, who was sitting on Panda's back, also nods with folded arms.

How can you be so sure of what Kaede says if you haven't even known me that long?

"This temple doesn't look that different from the previous one."

The temple was very similar to the one in Armand.

A huge pure white structure.

There is a divine and indescribable atmosphere.

I wonder if the reason there is no one protecting this place is because no one wants to risk getting close.



I only noticed after Kaede pointed it out.

There are a series of footprints leading to the temple.

Judging by the number of prints, there are 4 people.

It may be that the sacred weapon has already been taken by someone else.

I went to the door and opened it.



A light came on in the dark hallway.

I'm begin to walk deeper inside.

"It's there."

"Apparently they couldn't take it."


The sword before me shone brightly as light coming in from a stained glass window was reflected off of it.

Hmmm, I wonder if it really is the second sacred weapon.

Not that I doubt it, but I find it hard to believe.

What if it's not the second and it's a trap?

Is there a possibility of something like this happening?

It is better to take it out and clear away my doubts.

I stand in front of the sword.

I grip the hilt and control my breathing.

"You can do it, Master!"


Kaede's confident voice echoed throughout the room.