
A Walk Among Stars

Would you give your sight... the very essence of that sense of yours...? So that never again would you be able to see again. For the simple ability to heal. Take upon the injuries of those you care for. As with a single touch. They shall be healed. Whether it be a broken limb... a bruise... or even a whole arm... nothing, not a single thing within your grasp will ever be broken. Yet when I opened my eyes... it was not the kaleidoscope of colors I knew the world as... nor the exuberant face of my sister. No, it was to this empty void. Filled only by my sense of touch. "Of course" There was no other answer that would satisfy my will. For this was my choice... and my choice alone. ... When the world was created... populated by species upon species of beings. Yet a drop here... a star that may have yet to burst. A small flap of some God's coat. For the world was given life. Life greater than others. For they could use magic. An ability so wondrous that many nations had been created and felled in the harrowed halls of libraries. Yet this ability was not equal, and neither was the strength of will. For it appeared within women, every man that was born... for every one of them, there was an equal thousand women. As for magic. A rare occurrence already, made even more rare by the gap. A change in dynamic. For there was not some great king... there was not one holy emperor. Or even a god. There was a queen... a holy empress.... a Goddess. For man's place was not on the battlefield but upon the soft ballrooms, kitchens laden with instruments of creation rather than destruction. Married into well families that cared for them like precious possessions.

SpacesSnips · Fantasie
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78 Chs

Interlude - Titania's Adventures

What was a magnificent being such as I meant to do. I felt an ache in my heart as I looked at my savior. His body burning up - a fever according to that white dressed human - I scowled. Barely caring for their diagnosis.

I would find someone else to help. They merely stood there and watched. Hugging his body with barely constrained interest.

I tried to communicate with them, in the same way that I knew Gabriel would be able to understand. But they must have been deaf, or maybe they were just a bit - you know - in the head.

Either way, I harrumphed, paw after paw stepping. Leaping over obstacle after obstacle. Until finally I reached a gate. It was a magnificent gate. With letters that spelled out the Academy's name. Only in golden letter, imbibed with some sort of magic.

Honestly I just scoffed, for them to do such a thing. It was just wasteful.

And so I continued my journey, paw after paw within this city of theirs. Past shops that advertised supplies such as paper and pens. Essential groceries and other such things that I had seen carried for Gabriel.

Not that I had any interest in them. Except for the barest note of marking. That I knew what products he liked and could buy (read steal) if I ever felt that he needed any.

But beyond that, I held no obvious interest in such a thing.

So I walked past. Finding the stores and restaurants to be a bore. 

"Kitty~!" A voice yelled. I looked up and found a young boy running after me. An amused man running after him with the same amount of vigor. 

I huffed, raising my paw and allowing him to touch me, the magnificent and graceful queen. Yes it was only because I was so graceful that he had the chance to touch me.

It was not because of the way he played with my ears and paws. Scratching at the best places and bringing…

No, that was not why. It was because I allowed such an action. That was all.

"Say goodbye to the kitty." The father spoke. And the kid whined.

"But I don't want to~" The father sighed. Dragging his son away.

"I'm sure that the kitty has a family, look at its immaculate fur, there's no way it would be able to do that on its own. That means it has an owner."

I preened at his praise, ignoring the ignoble comments about me being a mere pet. It was only right that they see how majestic I am. And if they misinterpreted it someway. Then I, as the merciful queen, would allow them their opinions.

I pawed at the door. Opening it with but a touch and when it did open. The door squeaked.

Only for the owner to take an interest in me. Picking me up and petting my immaculate fur. Yes, it was only right for them to take such interest in me.

After all, Gabriel had done such a great job at making me look and feel like a queen. It would only make sense that my own kitten would be praised in the praise of my own.

"Did you come here for something~?" She laughed, taking me under her arm and showing me around. I resisted the bare amount. Enough to brush up to her shoulder and sit. Watching the rest of her customers walk around with vigor in their steps.

I took one last look. Finding the herbs around to be nothing of interest. It seemed as if I would need to go and look for them myself.

Even if it meant I would be looked at as more than a mere cat. As it should be.

No, that was my pride talking. I needed to be low profile. I would not let Gabriel suffer my own mistakes.

But… but I really wanted to heal my kitten. He was so pitiful right now, and that woman. Who held his scent among her so brazenly.

Despite the intimacy she had done nothing more than enable his own bad habits. I scoffed as I leaped down from her shoulder. The shopkeeper amusedly waving me goodby as I left through the open door.

I found myself not within the city. Hitchhiking a ride from some carriage. It was the faster and easier way of getting through the gate without suspicions.

And so I leaped off and into the surrounding area. Looking for the herbs that I knew rested nearby. I leaped great distances, barely bothering to hide my power as I turned the area over in search of these herbs.

Eventually I found them. Only I was not the only one.

"Who do we have here?" A voice asked. Her hair was an aqua blue, a singular circular glass object sat proudly on one of her eyes. And as she crouched down her outfit came into view too. 

Some sort of sweater and tie as she looked at me.

"A monster?" She muttered to herself. "No, a familiar maybe."

I purred, rubbing myself against her. For some reason she just felt so natural to be by.

"Eh" she shrugged, "You're too cute to think too much about."

I nodded. That was true. Though she may have gotten the word wrong. I am and will always be majestic.

"Were you searching for these? For your master maybe?"

I nodded and took them in my mouth. Placing them against the other herbs I had foraged.

Then I crushed them together, applying my power as need be. As my other tri-

I shook my head of those depressing thoughts. There was no need to be consumed with those thoughts either way.

So when I was done, I placed the concoction within a pre prepared jar that I had… acquired… yes that was the right word. For it was only right for them to give tribute to their queen. Even if they didn't know.

"Lead the way~" The human cheerily said. Picking me up with considerable strength. Placing me upon her shoulders.

I huffed before I merely pointed with my paw. The human striding with a cheery tune. Following my paw to the gate.