
A Walk Among Stars

Would you give your sight... the very essence of that sense of yours...? So that never again would you be able to see again. For the simple ability to heal. Take upon the injuries of those you care for. As with a single touch. They shall be healed. Whether it be a broken limb... a bruise... or even a whole arm... nothing, not a single thing within your grasp will ever be broken. Yet when I opened my eyes... it was not the kaleidoscope of colors I knew the world as... nor the exuberant face of my sister. No, it was to this empty void. Filled only by my sense of touch. "Of course" There was no other answer that would satisfy my will. For this was my choice... and my choice alone. ... When the world was created... populated by species upon species of beings. Yet a drop here... a star that may have yet to burst. A small flap of some God's coat. For the world was given life. Life greater than others. For they could use magic. An ability so wondrous that many nations had been created and felled in the harrowed halls of libraries. Yet this ability was not equal, and neither was the strength of will. For it appeared within women, every man that was born... for every one of them, there was an equal thousand women. As for magic. A rare occurrence already, made even more rare by the gap. A change in dynamic. For there was not some great king... there was not one holy emperor. Or even a god. There was a queen... a holy empress.... a Goddess. For man's place was not on the battlefield but upon the soft ballrooms, kitchens laden with instruments of creation rather than destruction. Married into well families that cared for them like precious possessions.

SpacesSnips · Fantasie
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78 Chs

Regularity - Broken

I kissed her. There was nothing else left for me to do but show Abby my love and devotion. The only way I knew how. By showering her with absolute affection.

She had and always will, shower me with affection. When I feel down, when I am supremely happy. Or even in between. Always. So I reciprocated. Allowing her to play with my heart to her own content.

I let her grope at any place she wanted. Let her touch me in any place she felt like. And when she was done, after what seemed like a thorough check up. I felt content in the fact that she was happy.

That I was also happy. For she had consoled me in the worst moment. Given to the fact that not only had… had my own sister not appeared when it was her own decision to call me forth. But that…

That professor, she had shown herself, amongst the dripping rain that seemed so… so dour. She had come like an angel of death. To tell me of the fate that was left for me.

Only when I rose. Left the room - Abby following directly behind me - only then did I find what the next trial was.

A carefully orchestrated test. 

As explosions rang throughout the city. Throughout this center of power. Death reigning true within my eyes. For the souls ascended to heaven. Or descended to hell.

I fell to my knees. Not caring for the water that stained my carefully placed clothes. Not for the hand that smothered my eyes. Placing me within her grasp. For the death was on a scale never before seen.

A grand ritual that spoke of thousands… no even more than that, hundreds of thousands of souls. Each dying in their own innate way. Whether in pain or instantly.

I was not there.

Oh goddess… I was not there.

I pushed on that grip. Who held me with such force. Please - I could not vocalize the thought - please let me go. I need to go. I need to heal them.

So please. 

I looked back, tears trailing down my eyes. At the ultimate tragedy. 

Please just let me go.

"I will. Stay close though."

As if she could read my thoughts. Abby rose. A kiss trailing down my salty tears.

"Just stay close… please… I can not afford to lose you."

I nodded. Content in her protection.

"Hang tight"

"I will"

Light poured through the eyes of many. A stab that broke through their chest and crushed their heart. Where once there was an organ, pumping blood and keeping them alive, only now… only now there was nothing but a grotesque hole.

Dead… within moments. That was their last thought.

Only when he opened his eyes. It was not to the inviting angel, welcoming him to the goddess's palace of heaven.

It was to the golden eyes of a golden green haired boy. His face flushed with effort. Another, equally, if not greater, blonde. Her eyes glaring down at him.

And when he gasped. Sitting up with frantic might. He was once more pushed to the floor. In a cruel display. Forced to watch as that same angel… No, saint, pushed through others. Taking injury upon injury upon himself.

Healing, always healing. Until he collapsed, panting into that other woman's arms.

"Why?" I asked. My voice so weak. But even still that saint smiled. 

He mouthed words that I would never forget within my entire lifetime.

"Thank you."

What did he mean thank you.


He was the one who should be thanked. What, did he not want such things, only happy that he was able to heal. For the life of me. I didn't know. I did not know.

He… he is an angel, a saint. He should be paraded with covers of gold, given all that he wanted. For he had healed me with no pride to speak of.

Only a silent 'thank you' before he left. As if the very action of healing saved him. 

As he was carried to the next. And to the next after that. Even when a demon broke through the cover. Burst to flames. Even then he still kneeled before that demon.

Gave such a pure smile. And then… and then healed that demon. All with a smile, small tears flooding his face as the demon burst to pieces.

And all I could mutter. All that my broken voice could ask… was a simple - "why" -

Why did no other thank him, gather their strength to give even a prayer to the boy. He was… he was a…

I turned and struggled through my pain. For I was not injured. Not since he had healed me. I needed to know. At least know what his name was.

"Please. Why? Why do you do such harmful things to yourself? For sinners such as I and sinners such as them? Why? Please, just why?"

He turned. Stopping the woman with a quiet - "Abby" - only to take my hand in his. A smile on his face.

I noticed then, that his eyes were not clear. Even squinted as they were. I could still see. He was blind. And maybe… maybe by the grace of the goddess, maybe by her grace had she allowed him to move with such dexterity.

He clutched his heart. Putting his forehead to mine. 

"Because…" His whispered words brought me to tears. I fell to the ground. Even knowing that these injuries would accumulate. I still knew that not even I could stop him. His determination was too strong.

And so I collapsed to the ground. Huddled against my knee. Curled against it with such force.

"I see." There was a fervent grace within my eyes.

As I remembered…

Remembered the will of that being. Who had reigned destruction for the mere fact that I had stumbled upon his misdeeds.

"I see"

For a moment my eyes glazed. Remembering back to what seemed to be days ago. When it was truly only hours. Hours in which the city burned. 

Because of that same being.

What was their goal? What was their objective? Was it to be stopped, or was it as noble as the boy before me? 

Who knows. But to me, even knowing the dichotomy of the world, knowing the two sides of the coin. That even the most terrible monstrosities may have the most noble intentions.

I could still not find a reason for such an action.

Such a trailblazing action.